Status: Hi. I will try to update everyday, even if nobody reads it :P


Chapter 1

*Marri's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing, almost giving me a heart attack. I got up, turned my alarm off, and went strait to the bathroom. Today was the first day of tenth grade. Nothing special really, at least not special to me anyways. My mom thinks that it's so special, it's not like I'm in twelfth grade. I mean I know I have to think about college since it's getting closer, but I'd rather not think about it right now. I'm still young, I really don't want to worry about growing up right now.
I walked into the bathroom and turn my flat iron on. I look up at the clock. 5:30 A.M., the usual time I have to get up for school. I'm not use to getting up this early now, since summer and all. I rubbed my eyes and starred at myself in the mirror. "Ew, look at yourself." Oh no. Please not these thoughts again. I shook my head and looked at myself again, trying to think positively. A couple minutes pass by and I notice my flat iron is already hot. I grab it, starting to straighten my hair. I got dressed, wearing a Pierce the Veil T-shirt, and a pair of dark grey jeans. Then I threw my jacket on, black with a cute dinosaur face on the front.

When I finally got done, an hour passed. "Oh shit" I thought. It's already 6:30. My bus get here at 6:45. I quickly made sure my hair was nice and neat, and got my shoes. As soon as I got my shoes on, I ran to get my backpack. My school supplies were all over my bed. I quickly shoved my things into my backpack, and went to the kitchen to get a bag of crackers. By the time I got done eating them, I had to go. I quickly grabbed all my stuff and ran out the door. I got to the bus stop right on time, my bus pulling up as I got to the curb.

"You're lucky." my bus driver said.

I rolled my eyes and went to find a seat. I sat by the window, hoping no one would sit by me. I shoved my earphones into my ears as the bus stops once again. A couple seconds later someone taps me on the shoulder.

"What?" I said, sounding rude.

"Um, hi. I'm new. Can I sit here, just for today?" he asked, sounding desperate. He had messy black hair, and big brown eyes. He was tall, and thin too.

I got lost in his eyes for a couple seconds before saying, "Sure."
We sat there a couple minutes, in awkward silence.
"So, what's your name?" I asked.

"John." He said. He sounded nervous. He started biting his sleeve, looking at his legs. "What's your name?" he asked me.

"Marri." I said. He looked at me, and nodded his head.
"Well John, are you new here?" I asked, looking at him nicely.

"Ya, " he said. "Um, can I ask you something?" he asked. I nodded. "Well, since I'm new here, you seem nice. Will you, be my friend?" he asked. I looked at him, a little shocked. Nobody really wanted to be friends with me.

"Sure, but you gotta promise me one thing, " I said. He looked at me, nodding his head. "You gotta promise me, that you're not just gonna be my friend for the day." I said. He looked at me, smiling. His smile was gorgeous.

"I think you should be promising me that too." He said. "I promise." He looked at me, waiting for my response.

"I promise too." I said, smiling at him. I hope he meant it.
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Hey! I hope you like it. please dont leave any hate. :)