Status: updates are random


Chapter 13- Beat It

A week has passed since I have been released from the hospital, and things have been hard. Everyday for me was a struggle to keep food down. But that did not mean I was alone. Bam and Jess were there for me though the whole thing. As well as mom and dad, Dunn, Novak, Raab and Ville.

Ville. I blushed every time his name was said or I just thought of him. Despite just meeting him, he already has my heart. I know it sounds very corny and silly, but he make me feel the safest out of my family. Three days after I was released, Ville had to go back to Finland to discuss the next album that he and the rest of his band mates are going to be working wrong. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him. I missed every second that I spent with him, and I know it makes me sound selfish to want to keep him all to myself, but I can't help it, it's as if this Finnish man has casted a magical spell on me.

"Amber!" Bam yelled up the stairs,"time for dinner!"

Taking a deep breathe, I placed the book I was currently reading and stood from my bed. Looking at myself in the mirror of my vanity, I could see a little difference in my appearance. My skin has a bit more color then before and my hair seemed to look brighter and healthier. My body was still too skinny, but I could see a tiny bit of change, my cheeks weren't as hollow as before and my body felt better. Giving myself a small smile, I opened my bedroom door and made my way downstairs.

I heard the commotion before I even entered the dinning room. Bam and Dunn were both rolling around on the floor while Novak was throwing pieces of bread at both of them. Mom was yelling at Bam and Dunn to quit acting like little kids and to sit their butts down while taking out some, from a the smell of the air, macaroni casserole, my favorite dish from when I was a kid.

"Need any help, mom?" I asked as I made my way to her side.

Mom looked at me and smiled widely before brining me into a tight hug and a kiss and a kiss on my cheek.

"Put the casserole on the table and get the ice tea out please," she said, eyes shinning with love.

Smiling, I nodded my head and carefully took hold of the oven mitts.

"Move your asses," I said, lightly kicking Dunn on his ass.

I laughed a bit as he complained that I kicked him too hard while rubbing his ass. I stuck my tongue out at him as I sat down with the jug of ice tea in front of me. As soon as dad came into the room, we all began to eat. Placing a bit more food on my plate, I began eating. Usually, after my third bite, I was running from the room and to the bathroom to throw everything up, but I was genually surprised that this time, nothing came back up. Looking aroundbwith wide eyes, I saw that Bam noticed this and gave me a big smile and a thumbs up. Giggling softly to myself, I continued to eat.

Helping mom clean the kitchen a bit, I stayed in the living room for about an hour or so before bidding everyone goodnight.

I was just walking out of the bathroom, towel drying my hair, when I heard a beep coming from my computer. Walking over to my desk, I saw I was getting a call from Ville via Skype. Smiling widely, I quickly accepted the call. Soon, my screen was graced by the glorious face of Ville.

"Hello, kulta," Ville said.

"Hi," I responded back shyly.

I heard his chuckle and saw his smile.

"How are you today?" He asked, looking at me with his beautiful green eyes.

"Oh!" I said in excitment," it was great, Ville! And I actually held down everything I ate for dinner. I actually feel great right now."

"That's amazing, kulta! I told you, you can do it! This is just the first step to everything that you will accomplish,"he said, smiling brightly at me and something in his eyes told me that he was very proud of me.

I thanked and smiled at him before continuing a steady conversation. I could never tire of talking to this man. Too soon fornmy liking, I began yawning too much.

"You must rest, kulta," Ville said in a soft tone.

"But I don't want to stop talking with you," I mumbled a bit.

"I will call you tomorrow for you, later on today for me, ok? I do not want you tired."

Nodding my head, I bid Ville a good night before we disconnected. Closing my computer, I crawled into bed. Brining the dark blue amd red blanket over my shoulders, I snuggled closer into my pillow and closed my eyes.

Tonight, like every other night, my dreams were filled with the green eyed Finnish man.
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Hai! This is a filler, hope you like it:)