
Chapter Fifteen

“Why are you living with them?” Gabby asked over the phone as I sat at the table, helping Trent and Rylie cut out letters for Nolan Ryan’s baby book. We had finally settled with Rylie the arrangement. “Because my parent’s want them to be there when the baby is born. Plus it’ll be easier for them to be a part of this pregnancy,” I said, handing Rylie the glue stick.
“But we miss you! Even Heather and Devin miss you!” she said. “I know, they came down last week. We went out to the movies. But that doesn’t change that Trent and Rylie want to be a part of this. I mean, they’ll be raising him after all,” I said as Michael and Roland pulled up in the driveway, heaving the crib and supplies in. “Look Gabby, why not come down this weekend? We’re setting up the nursery. You should be there...Trent and Rylie have some big news for you,” I smiled as Roland and Michael joined us at the table.
“Fine, I’ll talk to someone,” she hung up with a decisive click. I rolled my eyes, placing the phone back in it’s cradle as Trent finished what he was doing with the books, leaving them open to dry.
I stood on the chair, hooking the raised wooden letters on the nails Roland had diligently pounded into the soft blue wall. The letters were dark blue with white polka dots and they went in an up-down order. Michael and Trent were trying to put the crib together, Roland and Rylie were folding clothes and I was pretty much allowed to do nothing besides putting up decorations. And even that I had to have Roland Senior’s close supervision. Deborah was out shopping with Gabby, picking up stuff for the baby shower I don’t want.
“Bonnie, time to get down and sit. Watch the men do the work,” Rylie said as I put the final “N” up. “Yeah, like you’re a real man,” Trent laughed. Rylie pouted and jokingly tossed a pillow at him. Nolan kicked inside me, causing me to lean forward in pain. “Ow, oh Jesus,” I said, rubbing my stomach. I felt a little bump in my ribs, when I looked down I screamed, causing everyone to look up, startled.
A tiny foot was lodged in my ribs.
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