Status: This is not your normal romance

No Matter What

don't lie to yourself

"Ready to go munchkins?" i ask tony and manny my two younger brothers.
tony is nine and manny is five. they both grab one of my hands. and we start our way back to our little apartment.
i drop my brothers off at home to my mom and head back to school for the game.
i get there early when people are barely arriving and walk to the edge of the field so i can say hi to rio but instead attract liam.
"hey there sexy, change your mind about the date?" he was standing really close.
"uhhh no. i'm just here to watch the game." i twist my hair with my finger and look away.
"are you sure?" liam took a step closer to me so our bodies were touching. i look up into his hazel eyes. and he is looking into my blue ones.
i take a deep breath "im positive."
liam smirks and says "for now." and turns away just in time before rio makes his way to me.
"what was that about?" Rio asks.
"he thinks i like him." i say looking at Rio.
"do you?" hes serious
"no." i say not really believing it myself
but Rio does. and he smile "good. i'm glad you can make it." Rio gives me a quick hug and runs back to the field.
i take a deep breath and walk to the bleachers and watch the game. we end up winning 3-2.
i say goodbye to rio and my other new friends and turn and walk home.
the next day i walk into English, my first class of the day, and immediately mrs. herrington calls me to her.
"Kat i need you to go take this test in room 203 and come back and tell me what happened okay?" she hands me a slip and i leave.
the room i was sent to looked like it was made for younger children.
"hello, you must be kat. please take a seat." the lady said. "i need you to tell me these words on the cards okay"
i nodd.
the cards had words and they were backwards. i had difficulty reading them.
then she made me read cards that had numbers and letters combined and she wanted me to read them alphabetically and in numerical order.
then she made me write down words she said then she made me take a reading test.
after she reviewed them and i sit there silently waiting.
"kat, did you know you are dyslexic?" she asked
i shook my head. "no, no im not."
"kat take these back to mrs. herrington" she handed me some papers and smiled sadly
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