Status: Working progress

Pretty Little Messed up Head of Yours

If I had any heart left, I'd give it all to you

The club was loud and sweaty, we had barely been in it for five minutes and I already wanted to go home.

This place was cheap and sleezy, it was supposed to be for underage teenagers that werent aloud to get into actual clubs, yet there were people offering illegal substances of every kind all around.

"This place smells funny" I commented, hoping someone would take the hint and leave with me.

Alex laughed, "I know. I've never actually been to one of these places before" he shouted in my ear so I could hear him.

"Me neither".

I looked around for Billie, he was no where to be seen. Well that's just freaking spliffing.

"Hey guys, what about that one over there?" Jack asked, pointing towards a tall brunette that had far too much fake tan on.

I scrunched up my face, looking at how short and how much cleavage her dress was showing.

"Slut. Slut. Slut. Slut. Slut. Sorry jack, but no. Pick someone that won't leave you in the morning".

He cocked an eyebrow at me, "but that's what I want, I just want meaningless sex, I'm horny ok, I don't care who it's with".

I rolled my eyes, "think about it this way, if we find you a nice girl you'll be able to settle down and have sex with her whenever you want to"

"Ok" he agreed straight after I had said it.

I scanned the crowd of teenagers, looking at what they were all wearing.

Most boys were dressed in jeans or chinos and a top. Dudes had it so easy.

The girls were practically all wearing dresses that definitely show far too much off, I compared them to me.

I had a pair of skinny jeans and a batman top on, probably not what most girls would wear to party but hey, I'm not most girls.

I had tried looking for something a little more 'wow' or whatever, but gave up after realizing that id much rather just go wearing my batman top.

I looked at what all the girls had on their feet and I nearly passed out. Their heels were fucking giant, I must look so small next to all these girls with massive heels on.

I went for my usual black high top converse which, once again, werent what most girls would wear to party, judging from what all these girls were wearing.

I started to wonder how these girls could walk, their feet must've been killing them. And not to mention how cold they would've been from the little amounts of clothing they had on. Poor girls. Well, I suppose, if you're going to be a whore, you have to go through the pain to get some.

"I'm gonna go to the bar, do you guys want anything?" Jack asked Alex and I.

"Yeah I'll have a beer, if they sell any that is" he said, unsure because this was an underage club and all.

"Do they sell Vimto?" I asked, Alex laughed.

I looked at him, an eyebrow raised, "what?"

"Your so child like, it's cute" I felt my cheeks hear up at the fact he had said I was cute.

God, what's wrong with me to tonight? It must just be the fumes from all the drugs I was taking in.

"Meep. So, do they?"

Jack shrugged, "I'll ask, if they don't I'll just get you that weird Scottish drink that you like".

I grinned, "it's not weird! It's nice, my grandma used to bring me it whenever she visited".

Jack left to go the bar, leaving Alex and I on our own, which I, admittedly, didnt mind at all.

"So what's this Scottish drink called?"

"Irn bru"
He nodded, laughing.

"You not gonna go out and find a girl to fuck?" I asked, he shook his head.

"Why not?", he shrugged.

"I....uh....I don't know really, no girls have really been catching my eye lately at all, I've been focusing too much on stuff I guess", I nodding.

"What about you, not gonna find yourself a douche bag for the night?"

"Nah, boys aren't really my thing".

He froze for a minute then hesitated before saying, "you're a...a lesbian?".

I laughed shaking my head, "yeah I'm a big old lesbian" I laughed some more.

"Are you being sarcastic?" He asked, unsure.

I stopped laughing and nodded, "I'm not a lesbian you idiot. I mean yeah there are quite alot of girls I would swing that way for but no, I'm straight. I just meant relationships and love and all that shit isn't for me. Being so close like that in such an intimate way with another human kinda scares me if I'm being honest" I admitted.

"Oh, right. Well, I suppose that you'll just have to stick around me for the night then"

"Poor me".

"I know, right?"

We both laughed and then tried to block out the terrible music the club was playing by talking obnoxiously loud.

"Where's jack with our drinks?" I shouted, he shrugged.

