
One Shot

Frank woke up one morning and realized he was missing one very important item. His boxers.

He frowned for a moment, trying to recall what had happened to the underwear he was positive he had gone to bed with.

And then it hit him. He remembered how he had gone to bed early that night, only to be woken up an hour later by a grinning Gerard, who was discreetly trying to join him in his bunk. Unfortunately for Gerard, discretion did not come naturally to him.

“Oops, sorry babe!” He had said cheerfully, as he landed on Frank with an awful thud, consequently giving an elbow to Frank’s stomach and a knee to his manhood.

“It’s o-okay,” Frank had managed to gasp out. Gerard had quickly taken any pain he might have been feeling away though, with one quick kiss Frank was a goner. He remembered how Gerard had pulled his boxers down with his teeth, all the while shooting Frank a terribly cheeky grin. And then his tongue, oh god, his tongue. Frank would marry that tongue if he could. Gerard’s tongue had done many great and unmentionable things to him last night, so much so that he was practically drooling in his bunk just thinking about it.

Frank was suddenly struck with the aching need for his boyfriend. Not that the feeling was foreign to him, but he could feel himself needing him even more the usual. He just really, really wanted Gerard. It wasn’t just his lower half craving Gerard, it was every inch of his body. Every bone in his body, every pigment of his skin and every hair on his chest craved the touch of the man he so desperately loved. And he wanted him now.

He clenched the sheet swamping his body as he adjusted to the settings around him, so consumed by this feeling. He wondered briefly if Gerard was even up but a quick glance at his phone informed him it was already two in the afternoon; so it was most probable that Gerard had been up for a while now. Frank was usually the last up, especially when given the chance to sleep in, which he would in no way pass up for a few extra hours of daylight.

He fished around in the sheets for his boxers and pulled them on, discovering them at the foot of his bed along with his missing I-pod headphones. He sat still for a moment, plotting the best way that he could drag Gerard into the bunk room without causing too much suspicion. It wasn’t just that he wanted to fuck Gerard, although that would be nice too. He just really really wanted to be with him ,be it whether they were kissing, cuddling or just simply talking.

Frank supposed it was this whole ‘honeymoon’ period they were still in. They had only been dating a month now, oh but what a wonderful month it had been! They cuddled, kissed and fucked as they pleased; every moment spent not touching Gerard was spent wishing he could be touching Gerard.

Frank leapt out of his bunk, a loud thud echoing through the small room as he crashed on the floor. He rummaged under the bed for some pants, not wanting to totally scar his band mates but skipped the shirt, wanting to show enough skin to lure Gerard into his the bunk room for some sweet lovin’. He pulled on a random pair of jeans, not caring whose they were and ruffled his hair, giving it the adorable ‘just out of bed’ look he knew Gerard was a sucker for. He pinched his cheeks a little, hoping to give them a rosy glow before spraying deodorant under his arms. Nobody wanted a stinky lover, not even his boyfriend.

Satisfied with his final appearance, he slowly pulled open the door and glanced out into the lounge. Mikey and Ray were busy in the kitchen playing bowling, using cans as the pins and fruit as the balls, and Bob was engaged in what looked like a very heated battle against what looked to Frank like an ogre. Frank hoped it was the Harry Potter game he had given him for Christmas, which at the time had simply received a perplexed look.

He tore his gaze away from the television screen and focused his eyes on the only one he cared about seeing at that moment. There sat his Gerard, sketching silently with a focused look in his eyes and a small pink tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth. Frank felt his mouth start watering, his heart increasing its pace and his breaths coming out in hitches.

Gerard was completely oblivious to the set of eyes that were staring at him with a hungry look, so engrossed in his work. Frank watched him a while longer, noticing how concentrated on his work he was when he didn’t even flinch when Mikey knocked an orange into the cans causing them to crash everywhere.

Gerard’s long fingers gripped the pencil as it darted over the page, his ankle perched just above his other knee to support his sketchbook. This man had no idea what he was doing to Frank right now. It was Gerard at his simplest and, to Frank, his best.

“Gerard?” Frank called softly, leaning up against the door, it feeling cold against his bare back.

Gerard didn’t look up, he didn’t even hear Frank. He simply flicked the black hair out of his face and continued sketching, lost in his own little world.

