Into The Wind


I sat on the bed with Jade, my only friend. Tears rushed down her face. Today was her birthday and today was the day her grandmother had took her last breathe. It seemed strange at the time that death had been happening each week, someone's mother, father, sister, brother. But that was just how life went. I never understood the sadness that someone felt for the lose of another person. My mother and father were killed when I was young, too young to remember. They said it was a miracle that I lived.

Ever since I could remember, I was different. I could feel people's emotions when close to them. It was pushed over me and consumed my whole body. Sorrow was the worst I had ever felt, it seemed to never had an end. And in my dreams, I could see people dying, certain faces. My dreams told the future in some ways but I could never figure out how to read them.

Then there was Tyler, the new guy. I'd only seen him around a few times but each time I felt this pull towards him, almost as though I needed him. Maybe it was just from his devilish, more like godly, looks. His hair, a deep shade of brown that came just above his eyes that were the brightest shade of green. His shoulders were board that matched his height, that towered over me. But I was never close enough to understand the pull I felt towards him.

Jade fell asleep, tears stained her face. I quickly moved her around and moved her head on to the pillow, her jet black hair spread out, covering it seemed to be everything. I needed a break from her grief as much as she did. It was getting dark but the only escape was outside. Her grief overwhelmed me, it filled the empty house, seeping into every corner, every wall, every open space. I grabbed my coat from the end of the bed and looked back at my sleeping friend then quickly got outside.

Once in the street, in the brisk cold, the wind blew whipping my hair around. I felt the instant relief of my own emptions. I closed my eyes and took in my surroundings, the smell of snow was on its way, the prickling cold, everything rushed around me. Then as suddenly as my relief started, it ended. Something seemed to close in around me almost suffocating. I opened my eyes and looked around. The clouds covered the setting sun, the trees creaked. Leaves fell around me, lifeless, grey.

Then I felt the familiar pull.

"Valerie," my name past threw the wind. It twirled around my head, whistled threw the tree, engulfing me. "We need you, Valerie." There was no voice, just wind, a hushed noise that rushed threw my hair, my clothes, my head. "Hurry, please!"

"What are you doing?" A smooth deep voice scared me and I whipped around to see who was standing there. Tyler stood in his dark jeans, white shirt and black coat. His hair moved slightly in the wind, his green eyes burned bright like emeralds.

"Can't you hear that?" I wanted to look around and find what was calling for me but I was stuck, I couldn't look away from him.

"Hear what?" He gave me a questioning look as he walked towards me slowly. "All I hear is the wind and you." Before I could blink, he stood in front of me like he had been there all along. "What is it you hear so I can listen for it too." A smile pulled across his lips that dared me to kiss them. I was able to move but I moving didn't seem like an option for he was so close, smothering the pull. He masked the smell of winter with his overpowering spring smell.

"It was my name, someone was calling my name but it didn't sound like a voice. It sounded more like..." I trailed off with a sigh. "I must sound crazy." With that I turned away from his judgmental look.

I felt him lean in close, "The wind speaks to me sometimes." The words dripped off his lips almost as silent as his heartbeat. The pull was soothed and I finally felt whole. "Told me, you can hear it too." I turned to look at him in disbelief, being so close that our noses were almost touched. I wanted to move away from him, to back up. "You don't believe me, do you?" He laughed and started walking away. I was frozen in place. I wanted to follow, to ask questions, to learn but I couldn't move. My feet felt like cement. The pull towards him was increasing, the further away he was the stranger the pull got. "Well, are you coming?" He threw the words over his shoulder and they drifted past me, releasing me from my stance.