Status: It's done!

Bulls in the Bronx

Don't Go

It was a quarter to twelve and the sky was cloudy, causing the outside to look greyish; inside the house, the only light on was the oven light in the kitchen. Chandler hated lights, and Tony hated the sun; it was a good day for both of them. BUZZZ BUZZZ went Tony's phone on the bar. They were sitting on the couch eating the cookies Chandler had prepared a few hours prior, while the bed sheets rumbled in the washing machine. They had taken a shower together after the...thing, and put on some lazy day clothes: hoodies and shorts. He got up to answer his phone.
"Hey Tone Tone," it was Vic.
"Hey bro, what's up?"
"Well, haven't heard from you or Chandler since the party--you guys okay?"
He smirked at Chandler who had her mouth full of cookie, "We're beyond okay man." he went into the room and sat on the mattress.
"What happened?"
"Well...we did it an hour ago and now...we're eating some cookies she made for me. Vic, I don't remember a time when I was more okay than right now."
"Sounds like you guys are great for each other...omg my ship became canon I can't even!"
"I'm crazy about her man--wait what?"
"Nothing, nothing...well, I sorry to tell you this but...dude, it's about that time." he sighed and hung his head.
"This kinda sucks," Tony said ,"I mean I love touring, I just...don't wanna leave her."
"Dude don't worry, she won't pull a Caraphernelia on you."
He smiled, "I know that, I just...don't wanna be away from her." Just then Chandler came in and she sat beside him, and leaned into him--in a weirdly romantic way. He put Vic on speaker.
"Vic, you're on speakerrrrrrr."
"Chandler, why's your boyfriend so weird?"
"I don’t know dude, but did you ever think that there are more nipples on Earth than people."
"Yep, you guys deserve each other. Anyway, Chandler, why don't you come with us?"
"Not this again," she mumbled, "Too much stuff to do."
"My job, bills, promises to alcoholic friends."
"But...if you don't come with us, all during tour it's gonna 'Chandler this' and 'Chandler that' 'I miss Chandler so much you guys'. Did you know during the last two tours, every hour or so he'd ask himself "Wonder what Chandler's doing.""
"I was loud?!" Tony exclaimed.
"Yes! You didn't even try to hide it. Chandler, dude, he had it bad for you."
"It's okay, I did too so.."
"So yeah, sorry but Tone, at one, we're gonna need you bro."
Tony sighed, "Okay, dude. See you guys at one." and he hung up. He leaned on Chandler in a miserable way," I don't wanna go," he whined.
"I don't want you to go, but hey, we're both gonna have to deal with it. We'll call each other, we'll Skype and everything. Just...try not to miss me too much, it's not healthy." she kissed him. They'd lied on the cover less mattress to take a quick hour nap before Tony had to leave.

Five seconds later, it felt like, Tony was tapping the grumpy, disoriented Chandler. He had on a DeadView sweater, some jeans, and a slouchy beanie.
"C'mon babe, time to go," he whispered.
"Sleeep," she groaned.
"C'mon sleepy butt, don't make me pick you up because I will,"
"You're bluffing.." just then she felt two hands reach under her, "Okay okay." she sat up and pulled on her glasses to see that he laid out her ADTR hoodie, some grey sweatpants, and Toms: a weird yet comfortable outfit, an outfit fit for Chandler.
"I really love you a lot," she said whilst pulling on the sweatpants," what time is it?"
"Like 12:45, and likewise."
"Why'd you wake me soooo early?"
"So we'd be on time, now finish changing sleepy head."
She finished changing, put on a beanie, and then insisted that he took the cake, pie and cookies.
"I made them for you. Besides, I can always make another one."
On their way to Vic's house, Chandler turned on her iPod, and come to find that Don't Go (Bring Me the Horizon ft. Lights) started playing. If any situation was bad enough for that song to feel so relevant, that would be it. As Oli began to scream, she found a water bottle and lip-synced along.
'I was raised in a valley there were shadows and death.
Got out alive but with scars I can't forget.
This kid back in school, subdued and shy.
An orphan and a brother and unseen by most eyes.
I don't know what it was that made a piece of him die,
Took a boy to the forest, slaughtered him with a scythe.
Stamped on his face, an impression in the dirt.
Do you think the silence makes a good man convert?’
“Do you feel the need to lip-sync every song you love?” he asked.
‘We all have our horrors and our demons to fight.
But how can I win, when I'm paralyzed?
They crawl up on my bed, wrap their fingers round my throat.
Is this what I get for the choices that I made?
God forgive me, for all my sins. God forgive me, for everything.
God forgive me, for all my sins. God forgive me, God forgive me.’
She couldn’t lip sync the rest, too overwhelming being the situation. Tony reached to turn it off but she popped his hand.
“I love this song, that is a no no, bro.”
“You look like you were about to—”
“No no, I wasn’t,” she turned and wiped the corner of her eye.
A couple of songs later, Tony pulled up to Vic’s place and a tour bus was in the drive way. Michelle and Mike stood by their car, Vic and Jaime were engaged in a conversation, Mama and Papa Fuentes were waiting whilst wearing PTV shirts, and then there was…
“What in the name of fuck are they doing here?!” Chandler exclaimed.
“Who?” Tony asked parking on the curb. She pointed towards the tallest tattooed guy whose arm was wrapped around the purple haired nightmare, “Why is she here?!” Tony exclaimed. Chandler shook her head; she was getting sick of this, of her. Veronica broke Tony’s heart before and almost took him away from her, now she’s trying to do it again.
“I’m really fucking tired of this shit,” she mumbled, “I really hope she’s cool about this.”
“Me too,” Tony said as he turned the car off. They both got out at the same time; they intertwined fingers and awkwardly made their way towards the crowd waiting for them.
“It’s about time you guy got here,” Vic scolded, “We’re fifteen minutes off schedule.”
Mike rolled his eyes, “Don’t mind him, he just got is panties in a much because he now owes Jaime fifty bucks.”
They both looked at Jaime, “We had a bet on who played Woody and Buzz in Toy Story.”
Chandler looked at Vic, “Tom Hanks and Tim Allen.”
“I know that now, Jaime’s fifty bucks will tell you that..”
“Why’d you bet so high?” asked Tony.
“I was so sure that Jaime was wrong,” mumbled Vic, sounding very disappointed in him.
“Don’t worry, Vicky,” Veronica joined in, earning herself a very nasty look from Vic…and just about everyone else; ohhh, if looks could kill.
“Please. Don’t call me Vicky.”
“Austin, how come the rest of the band didn’t come?” Mike asked.
“Umm…Phil got so high yesterday that he didn’t feel like getting out of bed, Tino’s at his little sister’s birthday party, and Alan got a lady friend date. I just wanted to come and say good bye ‘cause you guys are some cool dudes, by the way that party was pretty sick.”
The entire time Austin was speaking, Chandler couldn’t help but notice Veronica’s intense staring at Tony, she tightened her grip on his hand and he rubbed her hand with his thumb; his way of telling her “It’s okay.”
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