Status: It's done!

Bulls in the Bronx

Stained Glass Eyes

For the rest of that day, Chandler stayed in bed and moved only to use the restroom. She wasn't sleepy at all; she was just tired, of what she didn't even know, it was a perpetual feeling of anguish and deep sadness. But she didn't feel like doing anything else, but she did feel guilty for mentally leaving Tony like this. Chandler was a very guilty person and Tony knew that, Tony was more sensitive than he let on and Chandler knew that; so when Tony came in the room, she told him, "Tony, I'm so sorry. I know you wanted to do something but I...just...I'm sorry."
He slithered under the covers and spooned her, a small, weak smile crept on her face, it felt nice.
"It's okay,"
"No, it's not."
"Yes, it is. Everyone gets sad, some more than others. You're part of that 'some' by the way." she chuckled.
"You understand a lot of things, Tony Perry."
He shrugged and smiled, "That's the perk of being a wallflower I guess."

The next day, Chandler felt completely different. She got up at 4 am, and felt the need to cook; she was starving from the day before and Tony was going to leave in 12 hours.
"More than enough time," she said as she made her way to the pantry to look for the things she needed. She found everything to make a pound cake, chocolate chip cookies and macadamia nut pie.
"I'm glad I moved my ingredients over here," she whispered as she flipped through her notebook to find the three recipes.
She began with the cake, since it takes the longest to bake. At 4:45, she slid the batter into the oven and started on the cookies right way. Chandler moved pretty fast, planning to have all three pastries out of the oven by the time Tony wakes up. Instead of measuring the cookie dough into little balls, she decided "fuck that" and spread it over the cookie sheet.
"He'll like it either way," and she popped it in the oven with the pound cake, that was only half way done. It was 6 by the time cookies and cake was both done, and she decided to brew some coffee since the couch was starting to look so inviting. While it brewed, she cleaned some utensils she used, and wiped her area. She checked on Tony, who was sound asleep.
"He'll be so happy," she thought.
She took out the cake and cookies, and put them on a cooling rack; she poured some coffee and started on the pie.
In the living room window, she could see the horizon. That orange and purple horizon sprinkled with pinkish orange clouds that she so longingly wanted to see. She stared out the window and imaged the other lucky people who were admiring one of Earth's masterpieces from different angles. It was 6:55 and she was so sure that Tony wouldn't awake until at least 8, but boy was she wrong. In the bedroom, Tony panicked. Every logical thought of where Chandler was had left his mind.
"She left! How?! Why?! This doesn't make sense! Why would she do this to me! She said she loved me!" he thought, "Not even a note! Did she think this wouldn't affect me?! Did she even consider—wait do I smell coffee?"
He went to the door and peeked at the kitchen counter, a quarter full coffee pot sat. He closed the door and took a deep breathe. Out the window, was the same beautiful horizon Chandler was admiring, Tony was also musing—just from a different angle.
He thought for a second, “She thinks I’m asleep, but I’m not, and she doesn’t know that I’m awake and that I know that she’s awake.” A mischievous grin formed on his face. The room was dark, the only light came from the window; he went to his closet and found his two lightsabers, one green (his) and one red (hers). He held up his lightsaber and looked it over… “Won’t this be fun?”
Pant-less and oblivious, Chandler slid on the oven mitts to take the pie out to cool. She placed it on a cooling rack on the counter and shut the oven with her bum, then gulped more coffee (a quarter way gone). She jumped up and down on her tip toes out of joy.
“Guess how’s gonna make her boyfriend happy,” she said to herself.
“Let me guess,” Tony said quietly holding his saber in hand. She almost had a heart attack, when she saw Tony. Bed-headed, shirtless, tired-looking, he was perfect. She couldn’t speak, but when he turned on his lightsaber (making a pushoooooo sound) she smirked, “You think undo your treason against the republic by…by baking?” she stepped forward, and he recited, “By the name of the Galactic Alliance, you are under arrest.”
