Fix You


Finley yawns into her hand, trying to keep her exhaustion a secret from the five boys jumping about on stage. She’s been working non-stop for the past two days. Smoothing out her dress as she stands, Finley grabs her bag and slips it over her elbow. She points to the door when Liam cocks his head at her, then holds up a finger: she’s just stepping outside to get some air.

Finley reaches into her grab to pull out her phone. It’s already five and the temperature has decreased significantly, making her shiver in her light, summery dress. She has a few text messages but nothing significant that she feels the need to reply to, until she sees Roch’s.

Roch: Where’ve you been all day? I’ve come to your flat like 20 times!!! Call me when you get this. It’s urgent! x

Finley frowns and dials Rochelle’s number right away, scuffing her flats on the concrete as she waits for her friend to answer.

“Fin! What are you doing?”

“What do you mean, what am I doing?” she frowns into her phone, letting her eyes wander all over the outside of the little brick rehearsal space. “I’m with Liam and the boys.”

Rochelle lets out a little sigh of annoyance but continues, “You’re always with them. I have some major news, are you ready?”

“I’m always ready babe,” Finley laughs, “It’s just coaxing it out of you that’s the hard part.”

Rochelle chuckles and Finley hears some papers crumpling. “I’m going on vacation next week! Guess where to?!”

Finley giggles and runs a hand through her hair. “Where Roch? Barbados?”

“No silly, I went there last year. Mahoe Bay! It’s in the British Virgin Islands!”

“Wow that’s awesome Rochelle. How long are you going?”

“Well that’s kinda what I wanted to talk to you about. I’m leaving next Tuesday for two weeks. Buuuuut I really want you to come! Please please please Finley. Don’t say no, don’t. You have to think about it at least,” Rochelle whines into the phone.

Finley glances up and down the bustling street, leaning back against the brick wall. “I don’t know. I can’t just take time off whenever I want Roch, same goes for you. Plus I just went on a little vacation last month.”

Rochelle starts yelling at her through the speakers of her phone but Finley is distracted by another person’s presence. She looks up and smiles at Liam, holding up a finger.

“I’m going now babe. I’ll think about it. Love you, bye!” Finley talks over Rochelle, interrupting whatever she was still going on about.

Liam’s hands are in his pockets but that doesn’t stop Finley from slipping her hand into the crook of his elbow and pulling him closer.

“What’s up Li?”

He shrugs, his brown eyes sparkling. “Just came out to check on you. You’re not too bored by us are you?” He chuckles and the sound makes her heart pick up its pace.

“Never in a million years. Rochelle messaged me earlier saying that she had something urgent to tell me. Turns out she’s going to the British Virgin Islands next week and wants me to go.” Finley rolls her eyes. “Like I have time for that.”

Liam pulls them back inside, closing the door tightly behind them. He doesn’t want anyone wandering in and seeing the boys’ rehearsals.

They walk down the little aisle to the stage. Harry and Zayn are the only ones in sight. Both are laying down, but Harry’s head is dangling over the edge of the stage as he looks at the duo upside down.

He rolls onto his stomach as they approach and pats the spot next to him, winking at Finley. She releases Liam’s arm and flattens her dress out underneath her as she sits next to him. Instantly Harry turns and lays his head across her lap.

Finley’s hands instinctually find their way into his curly hair and start brushing it out, running through his smooth locks. Liam smiles at her, pulling his phone out and snapping a picture while she is looking down at Harry. She looks up at the flash and grins at him.

“Finny are you gonna miss me when I’m gone?” Harry pouts suddenly. His green eyes are boring into hers now, and she has to look away from Liam’s gaze to pay attention to the young boy in her lap.

Finley murmurs, “Of course,” and Harry looks satisfied. A gentle smile appears across his face and he pulls her down closer so he can whisper in her ear.

“You’re going to miss Liam the most though, aren’t you?” His words make her blush and she shoves his hands away from her face and chuckles awkwardly.

