Status: It's done!

Bulls in the Bronx

Oh well, oh well, guess I'll see you in hell

Chandler came out dressed and unbed-headed, when Tony grabbed her shoulders.

"What if you come with us?!" he asked quickly and excitedly.


"You come on tour with us! It'd be great, you could, like, watch us play and stuff!"

He seemed really excited and so was Chandler, but then...

"Tony, I would like to go but sadly, I can't just drop everything and go with you guys; I mean I do have a job that I enjoy (as a chef, note: she loves to cook), bills...other responsibilities. Is there even a washing machine on the tour bus.."

"You can wear my clothes, come on, Chandler," he pleaded.

She could see in his eyes that he really wanted her to come, and she smiled at that but she just...couldn't.

"Tony," she sighed and got lost in his eyes as she always did,"I'll...think about it. I will think about it."

He gave her a tight hug,"It's not a 'no'."

"So where do we go first?" Jaime asked as they made their way through the crowded mall.

"All these people,"Vic grunted as he was shoved my multiple people,"Don't you people have somewhere else to be!"

"Bro, it's Saturday. Everyone has to be at the mall," said Mike who was taller than most of everyone.

"Hot Topic's got some nice bathing suits," said Michelle as if there was no interruption. While they all walked toward Hot Topic--Jaime being an embarrassment, Vic getting shoved around, Mike and Michelle doing couple stuff--Chandler tried to ignore the girls giving Tony flirtatious looks, while he did the same with her. As soon as they walked in the Hot Topic, the loud chatter outside was replaced with loud guitars. Chandler was taking in the dark store and was headed to the retro t-shirts with old tv shows on them, when she felt a strong force tug her away by the arm.

"Jeez, Vic, pull off my arm why don'tcha?" she said over the music, holding her arm,"What do you want?"

"You and Tony love each other so much it hurts me not to see you guys together," he said in a quick whisper.

"Woah what?"

"Yep, you heard me. Do you know what it's like to watch two people that should totally be together, but AREN'T?" he yell whispered.

"Yeah...I do. It's like watching a good tv series. What you're doing right now is called shipping," Vic looked at Chandler in amazement, good or bad it wasn't clear,"You're shipping me and Tony, Vic. You're a fangirl."

"Whatever Chandler, but I'm so serious; tell Tony you love him--"

"Hey stop saying that okay."

"But Chandler you do, it's like so obvious.." he was messing with her, which was one Vic's favorite things to do.

"Whatever, Fuentes.." Vic hugged her.

"You still love me!"

"Yeah, yeah...whatever," she smiled and he left. She shook her head and saw Tony looking at some Star Wars shirts, and walked over to him.

"That one is cool," She pointed to a black one with Darth Vader as a DJ in front of a sea of people.

"Yeah, that is pretty rad," he picked it up,"This reminds me of when--"

"Tony?" said a familiar voice that they both knew but never wanted to hear,"Tony is that you?"

They both turned to a small, thin chic with long purple hair and a Monroe piercing walking toward them in a Nirvana shirt and jean shorts and boots. She was beautiful and seeing her again made Tony nervous and Chandler uncomfortable. The beautiful girl strolled to them and hugged Chandler first.

"Chandler, how've you been? I see you cut your hair and you lost weight!"

"Veronica, I see're--just as pretty as you were in high school," Chandler complimented even though Veronica indirectly kind of insulted her.

"Aww, you're a doll! And Tony! How've you been?" she asked eyeing him.

"I've been great," and he kept it at that, trying to avoid eye contact.

"So are you guys," Veronica pointed at the two,"like, dating?"

They looked at each other, and at her.
"Umm...sort of," Tony said, Chandler's heart leaped but sunk after she realized he's just saying that to get Veronica to back off.

"You're sort of dating?"

"Look, Veronica--"

"Please, Tony, call me Roni," she stepped closer. Chandler found this as her cue to quickly walk away, to the accessories were Jaime stood.

"Hey, Chandler, who's that chic Tony's talking to, she's kinda hot."

"Veronica," as if she'd just flicked him off, he was taken aback.

"Veronica?" he repeated,"VERONICA?"

"Shhhh! Don't let her hear you," Chandler yell whispered.

"Why's she here?"

"I don't know, Jaime. But it'd help if you'd stop ogling her. "

"I'm not ogling, why would I ogle someone who broke my best friend? Why are you even here, why don't go you tell that bitch to fuck off!"

"Why don't you go do it?"

"Because you lo--"

"Don't say I love Tony.."

"What, you don't..fine then say it. Say that you don't love Tony," he folded his arms, and she looked at Tony who looked uncomfortable as Roni kept touching him.


"Then go tell her to back the fuck off, tell her now or she'll just hurt Tony again," Jaime held her shoulders,"Plus, he's stayed friends with you all these years. That's gotta mean somethin."

"Jaime, you're literally the best person ever." she hugged him.

"Pffft, that's not new. No, I'm just kidding, thanks kiddo."

She breathed in and walked over to them and felt her heart almost burst out her chest; she just really hoped Roni wouldn't make a scene.

Chandler grabbed Tony's hand firmly, which surprised both Tony and Roni, and looked at her,"Sorry, Veronica but me and Tony have to look at bathing suits, bye."

He looked at Chandler in amazement then smiled, and Roni painfully smiled,"Okay, Tony, it was nice talking to you. Should we exchange numbers?"

"I don't think so," he laughed while they strolled away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Using lyrics as titles because I can't think of anything else. Oh Well, Oh Well by Mayday Parade is where I got the title. A lot goes on in this one...tell me what you think!