The Howling

Chapter 1

Luka's hair blew back with the slight breeze, her silvery blonde hair brushing across her shoulders and down her back. She sat at the edge of the cliff that over looked the ocean, her right knee brought up to her chest as her left foot dangled over the edge. Snow covered the ground, still she was clad in shorts and a flannel with the sleeves rolled up. The sun met with the horizon, divided in half by the water. The sky had turned violet and orange as the sun set.

A howl sounded behind her. Turning her head, her eyes found the forest just feet away from her. The howl was distinct and familiar, she knew Jace had shifted and was waiting on everyone else. Gathering herself from the edge, she ran and shifted just as she reached the trees. Where the lean and tall blonde girl used to be was now a large white wolf.

Her paws hit the snow in a fast sprint. Though the snow was cold against the pads of her paws she found comfort in it somehow. She shrugged her shoulders and neck as if it would rid herself of the human that still lurked inside her wolf mind.

Waiting for us, Lulu? Jace asked, his voice soft and familiar in my mind.

Just watching the sunset, Luka replied, sighing. As she ran further, the snow became thinner and mixed with dirt.

Hey Lulu, do you think you could run with Jace tonight? The east end gets really boring and I don't know if I can take another night with him, Kimber's childlike voice asked.

No problem. Though I doubt the southern boarder will be very interesting, plus that's Elyar's route and he isn't a very interesting running partner, Luka teased.

Heard that, Elyar growled playfully.She laughed. She ran straight since she would be running with Jace on the eastern border of Pyralis.

Pyralis was an area, no bigger than the state of Washington, that lay directly between the boarder of Washington and Canada. You wouldn't find it on a human map because of the natural glamours that shield it from mundane eyes.

It was named after the fire Elemental God who created the land. Pyralis herself blessed the land with the power of the elements. The wolf pack that resides near the area, my pack, are meant to guard the sacred land from the Spirit Warriors, or vampires as they have come to be called. Humans have their own idea about vampires and how they came to be but they are false accusations. Vampires were the product of the exile of the fifth Elemental, Spirit. They said that Spirit was so mad with grief and over run by anger that he stole the souls of a small village, reducing them to wander the earth feeding off the life force of humans.

The other Elementals; Haldis, Tordis, Eydis and Pyralis needed guardians for their sacred lands and called upon the wolves for help. Each sacred land holds properties that if unlocked, could give on the powers of the world. Being peaceful, Elementals didn't want this to happen and granted the wolves certain qualities. The main quality being their ability to turn into humans and wolves whenever they choose, the others are the way they kill: as Pyralis wolves, when they bite their prey it will slowly burn until reduced to ash. This allows them to protect Pyralis and keep the elemental balance.

As Luka passed through the trees, black crossed her peripheral vision. Jace came up at her right, his dark black fur standing our against the mostly white of their surroundings.

Your fur is looking exceptionally platinum today, Lulu, Jace said, false elegance in his voice. His tongue lolled out of his mouth in a silly wolf grin.

Oh, shut up, Luka laughed, nipping at his shoulder playfully.

If I didn't know better, I would say that was a distant form of intimacy, he teased, his light blue eyes bright with excitement.

You don't know better so of course you would say something like that.

Jace was Luka's best friend. Of the younger pack, he was the muscle. In wolf form his stature was taller and wider than the rest of the pack just like his human form. His fur matched his black hair which always seemed to make him look bigger, regardless of his form.

Where's Em? Luka asked, referring to their alpha, Emmet.

Emmet was born into the position of alpha just as his parents were. When time came to choose a second, or a beta, Em chose Luka because while she wasn't the strongest in the pack she was the fastest and best thinker.

Should be joining us soon. I think he picked up Fey, Jace replied, falling behind once they turned one the boarder.

Do you think he will choose her? she asked suddenly. Luka wouldn't admit it, but jealousy twisted inside her.

What, for his mate? Jace asked.

No for his lollipop princess. Of course for his mate! she answered sarcastically.