"Lets face it, it's jack, he's probably off fucking some chick in the bathroom stalls or something".

I hummed in agreement, "fair point".

Two seconds later be appeared, I think jacks got some beetle juice stuff going on here.

"Here ya go. They had Vimto" he said, handing us our drinks.

"Time to find me a lady" jack said, his 'flirtatious voice' on.

I rolled my eyes, feeling sorry for whichever poor girl he was going to trick into sleeping with him.

"What about her?" Alex mused, pointing to a girl at the other side of the club.

She was tall, didnt have too much make up or fake tan on and her dress was actually nice on her.

Her hair was what caught my attention though, it was a bright red.

I remember this one time jack told me he had a thing for red heads, bows the time to test out that theory.

"Yeah, Jack. She's not a slut and she abides to your red head fetish" I said, trying to get him to go over.

"You can't be positive she's not a slut. You don't know her" Alex pointed out.

"Oh yeah, cause sluts sit all by themselves in a crowded bar where many horny males are, waiting to take advantage of the vulnerable drunk girls that come in here every night". I said sarcastically.

"I don't know guys...what if she....rejects me?"

"C'mon dude! You're jack barakat, you've been rejected plenty of times by now to know how to get over it" I said, smiling.

"Thanks" he said, sarcasm dripping.

"Ignore her, she's just jealous cause she knows it's not gonna be her you're banging tonight, now go" Alex said, pushing him in the direction of the girl.

He began to walk into the sea of bodies until it was no longer possible to see him anymore.

"I'm not jealous" I stated, Alex scoffed.

"Oh come on, it's obvious you like him".

"No I don't, we're friends. That's all"

"We both know its not possible for a boy and girl to maintain a friendship without one devolving feelings for the other".

I shook my head, " so basically what you're trying to say is that Billie Joe has feelings for me?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

"That's different"

"No it's not, he's still my friend".

"He's too old for you though, I meant friends around the same age"

"Then what are we?" I asked, he looked to the ground then back up.


"Are there any romantic feelings between us?" I said, knowing that asides from a physical attraction I didn't feel that way about him.


"Point proven, dickwad. You owe me a beer"

"What?!" He whined.

I nodded, "yeah. You basically said that I wanted jack, that's practically incest. You made Jesus cry, therefor you owe me a beer".

"That is unfair"

"That's life, babe" I said, putting emphasis on the word babe.

He smirked, "babe?"

"Yeah, babe"

"Romantic feelings"he sang.

"You do realize babe was the name of a pig, right?".

He frowned, "you're mean"

"And you're a raging homosexual, now go get me a drink".

"You haven't even finished that one" he said, gesturing towards the can in my hand.

"I don't care"

"Well, you're taking the blame when we get back to the ward then"

"Hah, no. Lets face it, if anything it's the staff's fault, they werent supervising us properly".

"Billie gave them drugs to knock them out" he commented.

I shrugged, "they shouldn't have been so accepting and took whatever he was offering. Billies an asswipe, if they didnt know that then it's there own faults, their stupidity is what made them have it coming to them".

"You're heartless"

"If I had any heart left, I'd give it all to you" I winked.

"Quoting song lyrics won't make me buy you a drink, you know".

"I know, but the fact that I'm your favourite will"

♠ ♠ ♠
A/N- hey guys! Right, so I know I missed a couple of days before the last update, and I'm sorry. It's just because recently I've been going to alot of Christmas parties for all of my sisters clubs, she has an amazing social life aha, so yeah, that's one reason. Another is that I upload to wattpad first before here, so I always end up forgetting, which really sucks because I get a much better response over here. I'm going to start uploading here first though, because I actually know people are reading it, and enjoying it on here. So yeah, thanks for reading and shit! Comments ect are always appreciated, so thanks if you've y'know done that. Ideas are always welcome too.
Oh, also I don't own beetlejuice or little white lies by deaf Havana (the title and the song mentioned), another thing, if you haven't tried irn bru then I suggest you do so because it's the liquid of kings.
Thankyou and goodnight;
-holly xo