Hold On Tight And Don't Look Back


Dedicated to Leah/ Speakless Voice :)

Gerard watched the intensity in his brothers eyes as he spat off stories about his best friend Ray, he looked so happy when he talked about him, it made Gerard wonder if there was something else going on. Mikey took such a large interest in Ray it even concerned him. Mikey took time to memorize every one of Ray’s looks and paid enough attention to even figure out what they meant. He spent more than enough time staring into his eyes, imagining wanting to run his fingers through that curly hair of his and even get a chance to hold his hand, the hand that held his guitar captive during every song they played. He longed to hold his hand, to be able to look into his eyes without being called creepy, but most of all, he longed to be his. Mikey forgot he wasn’t alone and just let his thoughts wander for a moment, giving himself fantasies of the relationship he wish he could have. He loved Ray, but he knew Ray didn’t feel the same way about him.
“Mikes?” Gerard chimed. He turned to meet Gerard’s gaze, a look of concern glimmering in his hazel brown eyes that slightly matched his. “Everything okay?” Mikey nodded, a blush creeping onto his cheeks once he thought back to Ray, that split second without him in his mind was enough to make shy little Mikey go nuts.
“Yeah, I’m fine Gee.” Gerard bit at his fingernails for a moment while Mikey just watched him. Mikey knew what that meant. Gerard was plotting something, thinking of something that could either save his life or destroy him.
“I think you should tell Ray.” He retracted him nimble little fingers from his mouth and sat them gently on his favorite pair of jeans he had covering his legs.
“I know you like him. Don’t you remember when I first decided I liked Frank? I couldn’t stop talking about him. I can tell you’re going through the same. Now go tell him.” Mikey trusted his brother more than anyone else, sometimes even more than himself; he knew that Gerard would never do anything to hurt him.
“You sure?” Gerard shot Mikey one of his famous smiles before jumping to his feet. He made it to the doorway, destined to make a dramatic scene in front of his brother, knowing he would appreciate it. He stopped, turned around and flashed Mikey another smile.
“I’m positive.”
Ray sat at the edge of his bed, flipping mindlessly through text messages he shared with Mikey, his eyes landing on the newest one
Mikes<3-Hey, can I come over? I need to talk to you.
Ray studied the message, afraid of what his best friend needed to say to him. He bit his lip and nodded even though no one could see him, his hair bouncing slightly as he moved.
To: Mikes<3 –Yeah. Come on over.
He sent the message and tossed his phone to the side, changing his position so his head was dangling off the side of his bed. Ray was confused around him, He knew deep inside he had feelings for Mikey, feelings that he refused to show. He let his ‘fro’ hang off the side of his bed, taking the time to poke the little curls, watching as they retracted like springs. Mikey popped into his head once more, making him want to curl up in a little ball and think about everything he’s done wrong. About how he doesn’t deserve him.
The tapping on the door came with a unique rhythm that revealed that he was waiting at the door. Ray stayed where he was for a moment, listening to the taps on the door, getting lost in this thoughts once more.
“Ray! It’s Mikey open up!” He let his body slide off the bed in a thud and hopped to his feet, walking the small length of his apartment and opening the door being greeted by Mikey swinging his arms around him in worry.
“Are you okay?!” he said in concern
“Of course Mikes, why wouldn’t I be?”
“I heard-“ Ray cut him off with a giggle.
“I’m fine. No need to worry. Now what did you need to talk to me about?” Mikey gave a weak smile and attempted to hide the blush on his face as Ray squirmed out of his grasp.
“Ray, you have to promise not to freak out okay?”
Mikey sat next to Ray, watching the animated figures run across the screen of the theater, their friends surrounding them everyone wondering how they got dragged into this horrendous movie. But Mikey, couldn’t care less. He’s been with Ray for 2 weeks now, after he told him how he felt Ray had no hesitations when he said yes which made him smile every time he saw Ray. Mikey sat his head down softly on Ray’s shoulder, knowing he picked the right one. Every one could see they were perfect for each other. As Gerard was doing the same to his beautiful boyfriend he couldn’t help but think how good Ray could be for Mikey. He needed someone like Ray. Someone he could love, someone he could open up to and be his self around. Ray looked over at his significant other, looking into his deep eyes and planting a kiss on his forehead.
“What was that for?” Mikey said with a giggle.
“Because you deserve it silly!” Mikey giggled again and turned towards the screen, watching the credits roll by so quickly no one could read it.
“UGH IT’S FINALLY OVER!” Gerard screamed, announcing his agony to the entire movie theater. He earned a few laughs here and there while everyone else just stared at him. He grabbed Frank’s hand and Ray grabbed Mikey’s as the four of them walked out of the theater. Mikey was happy, happy with his life, happy with the band, happy that he finally got the one thing he always wanted.

Right now, Mikey and Ray had all they needed.

Each other.
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