We Were Infinite


Five years ago, the epidemic hit, and people fell ill right and left. The government, useless as always, went into mass panic. Hell, the whole damn world went to the shitter, but it wasn't as bad as it was when people started eating each other.

I, Lilija "Lili" Dagur, was only twelve at the time. I was old enough to comprehend what was going on, but not old enough to really understand it. My brother was the first of my family to contract the disease, my mother wasn't too far behind him.

After barely getting by for a year and half, my father and I caught wind of colonies that were taking shape all over the country. We immediately took off towards the closest colony, Seattle, Washington.

And that is where our story begins.
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Just a small introduction. The next chapter will be up today or tomorrow.
Lost of love, Cheyenne.