“Gerard?” Frank tried again, this time his voice was louder but still evoked no response from the artist. Frank was beginning to feel frustrated, his longing for Gerard increasing with every pencil stroke he laid down on his page.

“Ger-“Frank started to say but was cut off by Bob’s booming voice.

“Hey dip shit!” Bob yelled, picking up the nearest pillow and propelling it towards Gerard’s head. “Your boyfriend wants you!”

The pillow made contact with Gerard’s head, causing him to jump out of shock more then anything else.

“What the fuck Bob? You messed up my page,” Gerard complained, a frown forming as he looked down at his ruined page with a great big pencil streak now across it.

“Not my fault, you need to listen to your woman when he calls,” Bob replied, before pressing resume and instantly pressing as many buttons as he could on the controller, trying to get Harry to ‘stupefy’ the ogre. Frank was pleased to see that he had been right in thinking he was playing Harry Potter.

“What is it Frankie?” Gerard sighed, feeling somewhat depressed for the loss of art.

Frank looked into his eyes, feeling guilty for being the predominant cause for his page being ruined but it wasn’t enough to distract him from the craving for his boyfriend that was still very much alive. He swallowed heavily, and licked his lips.

“Gerard, can I talk to you?” He questioned, trying his best to look adorable by glancing shyly at his boyfriend with a little smile playing on his face. It didn’t go down as well as he would have hoped though as Gerard simply sighed again, glanced up at the ceiling once before looking back at Frank.

“Yes babe,” he replied, looking down once more at his wrecked work and wondering how difficult it would be to fix or even redo. Frank frowned when Gerard made no move to get up and was barely paying him attention.

“Uh, in here? Can I talk to you in here?” Frank tried again, attempting to make his voice sound sultry as he said the last part.

“Frankie, babe, can it wait? I’m just a little busy,” was Gerard’s reply. He hadn’t even looked at Frank, instead gently rubbing away the large pencil mark. Frank felt a scowl make its way across his usually happy face; he didn’t like being ignored for a drawing. Plus Gerard’s grumpy little face had done nothing to stop Frank’s desperate need for the man, if anything it had increased it. Gerard made such a cute grump.

“Gerard, please,” Frank whined, his hands twitching from not being able to roam Gerard’s body.

Gerard looked up this time, not missing the pathetic expression on Frank’s face. “Ten minutes, just give me ten minutes.”

Frank scowled again but nodded reluctantly. He would take what he could get. That drawing had better be the best damn thing Gerard had ever created to be turning him down like this. He slinked back into the bunk room and dived into his cozy little bunk, ripping the jeans from his body followed soon by his boxers. He was careful to shut the curtain so that any other band member that happened to walk past that wasn’t the lead singer didn’t get too much of a shock.

Frank arranged his body in what he hoped was an attractive posed and waited. And waited, and waited and waited.

And waited some more.

He finally realized that half an hour had passed and Gerard still wasn’t in his bunk, ravishing his needy body as he should be. The realization came as a shock to Frank, who had believed the man when he had promised to join him in ten minutes.

He groaned for the second time that day and once again fished around for his boxers, pulling them up his body once more. Frank pulled the curtain open and wandered back into the lounge, not bothering with pants this time because he just plain sick of pulling them on and off.

Instead of sitting quietly on the couch, Gerard was now tangled with Mikey as they rolled around on the floor together. Mikey had one arm outstretched and out of reach from Gerard, his hand clutching the front mans sketchbook.

“Give it back Mikey!” Gerard cried, desperately trying to reach his book by scrambling up his brother, which didn’t work as Mikey was too quick and too tall. Mikey soon had his brother successfully pinned to the floor, using only one arm and holding the other high up in the air.

“Ha!” Mikey said triumphantly, smirking down at the pathetic sight below him. Gerard pouted, his lower lip jutting out in an adorable expression which made Frank smile and forget this was the same man who had stood him up just twenty minutes ago. Gerard spotted his lover watching them and turned his gaze on the man, complete with puppy dog eyes to go with his pouting lips.

“Baby, Mikey’s being mean. Help me?” Gerard begged, now fluttering his eyelashes.

Frank put a finger to his jaw, as if he was deep in thought. “I don’t know,” he replied slowly. “You did break a promise to me.”

Gerard’s pout vanished and was now replaced by a look of confusion. “What promise?”

