Into The Wind


Almost as quickly as caught up with him, everything changed. The wind calmed down a bit and the clouds uncovered the sunset. The trees were full of beautiful red and orange leaves. The street lights were coming on. "Where are we going?" Tyler walked with his hands in his coat pockets, each step he took seemed to be effortless, as if he was gliding across the ground.
"I was going for a walk, I don't know where to, but I'm glad you could join me." He gave me a sly smile and looked back in the direction we were walking. "I'm sure whenever we get there I will tell you." His grin remained on his face. It was perfect. He wanted me to join him for a walk, just to be next to him. But I was to distracted.

"Tell me about speaking to the wind. What do you mean you can hear it too? Why can I hear it? Why does it speak?" I spit out questions so fast I couldn't even keep track of them.
"Valerie, there is a time for that but right now is not the time. Just enjoy our walk together." His voice was warm against the cold wind. I pulled my jacket closer around my body and shivered. I was so worked up about the wind that I forgot it was cold. The only sounds were the buzz of the street lights, our feet hitting the ground and our breathing. I relaxed into the silence.
For the first time in a while, I didn't feel the push of emotions, I was my own person. I walked right next to him in complete silence, physically, mentally and emotionally. Everything escaped me so when we ended up in a forest, I couldn't remember how we got there.
"Where are we?" I turned to Tyler as we both stopped.
"You lead us here." I took a look around but nothing seemed familiar. I couldn't even place what part of town we were in. "Valerie, you want to learn more about the wind but you already know everything. I have told you many, many years ago. You must look deep within yourself."
I took a step back and laughed nervously. "Who are you? I have never seen you before in my whole life and you think I'm going to believe you? Ha, you are wrong. I don't even know why I came all this way with you." I took a few more steps backwards and tried to find an easy way to run. "So if you can just show me the way back to my house, I will gladly leave you to your magic wind." But he suddenly was gone. He had disappeared into the dark woods.
I looked around to see if I could notice a light from a street light but there was nothing. The wind wasn't even blowing. I twirled around till I was dizzy and fell to the ground in tears. I was lost, gone, forgotten. Who would notice I was gone? I heard sticks cracking and I looked around. "Tyler?" I saw a light moving, and somewhere deep inside me told me to follow it. Moving quickly, I watched the light and followed. Hours seemed to pass but I got no closer. It got colder and I was scared. Something was wrong, I felt pulls from every direction, ripping me apart. I was weak and my head was spinning but the light kept moving and I had to catch it.
"Valerie, follow me." I heard the voice again, it gave me chills that ran up and back my spine. Then a gust of wind hit me but not just hit me, it went threw me. It froze my blood, chilled my bones. I fell to my knees and it hit me again, taking my breath away. It couldn't be the wind could it? It was killing me. The light was getting away I had to keep moving. I went to stand but the wind rushed around so fast it threw me against a tree. Leaves fell around me, decorating the sky. I was going to die and no one would miss me. But the light...? "Valerie, follow me. Come on, lets play!" The wind pushed down on me, taking away my air.
Suddenly, a blinding light enveloped me and the forest, I was sure the whole world could see it. When the light died away, there stood Tyler, with wings like an angel. I took deep breathes but everything was fading away. "Tyler..." my voice wasn't my voice, it was like someone else was speaking with my voice.

"Valerie." He rushed over to me but when I reached up to touch the wings I had seen, they were gone. There was nothing but shirtless Tyler. "Valerie..." His voice was breathless. When he pulled me into his arms, everything fell silent and the pull was centered, and I faded away.Au