“Stop it Haz,” she whispers, her cheeks still red. He cackles and it gets Liam’s attention, who moves closer to the two.

“What are you two going on about over here?” He sidles up onto the stage next to Finley, his left hand resting dangerously close to her right one. Her other is still buried in Harry’s mass of curls.

“Oh nothing,” they chime in unison.

Finley boldly places her hand on top of Liam’s, rubbing her thumb in slow circles like he had done with her the first day he met her.

“Just talking about how much I’m going to miss you guys,” she murmurs as she looks straight into his eyes. She only hopes he knows how much she means it.


Finley groans when her alarm goes off the next morning. She rolls onto her side, flipping the covers off and staring at the clock that reads 6:30 AM. Quickly she runs into the shower, taking the quickest one she can knowing that Liam and the boys will be at her apartment before 8.

She dresses quickly, grabbing her black leggings and a comfy white sweater. Another glance at the clock tells her that she is moving right on time and it gives her a second to breathe. Her phone beeps from across the room and she goes to remove it from its charger, staring at the text on the screen.

Liam: We’re on our way. We might be a few minutes late - Haz is dragging his feet :(

Finley really doesn’t want to have to say goodbye to Liam for three months. Liam has wormed his way into her heart and she doesn’t want him to ever leave. He’s protective of her and it reminds her of her brother’s love, which she misses so much. Now that he’s leaving she’ll just have to cling to Rochelle like she used to.

Opening her closet, Finley grabs a small bag off the top shelf. She slips on her boots and heads out the door, tucking the key into her pocket. It feels like she’s in the elevator for hours but she is pleasantly surprised to see Liam standing outside the doors when they open.

“I thought you were going to be late?” she asks as he pulls her in for a quick hug.

Liam shrugs. “Paul drives fast.”

Finley bites her lip, eyeing the little cafe that is located in her building. She had been hoping to snag some breakfast before Liam came but that would have to wait until she returned later that morning.

Liam sees her eyes wander over and he chuckles. “Hungry?”

She nods and her stomach lets out a little grumble. He laughs again and she slips her hand into the crook of his elbow as he leads her over. They each order a little something to eat - for her a blueberry croissant and a lemonade and for Liam a black coffee. He steals little bites of her muffin when she opens it, making her squeal and shoo him away as they head outside.

The boys’ SUV is pulled up to the curb, Paul sitting in the driver’s seat. Finley waves a good morning to him, smiling with her mouth closed because it’s filled with the blueberry muffin.

Liam opens the door for her and she slides in next to Harry, who kisses her cheek sleepily and mumbles something before he is out like a light. Then they are off to Heathrow.

It takes almost a half an hour for them to get to Heathrow, and the car is mostly silent except for Liam and Finley’s quiet chatter. Zayn and Harry are out cold, Niall has his headphones in, and Louis is playing a game on his phone.

When they arrive, Finley is shocked to see how many people are waiting outside the airport for them. Photographers are there with cameras at the ready, waiting for the moment that the boys step out of the car. The yelling of the fans that are there awakens Harry and Zayn, who rub their eyes like little kids and yawn.

Liam shakes his head. “I’m sorry Finny, I forgot that they would be here.”

She shrugs, still staring out the window with wide eyes. “It’s okay Li. Is it still okay if I come in to see you off or do I have to say goodbye here?”

She bites her lip, feeling the tears prick the back of her eyes. She always gets emotional when saying goodbye.

“Of course you can come in. I can’t stop the cameras though, you realize that right?”

Finley nods and brushes a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Liam nods over her shoulder and Harry opens the door. Zayn, Niall, and Louis follow him out, giving Finley a moment to prepare herself.

“Want me to go first?” Liam whispers and she clutches at his hand and nods nervously.

Liam steps out, stretching his hand to her. “Take my hand love. They won’t hurt you, I promise. Not while I’m here.”