“Well, you did tell me before that you would come and meet me in the bunks…but then you didn’t,” Frank told him.

“Oh yeah,” Gerard said guiltily. Mikey gave up on annoying his brother and pushed the sketchbook onto Gerard’s chest heavily before climbing off his brother and deciding to instead pester Bob into letting him play with him. Frank sighed as he watched his boyfriend become delighted at having his precious book back, hugging it to his chest and sighing contently like it was his long lost lover. At that moment, Frank knew no amount of begging was going to persuade Gerard to come to the bunks…so he would just have to think of something new.

“This better fucking work,” Frank muttered to himself as he pushed the glasses up his nose. He examined himself in the mirror and smiled. He truly did look the part. Frank had decided that if he was going to get Gerard to notice him he would have to go out of his way. Gerard always had had a soft spot for a nerdy looking guy, and Frank had taken that into consideration when thinking of ways to get his boyfriend’s attention. Frank was positive he would get some now, how could Gerard resist? Frank had flattened his hair so it lay against his head and summoned his reading glasses. He had then changed into simple tight black pants and a white t-shirt, because, lets face it; he wanted to look like a hot nerd. He figured the glasses would do most of the work anyway.

He grabbed a large novel out of his suitcase and wandered into the lounge, holding it in front of his face as he nonchalantly dropped down on the sofa next to Gerard. He pretended not to notice the side glance Gerard shot him as he sat, favoring instead to pull out a pen and click the top a few times.

“Whatcha’ reading?” Gerard asked him. Frank resisted smirking smugly to himself as he held up the front of the book to Gerard, pretending to be deeply engrossed in it. This trick was working like a charm.

“Oh,” Gerard said after he had read the front cover and turned back to his art. Frank frowned for a moment, shooting him a furtive look. He waited patiently for Gerard to look up at him again, but had no luck as the man seemed to have only one love that day. His art.

Frank huffed loudly and stood, stalking back to the bunk room completely unnoticed by Gerard. He pulled off his glasses and ran his fingers through his hair, messing it back up to its usual state. He was getting more desperate as time ticked on, his ideas getting more and more extreme.

They say the way to a mans heart is through his stomach, and Frank was certainly determined to put that theory to the test. Unfortunately for Frank, he was very limited with what he could actually cook, not to mention resources on the bus were scarce. He searched the cupboards, eventually stumbling across a packet mix of cupcakes featuring Banana’s in Pajama’s on the front. He assumed someone had bought them for a joke, but didn’t care as it was better then nothing. Plus, they were cute bananas anyway.

He turned the oven on and set to work, following the instructions printed on the back of the box and only having to improvise with ingredients once. By the time he had poured the wet mix into the little patty cake papers he was disappointed to learn that he only had enough mix to make five. He supposed it was partially his fault as he had made the first three huge, but figured Gerard wouldn’t mind so he popped the five cupcakes in the oven none the less.

He patiently waited out the ten minutes it took for them to cook, watching them rise as they baked. When the timer went off he quickly whipped them out and let them cool on the rack before icing them with the yellow icing provided in the box. Finally he put the edible stickers on top, decorating each one with a few as he had been given enough for 12.

Frank smiled to himself at the end results and placed them on a white plate, serving as a tray. He carried them over to where Gerard was still sitting, adsorbed by his work.

“Gerard, would you like a cupcake?” Frank asked the man, holding out the plate.

Unfortunately for Frank, three other people had heard his words and whipped their heads around. Upon seeing the cupcakes they all gravitated towards them like magnets. Each man greedily snatched one up.

“So good!” Bob proclaimed, stuffing one in his mouth before reaching down and grabbing the other two.

“Hey! That was for Gerard!” Frank exclaimed, glaring at the three stuffing their faces.

“Oh really?” Bob asked, smiling sweetly and then dragging his tongue down the other two in his hand, claiming them for his own. “Here Gerard.” He held the licked cupcakes out.

Gerard wrinkled his nose. “ No thank you,” he replied, looking quite disgusted. Frank felt himself frowning once more and even pouting.

“They were for you,” he whispered quietly to Gerard, who didn’t miss the disappointment on his boyfriends face.

“Aw, Frankie.” Gerard stood and wrapped his arms around the smaller man. “Its okay, you can cook for me some other time.” Gerard leaned down and placed a small kiss on Frank’s lips.