Jace ignored the snide reply. I don't know. You know how unpredictable Emmet is, who knows who he will pick. Luka could almost see him shrugging and tilting his head as he always did when he didn't know the answer to a question.

Being Em's beta, Luka always worked closer with him compared to the others. Now that he had turned eighteen he had to choose a mate, a female alpha to help him run the pack. Luka had never considered this before the news was finally announced just months ago. She always admired Em and had even considered a relationship with him but wasn't too sure of her chances.

Em had a choice between Kimber, a fourteen year old girl with curly red hair, ivory skin and dark blue eyes; Fey, a seventeen year old girl with wavy brown hair and light green eyes with light olive skin; and Luka, seventeen with straight silvery-white hair, brown eyes and pale skin. She didn't exactly feel as if the odds were in her favor.

Em just shifted, Jace pointed out the moment two other minds pushed into hers. She could feel the presence of each of her packmates' minds in her own but at the moment, her mind was only tapped into Jace's

Fey, take the eastern boarder. Kimber, go with her, Em called out.

On it, boss, Kimber chirped.

Meet me on the cliffside, Kimmy, Fey told her.

Luka had pushed out of Jace's mind and into the pack's mind as a whole to hear the conversation.

One is the loneliest number, Elyar began to sing.

Oh gosh, kill the dying pig! Jace groaned.

Enough. Have you guys picked up on anything? I don't want this patrol to go bad just as it begins, Em asked. His voice was much stronger in Luka's mind and she heard it with pure clarity.

Nothing on the eastern end, Luka answered, her muzzle up and testing the air for any scents that didn't belong. She found none.

Clear down south, Elyar informed.

So far so good by the waters, Fey called out.

Great. The adults will be here in a few hours to alleviate us, Em told his pack.

Rabbit! Jace shouted, darting ahead of Luka. She laughed and chased after the furry creature. She reached it before Jace did, sinking her teeth into its small body.

Its blood filled her mouth, the sweet crimson liquid making her mouth water. She could already feel the animal getting hotter as she watched Jace lower his muzzle and raise his hackles, preparing to fight. In the next second he pounced. Luka sidestepped and watched him tumble into the ground behind her.

Sucker, she laughed, dropping the rabbit and trotting off.

It was mind! he whined.

You can have it, I'm not even hungry, she told him, pushing the burning carcass towards him. He looked down as it slowly turned to ash and melted in with the snow.

The kill is the fun part! he continued.

Go cry about it.

Luka turned around to continue the patrol. Jace pounced, knocking her over but falling to the ground himself. She recovered and stalked toward him. He was a few inches bigger than her and he stood out against the white, making him look much larger. She growled at the same time he let out a snarl. She jumped forward, taunting him, then jumped back. He pounced the same time she did and they collided in the air then fell. She bit at his shoulder as he tried to get hold of her back. Twisting her way around him, she nipped at his ear and struck him with her paws.He staggered and she lunged. Forcing all her weight onto him, he finally fell and she pinned him.

Beat you, she laughed.

I let you win, he growled, pushing her off of him.

Sure you did, she replied sarcastically, whipping him with her tail.

Haven't you ever heard of chivalry? It's common courtesy to let the girl win, he defended.

Let's all circle in and meet at the cave, Em interrupted.

Race you, Jace said. Before he could prepare himself, Luka was already running at full speed. Although he was fast, she was faster. He was on her tail, trying to catch up as they circled around until they were headed east again. In the heart of Pyralis was a large mountain where the pack relaxed during patrols. When they reached the cave Elyar and Em were already there.

Won again, Luka laughed.

You're such a cheater! Jace screamed, lunging at her. They collided and rolled around, each of them trying to gain the upper hand. Snarls and playful growls filled the cave as they wrestled. Jace's teeth can into contact with her ear and but down hard. Letting our a painful yelp, she scurried away from him.

Sorry, Lulu! Are you okay? Jace asked, his ears down as he crawled towards her on his belly. She let out an answering whine as he licked her ear in apology.I got a little too into it.

As you always do, Elyar laughed.

It's okay. I'm fine now, Luka assured Jace, turning away from his continuous licking.

