Status: In Progress

Two Doctors in the TARDIS

John's Blog

The Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson

day one

It’s been a few weeks since the incident. Since Sherlock…well. I think we all know what Sherlock did. My therapist says I should talk about it—or rather, blog about it. I don’t see how that can possibly help, but I suppose I’m willing. I don’t know if anyone still reads my blog. But if anyone is there, if anyone wants to listen, then do. Because there’s one thing I want to get straight.

I believe in Sherlock Holmes.


day two

I went to the shops today. Mrs. Hudson’s birthday is coming up, and I thought maybe I could surprise her. I didn’t end up getting anything. There were newspapers all over with his face on and because I’m a bloody coward, I could not face it. The truth. Because, if anyone’s here, if anyone’s listening, if anyone does not know the truth…

Sherlock’s dead.


day three

I haven’t been on here in a while. I suppose that’s cheating. I don’t think I care, though. Yesterday I talked to Detective Inspector Lestrade. Well, he came over to my flat. He invited Molly, too, but I suppose she wasn’t up to it. She loved him. I think we all did. Except maybe Sally.

1 comment

Hang in there, John.
Detective Inspector Lestrade 11 April 20:13

day four

The press have finally stopped knocking at the door. I suppose they wanted an interview. I think eventually Mrs. Hudson broke down and shouted them out. Bless her. I don’t know what to write about. Maybe I should be talking about my feelings. I don’t think I have many feelings left, to be honest. Except maybe sadness. And anger. But mostly sadness.


day five

It’s Mrs. Hudson’s birthday today. She doesn’t want to celebrate, but I went to the shops and got her a cupcake and a box of chocolates. If Sherlock were here, he would have given her something stupid. She would have loved it anyway. He might’ve played her a song on his violin. I don’t think he’s played anything in a while, though.


day six

I’ve been going through Sherlock’s stuff today. There’s a stash of about seven skulls. I don’t think I’ll throw out his violin. It looks nice. It looked better on him, though. Detective Inspector Lestrade showed up again today. Molly was with him, but she stayed downstairs with Mrs. Hudson. I don’t think she really wants to face it, either.


day seven

Mycroft came over. He didn’t seem very upset, but I suppose Mycroft manages to hide his feelings behind a mask of government officials and money. He did stop by at the funeral, to pay his respects, but he didn’t stay long. He offered to compensate me for the service, but I didn’t let him. Sherlock was my best friend, not some very distant relative.


day eight

I found an old apple under his old seat today. Wasn’t a core or anything. The weird thing is that it’s just got an engraving on it—‘I O U’. I don’t know what it’s from or why it was there, but then again, I don’t know much of what happened here when I was out.

1 comment

Oh, very good, John. Very well done indeed.
Anonymous 16 April 15:39

day nine

There was a strange man at the door today. Funny kit, too. He was wearing a bow-tie and suspenders, and a tweed jacket! Weird hair—fringe all floppy, like kids have got these days. He kept muttering something about the ‘time vortex’, whatever that is. After I asked him what he wanted, he jumped like I’d shocked him and ran off. I watched him go down the street and he went into a big blue box that said ‘POLICE’ on it. Not sure if he was playing a prank on me, but I suppose it was the most I’ve gotten up to in weeks.

♠ ♠ ♠
Yay feelings! You can check this out along with some of my other works at (my username is I Worship Steven Moffat) Please enjoy :)