Status: Hi. I will try to update everyday, even if nobody reads it :P


Chapter 12

*Marri's P.O.V.*

The rest of my day was HORRIBLE. Claire and her clan followed me around all day, They shoved me and pushed me around, calling me names. It was absolute hell.
I walked on the bus and talked to John, as usual. Then I walked to my house. My parents weren't there, well I didn't expect them to be there anyways. I opened the door and put my backpack by the door. I looked around for any signs that my parents might have been here earlier. I opened the fridge, and yep, I was right. They were here earlier because there were groceries in the fridge. I took a water, reassuring myself I wasn't hungry.
I turned on my laptop and got on Tumblr. I love Tumblr, it knows so much about me. I guess I was my laptop for at least 20 minutes, until I heard a knock on the door. Oh great, another sales person.
I got up and went to the door. When I opened it, I was surprised. It was John. His eyes were gloomy, and sad like. I stood there in shock,

"Um...hey John. Whatcha doin'"? I asked him. He looked up at me, giving me a look of desperation.

"Listen, Marri. I know this is weird but I really need to stay at your house, just for tonight. Please..." He stood there, waiting for my response.

"Um, sure, I guess." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Oh thank you Marri." He came closer to me and hugged me. I was still kind of shocked.

"But, why do you need to stay here? What's wrong?" I asked him. He walked past me, ignoring my question.

"I'll tell you later. Thanks for letting me stay." He put his backpack down and turned to me. I was still in shock, and I couldn't rap my mind around it.

"Um, ok then. So, whatcha wanna do?" I asked. We stood there for what seemed like a really long time. I felt really awkward and uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure he did too.

"Um, I don't know. " He looked over at the couch. "Can I sit down." he looked up at me, giving me a half smile.

"Not until you tell me why you wanna stay here for tonight." I told him. He walked closer to me, pulling me towards the couch. I sat down, then he explained.

"You see, my family moves around a lot. Not because of jobs or anything, because of bad memories. My mom and dad, they fight a lot. They even got into a physical fight once, and I was only eight. Well, anyways, my dad usually takes it out on me afterwards. You know...." He looked up at me, seeing if I was still listening, and I was.
I nodded my head.
"And I really didn't want to go through that today because my parents got into a fight again and my dad left. I had to get out of there before he got back, Marri. That's why I came here. You're the only friend I've made and I have no family anywhere near hear. That's why I'm here." He sat down, still looking at me.

"I'm so sorry John, You can stay here as long as you need." I looked up at him, pulling him in for a hug. He hugged me back. "Do you want something to eat?" I asked.

"No, I'm not hungry." He said.

"Are you sure?"
He nodded his head, looking down at the ground. I felt really sorry for him, I'm surprised that he just opened up to me and told me the truth. Well Marri, you did tell him the truth.
I realized I was still staring at him.

"Well, um, you can sleep here on the couch I guess." I told him. He nodded his head. "And if you want me to I can sleep on this couch over here, you know, so you aren't lonely..." I said, scratching the back of my head. He looked up and smiled at me.

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sorry it took so long!! :/
i got busy with school and stuff so....yeah. :)