Frank sighed contently, finally getting the contact he had been longing for. He sunk into Gerard’s embrace, never wanting to let him go and his lips still tingling from where the man had so briefly touched them.

“I’m going to go take a nap,” Gerard murmured in his ear and released him. Frank grinned to himself as Gerard walked towards the bunks, feeling quite sure that Gerard didn’t really mean he was going to take a nap. Frank was sure he was hinting at having an afternoon rendezvous in the bunks, like they so frequently did. He waited in the lounge for a few minutes, so as not to raise suspicions before sneaking away to the bunk room. He closed the door behind him and pulled off his shirt, throwing it on the floor with all the others. He gently eased open Gerard’s curtain and was met with the sight off his boyfriend… fast asleep. Gerard had one hand tucked under his face, his legs curled up with another hand between his knees. His mouth was slightly agape and the sounds of deep breathing was omitting from his body.

“Shit,” Frank swore to himself and shut the curtain somewhat angrily.

This was his last attempt. If Gerard didn’t notice him now then he sure as hell never would. He ripped the curtain aside and wrenched the door to the bunk room open, striding into the lounge room as naked as the day he was born.

“Holy shit! Cover your shame!” cried Mikey, hiding his eyes with his fingers.

“Frank. Dude. Seriously,” was all Ray had to say whilst Bob made retching noises behind him. Gerard glanced up from his drawing to see Frank standing in the middle of the lounge. He raised an eyebrow at him as Frank put his hands on his hips and lightly swung his naked body proudly.

“Baby, put some clothes on,” Gerard said to him, before turning back to sketching. Frank gaped at him for a moment, thinking surely he wasn’t serious. How could Gerard not even have a reaction to this?!

Frank stared openly at him for a moment, still in a state of shock before turning and storming back into the bunkroom, where he angrily pulled his blue plaid pajama pants over his bare legs. He grabbed a hoodie from the depths of his suitcase and yanked it on, suddenly wanting to be more clothed then he had all day.

“Oo I think somebody wanted sex Gerard!” Frank heard Bob say teasingly to the naïve lead singer.

Gerard laughed. “Don’t be silly, if he wanted sex he would have just said it.”

Frank rolled his eyes and yelled out, “I want sex!”

Gerard laughed again. “Very funny baby,” he called back, assuming Frank was making a joke after hearing Gerard’s last statement.

Frank clenched his teeth and flipped the hood up. He would have preferred Mikey, Ray and Bob’s reaction over Gerard’s. Sure, they had been totally disgusted but at least they had been responsive. At least they had shown some form of emotion, not just a blank look and a raised eyebrow.

Frank groaned and threw himself onto his bunk, smothering his face into his pillow. He didn’t really want sex, he wanted so much more. All his heart really desired right now was for Gerard to pay attention to him. He wanted Gerard to cuddle him, enveloping him in his strong arms as he whispered proclamations of love into Frank’s ear. He wanted that feeling of being so safe in Gerard’s arms, like nothing was ever going to hurt him, that feeling of invincibility. He wanted Gerard.

But it seemed that, today, Gerard did not want him.

Frank was getting ready in the dressing room backstage before that nights show. Everyone had sensed he was in somewhat of a bad mood, except for naïve Gerard who was acting as if everything was perfect. Frank swept some eyeliner under each eye, taking the time to smudge it thanks to days of badgering from Mikey who had insisted smudged eyeliner was the new look and he would be an idiot to do it any differently. Frank just thought he had been spending far too much time with Pete Wentz.

Once he was satisfied with his appearance, complete with a pair of tight black jeans, a random black t-shirt that Frank thought showed off his muscles quite nicely and his beloved Macbeths, he sat down on the couch, watching the others get ready.

“Ready to go, Frankie Babe?”

Frank looked up from where he was drumming to a random beat on his leg to see his Gerard looking expectantly at him. Gerard of course looked as gorgeous as ever, with his tight black pants that hid nothing to the imagination, a black button up shirt that was waiting to be ripped of his body, complete with a little black vest that made him look like a gentleman. Frank felt the familiar craving, which had been neglected for the past few hours after he had been rejected, come back again. He sighed heavily to himself, gave a nod and stood, making damn sure not to look at Gerard or risk losing all composure. He almost lost it when Gerard grabbed his wrist as he was walking out and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek, linking their hands so they could walk to the stage together.

