Status: Hi. I will try to update everyday, even if nobody reads it :P


Chapter 15

*John's P.O.V.*

The school day was finally over, and it was Friday. Could this day get any better?
I walked onto the bus, looking for Marri. She was sitting where we usually sit, but Max was sitting with her. I could feel my blood boil inside. He looked over at me, his smile fading.

"I'll talk to you later." He said to Marri, as he got up. He shot me a dirty look before sitting with his friends.

"Hey, John." she said, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Hey." I said. My anger faded, leaving me smiling. She was so adorable, I could never be angry when I was with her.
We sat there for a long time, before I realized we already had to get off. Marri and I walked down the sidewalk, heading towards my house.

"Can you come up with me? You know, to my house? I don't know how my parents will react...." I said. She stared at me, keeping eye contact.


I walked up to my house, Marri behind me. I knocked on the door, only to find my dad, with suitcases in his hands. He dropped them in front of me, giving me a death stare.

"If you're gonna leave this house, you won't be coming back!" He said angrily. Then he looked at Marri. "Were you sluttin' around with my son, huh?!" He yelled.
Marri looked terrified, shaking her head 'no'. He pushed her, causing her to fall to the ground. I could see tears fill in her eyes. Before anymore damage could be done, I helped Marri up and grabbed the suitcases. I saw my mom standing in the back, crying. She obviously had no say-so in this. I quickly grabbed Marri's wrist, starting to run. I ran in the direction Marri's house was in, but stopped before we reached it.

"I'm sorry, Marri." I told her. Tears rolled down her checks. I wiped them away, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm so sorry."
We stood there for a really long time, before Marri pulled me towards her house. She opened the door and took my bags.

"You can stay in the guest room." She said, walking towards it. I nodded and followed her into the room. It was pretty big, and it had a bed and dressers. She sat my bags down on the bed, turning to look at me.
"I can help you unpack, if you want to.."

"No, you don't have to." I told her. She nodded and started to walk towards the door. Before she could walk out, I grabbed her and gave her a hug again.
"Thank you..." I said. She squeezed me tighter, before letting go.

"You're welcome." She said smiling. She walked up the stairs and went into her room.
I started to unpack my things, noticing my dad even put my posters in here. Wow, he didn't want a single memory of me.
It took me forever, but I managed to get all my things put away. I felt sorry for Marri. She just met me three days ago and I just moved in her house. That's really messed up.
I looked at the clock. It was already 6:30 P.M. I ran my fingers through my hair. Today had gone by fast.
I heard a knock on the door. I looked up, seeing Marri peek her head through the door.

"It's about time you got done." She said, jokingly. She walked over to the bed, sitting next to me. I tried to fight back the urge kiss her. I turned my head away from her.

"John, are you ok?" I looked up at her, her beautiful eyes looking in to mine. Before I knew it, my lips collided with hers. To my surprise, she kissed me back.
She pulled away, staring at me surprised. I felt really embarrassed now, but it was worth it.

"I-I'm sorry.." I said, scratching the back of my head. She looked at me, smiling. She got up and opened the door.

"I'm sorry, too." she told me, before closing the door. I heard her footsteps run upstairs to her room. Nice going, John. You just made things really awkward.
I walked up to the door, wondering if I should go explain myself. Instead, I walked back over to the bed and pulled the covers over my head. Hopefully I didn't mess things up.