She trotted over to where Em lay. He had dark brown hair that were darker at the tips. His eyes were a deep brown, almost black. He was bigger than Luka but smaller than Jace. He lay on his belly with his muxxel resting on his paw. He seemed tired or sad.

You okay, Emmy? Luka asked him, using the nickname she gave him when they were puppies.

Yea sure, he replied, sitting up straight and proud.

Fey and Kimber had joined them now. Fey's fur was a rich chestnut that shined even at night. Kimber's red brown fur reminded Luka of the leaves in autumn after they fell from the trees. Elyar moved to greet them, his light brown fur rubbing against Kimber's in an affectionate hello.

Are you sure that you're okay, Emmet? Luka asked again, only touching his mind with her words. He turned to face her and nudged her playfully with his muzzle.

Don't you worry about me. Thanks though, Luky. There was a smile in his thoughts as he used his nickname for her.

The sound of someone outside forced everyone to prepare themselves. Em moved to the front of the pack with Luka at his right flank. Jace followed suit and joined Em on his other side. Another wolf stepped into the cave. Its fur was the same dark brown as Em's and as were the eyes. Em's father, the alpah of the older pack, had joined them.

Relax children, the alpha said. I have news. You all better get comfortable, he sighed. Em relaxed as Luka layed down beside her alpha and the others mimicked her. Em remained sitting straight.

Pyralis has come to us. She is disappointed with the size of the new pack, Em's father, Caspar, announced.

Luka glanced around. The pack only had six wolves. Caspar's pack had had twelve before three died in combat years before their birth. A few of his other packmates had tried to conceive but it didn't work out. All of this led to a smaller youth pack.

"Pyralis has chosen to join this pack with another pack of Haldis. They have many guardians there and Haldis offered to spare a few of his younger wolves, Caspar continued.

New recruits? Jace asked in a mischievous tone.

Haldis has offered his alpha and three others, hardly recruits, Jace, the alpha answered.

But sir, two alphas in one pack cannot work. It will create rivalry and lead to a division, Luka pointed out.

Unless one alpha is male and one alpha is female, Caspar clarified.

So Em doesn't get to choose his mate? Kimber asked suddenly.

No. Since Haldis's choices include a female alpha, that is who his mate shall be. Caspar left no room for debate, his tone was final.

Luka's gaze flickered to Em. Though his composure was unchanging, she saw how tense his muscles were. If she thought there was something wrong before, there was definitely and issue now.

Your patrol is over. The new wolves will arrive in a day or two and their living arrangements have already been established. We will talk later, Emmet. With that, Caspar left.

What the hell just happened? Fey asked.

Em just got his mate, Elyar answered blandly.

Patrol is over, Em announced. They all knew that tone: it meant leave. One by one they each left the cave. Luka lingered by Em.

You can't be okay with this, she finally said, moments after silence.

I don't have to be. It's going to happen anyway. There is nothing I can do. He sounded hopeless.

Talk to Pyralis. She is understanding. She will send the alpha away. She will let you choose! Luka urged.

This is out of my hands, Luka. His voice was firm and dripped with authority, the voice of the alpha. She crawled towards him, knowing she had upset him. She stopped when she reached him, placing her muzzle on his paws in submission.

Leave, Luka. Now, he ordered. Without a word, she did as she was told and left. She knew not to argue with the alpha, it only led to fights and shame on her end.

Outside the cave, Jace had been waiting for her. He looked unaffected by the news. Aren't you at all worried about this? she asked as they took off into the forest.

Pyralis knows what she is doing. I bet she even requested the alpha be given. I trust her judgement, he confessed. Luka felt bad now, as if her feeling worried for Em had shown betrayal toward her God. Pyralis was a wise woman and Luka should trust her judgement and carry out her requests. But why did Luka still feel as if this whole arrangement was wrong?
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First chapter :D This is, like most of my stories, a rewrite of one of my original ideas. I don't know why but when I first start to write something, I tend to rewrite it, sometimes, until it's not anything like what it was at first. I'm excited for this though (: so please comment and subscribe!