Frank and Gerard entered the dark area that was the stage wing, joining their band mates who had already slipped into their designated instruments. Except for Bob, he was just twirling some drumsticks around. Gerard squeezed his hand once before letting go, so that Frank could go and get his guitar.

He placed the strap over his shoulder with ease, the anticipation of going on stage building and he felt more excited then usual.

They got the cue to go on and Frank ran out, beating the rest of the band members to the stage because tonight he was just ready to play. The slower members of My Chemical Romance all got into position in the darkness of the stage and waited patiently to begin.

As soon as the music began, Frank felt himself become almost a different person. Tonight, he was a guitar playing God and with each song they played he would become more and more enthusiastic. The music tonight was his outlet for ridding himself of the longing for Gerard; as he was convinced by that point his boyfriend would never touch him like he wanted again. Maybe Gerard didn’t find him as attractive as he used to, because Frank had tried everything to get Gerard to notice him. Everything. He had been strolling around naked and he got nothing.

Frank shook his head. He really needed to stop thinking about it and concentrate on being one thing- a Guitar God.

Frank wondered briefly if Gerard had noticed he hadn’t been coming over to him that night. Usually it was a case of trying to keep Frank away from the man, but tonight, for Frank, it was all about the music. He poured his heart into his guitar, releasing every emotion he had felt all day into the music.

Frank simply got lost in it. He was sweating like nothing else due to his constant movement, one moment he would be on the ground, the next he would be climbing up the amps. He was on fire that night, and he knew it.

It didn’t go unnoticed by a certain lead singer either. Frank may have been caught up in the music, but he didn’t miss the side glances Gerard seemed to be shooting him every thirty seconds. Gerard had watched Frank more then he had watched the audience that night. It had taken a shoe in the back of his head from Mikey to get him to keep singing the words to ‘The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You’, during which Frank had been giving the impression he was having sex with his instrument.

It was during the moment before they ran back out for the encore that Bob put his foot down. They had run backstage quickly after ‘Teenagers’ had ended and Frank had immediately guzzled down a bottle of water, tipping a quarter of it over his head. He then shook his head to get rid of the excess drops and recapped it, shooting Gerard a strange look when he noticed the man seemed to be twitching. He was about to say something to him when Bob came bounding in.

“You,” he pointed at Frank, “Stop being so damn sexy on that guitar and you,” he pointed at Gerard, “stop being so horny. I know what you’ve been thinking that whole time on stage and I’m guessing it’s not because of the thirteen year old girls screaming that they want to have your babies.”

“You think I’m sexy, Bobby?” Frank purred, running a finger down Bob’s sweaty arm. Bob jerked his arm away, smacking Ray in the chest as he did.

“Fuck no, you little creep!” Bob retorted, glaring at Frank. Gerard had his finger in Bob’s face in a flash.

Don’t you call him a creep!” Gerard growled, now glaring at Bob.

“Okay ladies, I think we’ve had a bit too much excitement for the day. So let’s just go back on stage, play two more songs and then we can all go our separate ways, where Frank can be as sexy as he wants, Gerard can be as horny as he wants and Bob can be as angry as he wants. Okay?” Ray said, pulling Gerard away from Bob and giving him a one armed hug.

“Fine,” they all muttered and made their way back on stage. They played their way through ‘Kill All Your Friends’ rather uneventfully, much to Bob’s pleasure.

Frank panted heavily as the song ended, feeling his energy still very much in tact and his Gerard craving still very much alive. He had only one song to rid himself of it, so he was determined to give it his all.

‘Famous Last Words’ began and soon enough Frank found himself with his back on the ground, playing the guitar as if his life depended on it. He was rolling around, manipulating his body in ways he didn’t even know he could. His addiction for Gerard was now the last thing on his mind. Until he spied the man approaching him, just barely singing with eyes only for Frank. Frank semi-ignored him and leaned right over so his ass was in the air and his guitar was nearly touching the ground in front of him. He simply continued playing, smirking at the girls in front of him as the cheers in the audience greatly increased as Gerard approach.

