
Chapter 10

We, Krystal is her name apparently, headed for the boat, Marilea, because that ship is our way to an island called Alaysia which is where the doctor that I am searching for named Corlio. He is well known for making contraptions like the crossbow. We stole horses from a nearby village and road off towards our exit to the island when we come upon a deserted castle. I stop to see if there is anything interesting hiding in the shadows of the ruins.

I jump off my horse then I help Krystal off hers.

"What are we doing here, Ignacio?"

"These ruins might hold something worthy of my time."

"What if you don't find anything worthy of your time?"

"Then I will burn this whole place to the ground and piss on it's ashes."

She just stares at me like I am crazy. I ignore her stare and start to climb to the top floor since the stairs were destroyed. When I make it to the top, I look down at the girl and notice how cute she was with her light green dress and her long light-brown hair with her golden eyes.

"Well, little girl? Are you going to climb up?"

"I'm not little! I am sixteen years old, no I am not going up there. I will get my dress dirty!"

I chuckle at her stupidity and then make my way towards a small box. I look at the markings on it then I see a lock. I smash the box open by throwing it down on the ground. A few necklaces fly out, and a few gold coins roll away. I pick up the jewelry and the coins and jump off the ledge and I rolled when I landed.

"Alright, are we ready to head off for the boat. We are almost there."

"Yes and we better not miss it because you wanted a few gold coins and .... Gold Coins!"

"Wasn't such a waist of time was it now."

She did not even give me a glance. All she could do was rub her thumbs back and forth on the coins.

"I'm guessing you love money."

"Yeah I do, I am a treasure hunter believe it or not."

"Yeah..... I don't believe it at all."

She grunted the went back to staring at the coins like a hawk. I chuckle at the greedy sight of her.

"If you don't put that money away and pay attention to the road, you might die."

She grunts some more and then shoves the money in her pouch. It was not long before we arrive at the port where our boat was docked at the moment. We went to the docking board and check in with the guards waiting for all the passengers.

One of the guards looks at us then down at his paper. "Name?"

I respond, "What, no please?"

He looks up at me then looks back down and says one more time, "Name?"

"Clavor." I lied when I sent in reservations about our last names. I do not want guards interrupting me as I speak to Corlio.

"You're not on the list. Please step away or we are forced to take action."

"WE ARE NOT ON THE LIST?" I yell at them.

The guards unsheathe their blades and point them at my face. Krystal walks up and puts her hand on the front guards face.

"Why don't you check if we are not on the list one more time." she ask.

"No you are not on the list."

She snaps his neck then throws him into the water than karate chops the other guard in the throat. He falls off into the water himself.

"Just for that, you gained a lot of respect from me."

"I am an experienced treasure hunter. Now, lets board the ship before anyone notices the guards are gone."

"I'm agree with you there."

We then walk onto the ship and the boat sets sail for the island. We all waved to the people at the docks good-bye. After all of the excitement of today, Krystal and I head to our rooms to sleep.
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This is the longest chapter we have so far. I do hope you like it!