Status: This is not your normal romance

No Matter What

what now?

liam pulls up to the curb because rios car is parked in our drive way. he is pacing in front of the apartment when we step out.
he glares at liam who puts his hands up in surrender. "just giving them a ride home."
rio looks at me questioningly then at the crying manny i my arms then at the spooked tony who is gripping my hand. im pretty sure he is cutting off blood flow.
which reminds me to check the apartment.
"here. watch them." i hand manny and tony over to liam who looks stunned. "stay." i tell all three of them. i then pull rio with me up the stairs. it was our apartment and then the landlord downstairs.
we get to my apartment and i see the door is wide opened.
rio and i look at each other.
he pushes me behind him and we walk into the apartment.
everything is trashed.the couch is all ripped up. theres papers everywhere. nothing is gone though.
i sigh as we walk back down to the boys. liam is standing there awkwardly and tony and manny are playing tag.
liam leaves and just when the police get here.
i give the police a statement and they leave.
rio, the boys and i go back up stairs and straighten up.
around 7 i put the boys in the shower and in pajamas.
i walk rio downstairs and its already dark since it is winter.
we walk to his car in silence.
he reaches for the door handle of his car and i put my hand on his arm. "rio.... you know i love you right?" i say
rio smiles this adorable smile. "i know." he shuffles his feet. "i love you too."
i smile too and feel giddy.
rio cups my cheek and lowers his lips on to mine. and for that moment everything is alright in the world
♠ ♠ ♠
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