Falling Under the Puke

Chapter 2

Sid’s POV

I was tired. Exhausted. A day of practise, work outs and a tough game was a long day. It was always worth it though. I collapse on my large leather sofa and close my eyes. Two vibrant blue ones were all I could see then and it annoyed me. A girl had caught him so off guard it was sickening. When her eyes had turned to mine it had felt as if every muscle in my body tensed. There was something in her gaze that had held me, tore my thoughts away from the fans and the game. It was bad. She was bad.

I remember her then, looking up at me with her innocent gaze that was child like and the way she had turned away from me. It hurt, no, it had bruised my ego. No one turned from The Sidney Crosby.

I sit up and look around, not sure exactly what I wanted to do. Sleep was ideal but the thought that the girl might haunt me even in my sleep stopped me. Standing up, I pull my skates from my hockey bag and look at the clock. It was 2:30 in the morning, no one should be on the public rink.

Pulling my jacket on and grabbing my truck keys I start out the door with my skates. I needed to skate to forget the girl. Skating was how he moved on from everything.


Andy’s POV


I move around the ice easily. It’s late , or early I can say but it’s the only time where there is not a soul around. I’m able to think. Think about everything. Remember my brother. Think about him. I close my eyes and skate in an slow circle. The day had been long. It had been even longer when I got home to have a lecture about refusing a hockey player waiting. Red had been devastated. She had thought me crazy, seeing as Sidney could take me places. I just listened and then when she left went back to my art.

My thoughts were interrupted as a large truck pulled up to the rink. I frown not sure who would be up this late but then shrug it off remembering I was here. As I hear the door to the truck close and the crunch of snow, I keep skating not bothering to see who it is. They move into the heated shake to I can imagine, put on their skates.

I pick up my speed letting the cold air brush over my warm skin. It felt wonderful. I love winter. The smell and the snow, it was all wonderful. With a smile, I look towards the person who was now stepping onto the ice, but I drop it at the sight of the man. My heart starts pounding and I’m at a loss of words as to what to do. Sidney Crosby was here.

I slam into the side board of not paying attention but I don’t fall holding myself up. I can hear him as he skates in circles. There is not puke or stick, its just him. Not sure what to do, I turn and look at him. It’s a breathless moment. He’s perfect. All of him. A simple man just skating, his attention on something in his mind. He looked for a moment normal. Not a superstar hockey player, just a man who couldn’t sleep. That was until his eyes looked up to meet mine. All peace is gone.

“You.” He states loud enough for me to hear. I push myself off the side board just wanting to leave but before I can reach the exit he’s there, blocking me.

“I think your mistaken.” I try to play it cool but he sees through it.

“No, hard to remember the only girl who’s ever turned me down.” He looks at me in a way that makes me feel small.

“I have to go, can you please move?” I ask looking around him then at him. He doesn’t budge. I try to move around him and he only presses closer. Startled, I try to move back but catch my skate in the ice. I start fall and brace myself for the impact but two arms are quickly wrapped around me pulling me back up to my feet, right into his solid chest. I look up into his eyes and he looks into mine and its like time stops. Something happens. I feel all my insides start to flip and warm and fill with a longing that is hardly me. I can see only him and it scares me. I push away from him before his lips could collide with mine. I move quickly around him and off the ice. He snaps out of his trance and turns quickly.

“Hey! Wait!” He calls. I stop and look at him not thinking to keep going. “What’s your name?” He asks, looking sincere for the first time. I swallow the lump in my throat.

“Andy.” I answer and turn to leave.

“Isn’t that a boy’s name?” He comments. I roll my eyes not believing he was the face of hockey.

“It’s Andrea!” I sigh. “People call me Andy.” I turned then leaving him once again, feeling his eyes all the way into the darkness of the heated shack.