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Thunder Road

Welcome Home

“So, who’s the new man in your life?” My mother asked me as soon as I slid into my limo.

I laughed and shook my head. “Mom, I haven’t even been back fifteen minutes and you’re already asking me about a guy.”

“Well, I missed you! I have to keep up to date on your life somehow and seeing you barely call,” my mother started to lean back, taking a sip of champagne. “I have to read the magazines, and the Twitters, and the Tumblrs and the Facebooks!”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “I told you, last night, on the phone, that my managers wanted me with him and yes, mother, we started to fall for each other, but something kept us apart.”

She leaned forward slightly. “Oh? And who was this someone?”

“I never said it was a someone! I said it was a something!” I shouted.

She shrugged and crossed her ankles. My mother sat there, examining her nails and casually glancing up at an agitated Samantha Jo Woodward.

“Fine!” I exclaimed.

“Who is he?” she questioned again.

“Well… I guess I never—“

“Ms. Woodward, we’re here.” My driver informed us.

I nodded and got of the car. I waited for my mother to follow me. She looked at me as if I were about to make the biggest mistake of my life, but we both knew that I had already done that two years ago. “Ready?” I asked her.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” she had asked me for the fifth time in the past twenty-four hours.

I nodded. “I think I need to see everyone again. I haven’t seen them in a long time.”

She cupped my face in her hands. “And look where you are today! You are a beautiful young woman who is right where she wants to be.”

I pulled her hands away and rested my hand on my hip. “Mother, what is this about?”
She looked down and held her hands. “I just don’t want you to fall for him again. I want you to be successful without him. Must I remind of what happened last time you two thought you could handle being friends? It was right before the musical and you were rehearsing the same scene and falling for each other again. You kissed in the musical and you expected to be an item again, and look where that got you? You skipped town and went to a different school for the remainder of your senior year!”
I nodded, trying to please her. I told her that story so she’d stay off of my back, what really happened that night is something we just don’t discuss. We kissed because we were still dating, but that night I told him about my future plans and he wanted nothing to do with being the guy who’s always with Samantha. He didn’t want anything to do with the spotlight. We just thought up that story to please our parents and to keep them out of our personal lives. “Mom, I know what happened! I met some great friends senior year and I hope to hell they’re here! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have guests to see to!”

My mother nodded and escorted me inside.

Everyone was standing and as I entered the room they all began to clap. I couldn’t help but smile. This was where I wanted to be even after my second movie, this is what I wanted to do during my breaks. I wanted to come back to the people I loved the most.

“Thank you all so much!” I exclaimed when the clapping died down and everyone seated themselves. “I want nothing more than to be here, in San Diego with my closest friends and with all of the people that mean the most to me. I didn’t leave two years ago on the best terms with some people, but I definitely am coming back to say that I thank you all for your support and I hope to make amends with you all who didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. I’m here now and I’ll be here for a bit. I guess we should start with what the hell has been going on here? Thank you all again for coming out! Enjoy!”

My father came around and hugged me. “We missed you so much!” he exclaimed.

I smiled and went to say something, when I saw a man. “Uh, yeah, I missed you too.” I handed him my glass. “I’ll be right back.”

I walked over to the man, hoping my mother’s eyes wouldn’t follow me. I tapped him on the shoulder. “Zach?” I whispered.

He turned around and looked at me quizzically before engulfing me into a hug. “Sam!” He mumbled into my hair. “I’ve missed you so much!”

I squeezed him tighter. I missed his hugs. I may have transferred to Poway High for a few short months, but Zach and I grew close. “I missed you too!” I slowly pulled away, but he didn’t. “How’s your singing career going?”

Zach began to pull away. “Fantastic!” He exclaimed. “Actually, I believe two of them are here!”

“No kidding?” I questioned.

He nodded. “Yes! You remember Cameron, right?”

I laughed. “How could I forget him?”

“True. Well, he’s over there with our drummer, Michael!”

I smiled. “Let’s go say hello to them, then!”

Zach complied and ushered me over to Cameron and Michael.

“Cam, Michael, this is Samantha! I believe we all know each other, but Sam, this is Cam, the bassist, and Michael the drummer!” He exclaimed.

My jaw dropped. I never expected this Michael to be the same as my Michael. I tried to shake that from my head and extended my hand to shake each of theirs. “Well, it was nice seeing both of you, but I must go see to other guests! We must catch up later! Love you!” I said, hastily walking away.
I wasn’t over him and I never would be.

I went back to my father and he began to carry on about the things that I have missed. I saw Michael coming towards me. He dropped a note in my hand from behind and kept walking. I opened it.

Meet me at Claire de Lune at 8pm

I crumpled it up and began to count down the minutes until I could see Michael in private again.
♠ ♠ ♠
BOOM!!! Chapter one!! I want to write this one and another one or two before the end of the summer!! <3 So I hope you enjoy this one!! <3 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!