Frank felt someone grab his ass that was still in the air and give it a squeeze. He knew from the way the audience was shrieking it was exactly who he thought it was. He straightened up and whipped around, his boyfriend instantly pressing a finger to his chest as his sung to him. Frank stared back at him in the eyes, and instantly recognized the expression in them as the one he had been wearing all day. It was an almost feral look; Gerard looked so turned on he seemed as if he could burst at any minute. Frank smirked and walked away, feeling overly smug that the boot was now on the other foot. He knew what it was like wanting someone so badly but you couldn’t have them, so he decided to give Gerard a taste of his own medicine.

Frank could hear through the microphone that Gerard’s breathing had changed, it was much more staggered and he was barely making it through the song. Frank turned to look at him and saw the man still staring at him, seemingly unable to turn his eyes away. Frank shot him a seductive smirk and that was all it took for Gerard to become a complete mess. His singing was now non-existent by that point, occasionally he would mumble something into the microphone but it was mostly just a series of heavy pants.

Frank decided to further tease the singer, obviously trying to go for the title of ‘worst boyfriend in the world’. He was pretty sure he would win too at the rate he was going.
Frank ran his tongue slowly over his upper lip, his eyes rolling in the back of his head, his back to the audience so that only Gerard could see and any member of the band or backstage crew who was stupid enough to look. The microphone fell out of Gerard’s hand, landing on the stage with a thud that had most of the audience scrambling to cover their ears. Not that Gerard even noticed, Frank could see his whole body practically shaking.

The second of Mikey’s shoes flew through the air, connecting with Gerard’s side and snapping the singer out of his trance. Gerard’s hand flew to his mouth, flushing a dark shade of red as he realized what he had been doing. Frank felt a sudden pang of sympathy for the guy. At least Frank had only disgraced himself in front of his band mates, not a 5,000 strong crowd.

Gerard quickly bent down and picked up the discarded microphone.

”Nothing you can say can stop me going home!” Gerard sung, finding his place and singing the last line to a roaring crowd who were the most entertained they had been all night. “Uh, g’night!”

The lead singer wasted no time in making for the backstage, leaving the rest of his band to wave goodnight while he tried to live down his humiliation.

Frank took his guitar off, handed to the tech at the side and walked off the stage, receiving a slap on the back of the head from Mikey and a frown from Ray. They knew what the little guitarist had been up to.

Gerard was leaning against an equipment box when they walked in, breathing heavily.

“Smooth Gerard,” Mikey said to his brother. Gerard snapped his head up, but he did not look at his brother. No, he had eyes for only one person in that small space. The one person who was making him feels like a 16 year old with a crush.

Gerard leapt away from the box he was leaning on and strode across the room, crashing his lips to Frank with such force that Frank staggered backwards before regaining his balance. Gerard tangled his fingers in the sweaty guitarist’s hair and wasted to time in assaulting his mouth with his tongue, so desperate for the contact with his boyfriend.

“You little shit,” Gerard whispered before attacking Frank’s neck. Frank simply laughed, feeling so giddy with excitement at the fact his boyfriend wanted him as desperately as Frank had all day. Frank couldn’t recall feeling happier in his life. He had just played an amazing show and now the love of his life was showering him with affection. Affection that was long overdue, in Frank’s opinion.

“Frankie,” Gerard said breathlessly, barely able to pry his mouth away from Frank’s exposed neck. Frank brought his face back down so that it was only inches from Gerard’s, his boyfriend’s hot breath coming out in pants evoking a shiver down his spine.

“Yeah babe?” Frank managed to gasp out as Gerard’s piercing hazel eyes met his own, emotion swimming in them. Gerard simply stared at him for a moment, letting his eyes speak for what was not being said.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” Gerard whispered to him, reaching out and pushing his hair back but not breaking the eye lock they had happening. “I am so in love with you.”

Frank felt his heart swell with emotion, tears threatening to drip down his cheeks at any moment at Gerard’s declaration of love.

“I want to show you something,” Gerard continued, still gazing at Frank with that look of complete love.

Frank could only nod, fearing that if he opened his mouth to speak all emotion that was currently being held back would be released, causing him to turn into a quivering mess.
Gerard leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Frank’s cheek, tangling their fingers together at the same time. He smiled at his cute boyfriend and pulled him gently down the hall, out towards the buses. Frank welcomed the cool night air as it hit them, his temperature was currently soaring.

