Into The Wind


Tyler's P.O.V.

Flying just above the trees, I watched as she Valerie fall to the ground and I knew she didn't trip. The furies were everywhere, surrounding her, taunting her every step. She wasn't to going make it out of these woods, alive at least. How did she lead us here and not know how to get out? She had been going in circles for an hour now, how could this be? She was helpless. I watched as the furies ran through her and throw her into the trees, she gave up finally, letting them slowly suffocate her. I needed to intervene before she really got hurt. I swooped down and embraced the setting sun and let it shine through me, enhancing the warmth and light. I spread my wings one last time before setting my feet on the ground. "Tyler..." Her voice was breathless and weak. I walked over to her and she reached up, reached past me and grabbed at nothing. She must have seen them! The light should have blinded her. But it was useless now, she had seen, there was nothing I could have done.

I scooped her up in my arms, "Valerie." I pulled her close to me as her head lulled back and she was gone. I felt her heartbeat, her chest raise and fell with every breath. "I wouldn't of let them hurt you." I smoothed her blond hair back with my hand hoping she would open her eyes so I could see them once more. But it was no use, she needed rest. The longer I held her close to me, the more I told myself she needed me close like this, to sooth her aching soul. Dying had put a scar there, deep within so she was never her own person, she needed others for their energy, their emotions, but she needed me to be centered. I was her lifeline.

But the time came to bring her back home, to let her breathe on her own. I wrapped us in my wings keeping her close as I transported us back to the dark streets. I couldn't let her go, what if she didn't remember what had happened? What if she thought it was an awful dream? This was my Valerie, in past lives of hers, she wouldn't have taken the risks she took. She was different this time.

My feet hit the ground with a small thud, making her head rock slightly. I spread my wings once more, letting the cold air rush through each feather once more. "Sleep well Valerie." I placed a small kiss on her forehead...

Valerie's P.O.V

The sun seeped through my window, waking me from my dream. I could't remember how I got to my bed, let alone to my house. I just remembered Tyler... I looked over at the clock, realizing I had overslept and was going to be late for school. I got up slowly feeling way too rested to have spent the night next to Jade. Jade! Sleeping soundly on the couch in my room, I left her there. Her week was going to be hard enough, let alone starting out being late. I slipped on some jeans and a black T-shirt and pulled my socks and shoes on. I found my jacket next to the door, hung up. I closed the locked door behind me without grabbing my keys. I cursed myself for this and continued to walk away from the house.

Reaching school on time somehow, even when I was walking. I felt the ominous emotions hanging in the air, fully taking over me and draining me instantly. I dreaded today, even though Tyler might have been there. I walked through the parking-lot, hoping to have caught a glimpse of him but there was no sign. No one even talked to me till lunch. Blake Todd, an average kid that looked like a stereotypical 'scene' kid, sat next to me and put his hand on my arm. With a shock, his emotions and intentions rushed into me, making me feel the same way, think the same way.

"I heard about Jade's grandmother, I'm really sorry." His voice pounded through my head, banging against the inside of my skull. "I know you must have a lot of your mind." I nodded my head staring deep into his dark eyes, hypnotized. His hand slid down to my hand making me forget where I was. "I seen you walked to school this morning, would you like a ride home? Then maybe I could come in and find us something to do to keep your mind off things?" My eyelids felt heavy, so I nodded my head like I knew of nothing else. He put his figures between mine and everything was fading out. He was draining me, I needed sleep.

Before everything was faded, the pulled tingled within me and I felt him near, getting closer. All I could think was hurry please, don't let me be forgotten, don't let me faded out. "Valerie." Tyler's voice rang through me. Blake's hand lifted and my vision was cleared, but I was still weak. "There you are. I told you to meet me at my car." I seen the alarmed look on his face and Blake's expression changed from sad to angry to innocent. My head spun and I couldn't control anything, my words slurred as they came out in a jumbled mess. He sat down next to me, under the table he slipped his hand onto my leg. I felt my head dropped easily to his shoulder.

"Valerie, I'll see you later then." He winked at me and walked away. What the hell had just happened? I felt like my whole life was drained from me, I felt like giving up.

"I am so sorry. Are you okay?" Tyler took his hand away from my leg and instantly it was cold. Just put it back, just hold me close to you. He lifted my chin with his hand and made me look at him. "The light isn't gone," His green his filled me with tingles, I smiled lazily. "and you don't seem to be too lifeless." My eyes drifted down to his lips. My heart beat increased as I wanted to lean in closer to him, wanting to feel those smooth lips on mine. "He just drained you, didn't you?" He reached his hand up to my cheek and brushed under my eye. He smiled deeply at me. "May I kiss you?" My eyes drifted to his, filling me with so much energy I wanted to jump out my chair. I felt each of my limbs light up, and my head was cleared. And with that I was thinking correctly, realizing the absurd things I thought.

"Why would you ask such an absurd question?" I quickly moved away from him, when I felt tingles in my right hand. I looked down and seen I still had my hand on his leg. I pulled it away quickly. He laughed a deep laugh that filled me with laughter of my own. I smiled at him and laughed right along with him, only to realize I wanted him to kiss me.