Status: Guys, I'm trying to update as often as possible. Just start harrassing me. xD

Your Thighs Were Made for Cheeks to Graze

Chapter 15

"Aliieeee," Ben whined my name as he stood next to Danny's bunk.
"What, Benjamin?"
"Can we go to Apple Bee's?" He asked as he crawled on top of me, Danny, and Cameron.
"Maybe, if I don't die from lack of oxygen before the bus stops," Danny retorted.
"Guys, let's move to the back lounge," I said as I rolled out from underneath everyone and crawled to the back.
"I don't want to sit where you and Danny fucked!" Ben shouted.
"I cleaned it yesterday, remember you wanker," Cameron shouted back as he grabbed a blanket from his bunk and sat next to me on the bunk.

I put a movie into the DVD player and pressed play and then was pulled back onto the small bed.

"Who is going to the mother of these dumb asses once you leave?" Sam asked from the door way.
"You're going to have to be the mother, Sam," I laughed, "They'll be fine, I haven't even been here a week."

"We're gunna miss you though," Ben and Cam said at the same time.
"You'll be fine, you guys all have my number, you can call me whenever you want."

Sam walked over to where I was sitting on the edge of the bed and hugged me, "You know, I think you could be a great mother if you changed up your life style a bit," Sam said.
"I know, and I'm going to change. I'm not going to be a shit parent."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is really short I'm so sorry, I've lost my inspiration for the night and It's midnight, which means that the cursed post limit thing went away on Tumblr.

Harass me on twitter. @buttw1p3