Gerard turned as they were walking, shooting Frank the most adorable smile he had seen in his life before scooping the little guitarist up into his arms and carrying him up the bus steps without too much difficulty. Once inside the small lounge, Gerard gently placed his boyfriend down on the comfortable sofa and leaned over him, instantly applying his lips to Frank’s. Frank sunk into the kiss, keeping his hands wrapped around Gerard’s neck as his boyfriend's skillful fingers ran up and down his back.

Gerard pulled away after a moment, resting his forehead gently against Frank’s.

“I have something to show you,” Gerard whispered, rubbing their noses together.

“Okay,” Frank replied, letting out a little giggle showing his delight at finally receiving the contact he had been craving all day. Gerard gave him a quick peck on the nose and with a great amount of effort, pried himself off Frank and disappeared into the bunk room.

Frank couldn’t help but let a huge grin make its way onto his face and he wrapped his arms around his body as if he was giving himself a hug. He also couldn’t help letting out a girlish squeal, beyond satisfied with the current behavior of his true love. He was too busy squealing that he didn’t hear the footsteps of said true love returning.

“Were you just…squealing?”

Frank’s head shot up to see his boyfriend standing there with a bemused expression on his face.

“…No?” Frank replied eventually, although the blush on his face told a different story. Gerard crossed the room and sat next to him, pulling Frank into his body with an outstretched arm.

“You’re adorable,” Gerard told him, as Frank snuggled into his body. “Close your eyes.”

Frank obediently shut his eyes, his mind immediately going to work thinking as to what Gerard’s surprise could be. He hoped it was the I-pod he was missing.

“Open them,” was whispered softly into his ear and Frank’s eyes sprung open, gasping in shock at what they saw.

“Ger…baby…” was all Frank was able to say. In his hands was the most amazing picture he had ever seen in his life. It was a picture of Frank-except it wasn’t just Frank. It was Frank as Jack Skellington, the pumpkin king. Jack’s eyes both had large X’s over them and his face was wearing a large smirk. Frank Skellington was also wearing long black pants and a white shirt, with a bullet vest over it and a red tie just visible up the top. An MCR arm band was being worn on one of his skinny arms, which Frank was amazed Gerard had been able to draw on a space that small. Frank swallowed heavily as his eyes delighted over the picture, smiling as he saw the little Zero floating alongside Frank Skellington. The large moon was directly behind them, glowing and illuminating the dewy grass, giving the picture an eerie look.

Frank dragged his eyes away from the perfect picture to look at the man next to him, who was nervously waiting for his opinion. He shook his head for a moment, trying to rid himself of the utter disbelief that he felt.

“You are,” Frank finally croaked, breathing in deeply to regain composure. “The most amazing man in the world.”

“Do you like it?” Gerard asked, almost timidly.

Franks eyes bulged out. “Liked it? Liked IT!?” He repeated before launching himself at Gerard, causing the man to fall back on the couch. “Liked it?” Frank proceeded to kiss every part of Gerard’s face he could get to before simply making out with his jaw hungrily.

“I loved it,” Frank breathed, pulling away with a smack. “Almost as much as I love the man that created it.”

Gerard giggled. “So, not much then?”

Frank wrinkled his nose and shook his head. “Not much,” he agreed, only managing to keep a straight face for a few seconds before the stupid grin worked its way back. He couldn’t help it, he was just so happy. Frank leant down towards Gerard, indicating to the man below him what he wanted to which Gerard happily obliged. Their lips met in the middle in a moment of undisputable passion. Frank worked his lips furiously against Gerard’s, hoping to convey to him just how much he liked his picture through the kiss.

“Oh Frankie,” Gerard moaned into the kiss, causing Frank to giggle. He wondered how he could have ever doubted Gerard didn’t want him, especially now that he had learnt that what had been keeping Gerard away from him was in fact a surprise for him. The best surprise Frank had ever received…expect maybe the time Gerard told him he had a surprise for him and whipped out his dick.

“Gerard,” Frank suddenly said, pulling away from the kiss but leaving his face only inches away so they still had the intimate mood that had enveloped them. He looked down at his boyfriend, whose face was suitably flushed and sweaty which was a result of not just the show. His lips were red and pouty from having just been previously kissed and his eyes were glowing with a mixture of love and passion.

“Be the Sally to my Jack?” He questioned softly.

Gerard let out a giggle and smiled up at his boyfriend.

♠ ♠ ♠
For the Frank to my Gerard. I love you Lizzy.