He rolled her red lightsaber to her, and she picked it up and turned it on (making a speeerrrsshhhhh sound), “It’s treason then,” and swung her light saber at his head. There were cracks where their sabers struck each other, and swoosh lightsaber sounds where each of them dodged a saber. He nudged Chandler hard enough where she fell in front of the couch, under which she found something beautiful.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry," Tony hastily apologized.
"You shouldn't be," she said sort of seductively, before she reached under the couch and grabbed the nerf gun, and pointed it at him.
"I love you," he laughed before she shot him.
"I know," she began to shoot mercilessly, him laughing. He ran into the bedroom, then she heard a thud and him yell, “FUCK!”
She chuckled, knowing how clumsy Tony was, "Babe, you're okay, right?"
"Prepare to die!" she yelled as Chandler ran into the room to find it empty. "Gave up, did you?" she called as she crept deeper inside.
"Not even close," Tony said into her ear before he picked her up from behind. She couldn't hold her smile, and threw her gun on the bed with his lightsaber.
"You bitch, you cheated!" She cried, smiling. He kissed her neck.
“Good morning to you too,” he smiled. Tony placed Chandler down, and she faced him; he wrapped his arms around her waist, and she his neck. She got on her tip toes and kissed the tall tattooed dude she loved, he kissed back, squeezing the small of her back, which gave her goose bumps. He lifted her legs and she wrapped him around him, she detached her lips with his and sucked on his neck. He moaned at the feeling and his knees went weak, not from her weight but from her. He fell backwards on the bed but she didn’t stop, his moans filled the brightening room and she could feel him hardening, making her legs tremble. He noticed the bright room, and stopped her.
“The windows wide open,” and she moved so he could go close it. He tackled her on the bed (her laughing), and he kissed all over her face. He threw off her shirt, to reveal her braless chest, and kissed between them, and then trailed kisses down her stomach. On her hips, he saw, were the scars she hated, He then kissed them too.
She entangled her fingers in his hair, and felt breathless as he moved to her thighs. He played with the hem of her underwear, debating whether to do it. He pulled them off anyway, and opened her legs and kissed the inside of her thighs. She breathed in and sighed.
“Just do it, Tone,” to which he replied, “But I’ve never done it.”
“It’s okay, I’ve never had it been done to, just do it, god dammit.”
“Fine,” he actually wanted to. So he licked her and she moaned, so he figured that was right, so he continued. Chandler arched back and felt as though she couldn’t breathe.
“Oh god,” she vastly breathed, she curled her toes, and grabbed the sheets, “Tony, oh my life.” He continued for a moment before she moaned loudly.
“Oh god, Tony, I’m close.” And he moved his head up slowly, and wiped his mouth. Chandler had shivers up her spine, and kissed him passionately. Her hands went to his hips and grabbed his shorts, attempting to slide them down. To her delight, she did, and his boxers went with them. He kicked them to the door, and looked her in the eye.
“Are you su—” she rapidly nodded her head and he slowly entered her. She closed her eyes tightly, trying but failing to differentiate between pain and pleasure.
“Oh god, it hurts,” she whispered, “but in a good way.”
He laughed, “You’re so tight.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” He smiled. They stayed still for a while.
“Ya know, you can move now,” said Chandler. Tony just nodded and slowly moved his hips; she loved it and hated it at the same time, but she didn’t want him to stop, with pain—pleasure came ten times harder. She held his shoulders and whispered.
“Faster, please.”
“You’re so polite,” And he began to thrust faster. She moaned louder but she laughed in it to.
“Oh my god, Tony.” Tony went that same pace; she didn’t asked to go faster or slower. After a while she moaned,
“Tone…I’m. So. Close.”
“Me too,” he went faster and faster, until he got a scream out of her. He smiled and pulled out of her, she was releasing and he did so. He came on the sheets. His knees gave out and he fell to the floor.
“Well,” he laughed, “Good morning.”
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I'm sorry, it's been soooo long. It's kind of just a filler, though.