Finley feels her heart swell in happiness and she takes his hand, letting him help her out of the car. Immediately the cameramen are all over them, shouting questions and yelling at Liam and her. Instantly Finley shies into Liam’s body and he quickly wraps his arm around her shoulders to pull her inside.

Paul hustles the boys inside with their luggage. When they have a moment of silence Liam turns to Finley and places his hands on her shoulders. “Are you alright?”

She smiles and nods, placing her right hand on top of his.

“This is where I have to leave you now. Mark will get you back to the car with no problems okay?”

“I know Li. Just give me one second okay?”

Finley rushes over to the other boys, who are starting to turn off their phones and put them in bags to be sent through security. She hugs each in turn and squeezes them tight. Harry hugs her close, whispering, “Say something Finny. Just do it now.”

He winks at her when he releases her and she blushes, backing up towards Liam.

“I have something for you Li,” she murmurs, pulling the small bag off her wrist.

Liam looks down at her in confusion, hands clutched tightly on both straps of his bags. Finley grabs his hands and opens the palms up gently, reaching into her bag to pull out the small gift. She places one in his palm and closes his fingers over it.

“So you don’t forget me. I have one too,” her words are quiet and nervous and her body feels like it’s tingling in anxiety.

Liam uncurls his fingers and grins at the little bracelet in his palm. It is a braided leather bracelet. He slips it over his hand and onto his wrist, where it sits perfectly next to his watch.

“It’s lovely, thank you Finny.”

He pulls her in for a hug, letting his other bag hit the ground. His lips hover over the top of her head and Finley goes breathless for a moment.

“I could never forget you.”

Finley wraps her arms around Liam’s strong waist and pulls herself against him. Finally the tears fall and she sniffles quietly. Liam’s hands run through her hair in an attempt to calm her down.

“Finny, stop. Don’t cry,” he whispers, tilting her chin up to look into her eyes.

She attempts a smile to make him happy, but looking into his deep brown eyes she knows that the next three months are going to be so hard without him.

“Li-” she starts but she is cut off as he leans closer to her.

Their lips brush and he seems so hesitant that it makes her want to cry out in frustration. Liam answers her unspoken wish though and presses his lips harder against hers. She sighs and grabs at the back of his neck, playing with his short hair as he kisses her like his life depends on it.

And it is wonderful. Finley’s never been kissed like this before. Her heart is racing and her legs are shaking. Her body is like a live wire, full of excitement and Liam is still kissing her.

His lips are deliciously smooth and they fit her like a puzzle piece. Finley even wonders if this is what it’s like to have a soul mate because it just seems so right.

Liam pulls away, leaving both of them breathless, but he rests his forehead against hers.

And then they laugh and she can hear the boys letting out whoops of excitement behind them. Liam’s happy smile makes her heart glow and she feels like if someone were to cut her open all they would see is all gold everything. That’s how Liam made her feel, like gold.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long,” he murmurs.

Liam released her, hands dropping slowly off her face. The two stared at each other for a moment, faces tinted red with shyness.

“Liam it’s time to go mate,” Paul yells over, interrupting the moment he hadn’t known was happening.

Liam nods to him and returns his gaze to Finley. He caresses her face gently for a moment and presses his lips to hers once more. She has tears falling down her face, but Finley can’t tell if they are from happiness or sadness.

“I’m sorr-”

Finley stops him, her hand brushing against his chest.

“Go,” she smiles at him. “I’ll be here waiting for you when you come home.”

With her words of encouragement Liam shoulders his bags and heads over to join his four best friends. He turns his head to grin at her over his shoulder and she returns it.

Three months would seem like forever, but after everything that just happened Finley knows that it would be one hundred percent worth it. Her heart flutters in her chest and her grin stretches even farther across her face. It is all because of him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finley's outfits
So it's finally happened!
The Liam/Finley kiss ;*
Do they have a ship name?
Fiam? I have no idea oh god


Thanks for all the lovely reviews!
If I hadn't accidentally deleted this chapter it would've been up sooner.

