Everything is ending.


It had been months since the disaster had taken place. Ruins of buildings were still everywhere. I had been living on the streets for months, I mean what can you do when everything you love and know was rubble and everyone you knew were dead? I had long since given up that anyone else was alive, the hope had lingered for a few weeks; but I knew I had no chance of finding anyone else. So I put all of those thoughts of the back of my mind.
I started to walk to where I had been sleeping for the past few weeks; a shell of a building, one that hadn't been turned to wreckage and that meant it provided enough shelter for me to survive. To get to it though I needed to walk down alley ways. This, before, would have scared me, you don't know what's going to be in a darkened alley way, but now there was a nearly impossible that I would meet anyone it didn't scare me. Part of me even wished I did find someone in the alley way. I made my way down the first one, a few seconds of stumbling in the darkness but then I was out. Surprisingly all of the streetlights still worked so that gave me sight out of the alleyways. I made my way to the final passage and could see the light from the other end, turning the last corner when suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and threw me over their shoulder. Fear had struck me so I couldn't call out, I was screaming mentally as he was walking to the end of the passage, me still over his shoulder.
"can you please stop screaming? It's giving me a headache." Said the man carrying me, his voice was not what I expected. I wasn't entirely sure what I was expecting but that wasn't it. His voice was airy, soothing, cool, deep but not one that made you shudder.
"I- I didn't scream out?" I shakily said, my voice stuttering. I didn't want to make him angry.
"No, you were sending a mental distress signal; the same one I've been following for the past two months." He put me down, he was a good foot and a half taller than me, and now in the light I could see he had dark brown, tousled hair and brown eyes to match. He took a breath to continue "I didn't think there was anyone else left after what had happened. And even if there was, I wouldn't be able to hear them unless they were psychic" He finished, brushing a few strands of hair out my face. Even that small motion calmed me considerably.
"But, I'm normal, I'm not psychic, I can't speak through minds" I whispered, looking down at the ground.
'Hannah. You can hear me, I know you can, just think your reply back.' his voice entered my mind, drifting delicately, it wasn't meant to be there but it wasn't unwelcome.
'how can I hear you?' I thought, not saying it, projecting my thoughts like he told me to.
"see" He said this out loud, his white teeth flashing. "You're psychic, come on, follow me" He turned, grabbing my hand. It felt like my hand exploded, shivers from his gentle touch and pull at my hand traveled up my hand and through my body. And I followed him, running into the unknown.
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Hannah is my friend, and yeah this is for her :3 xo