Over Again

Smashed Mugs with Clenched Fists

**Harry's POV**

Marie and I ignored each other for the rest of the day. The day that followed, we were not so successful.

"Harry, we're all going to turn on the Xbox and play. Want to come to my hotel room?" Louis asked down the phone.

"Yeah, sure," I answered. Maybe it would take my mind off of Marie?

"Great! See you in five?" He said.


"Oh! El, Dani and Perrie are here. Why don't you ask Marie if she wants to come?"

I sighed and my body tensed. "Can't you ask her?" Was my immediate response.

"Why? Have you two had a fall-out?" He enquired.

"Oh... No," I tried to cover up. "My phone's wiped about half of my contacts, including hers. You call her and, um, call me back after and if she says yes then I'll, erm, call for her on the way down."

I hung up and flopped onto the sofa. I'd have to talk to her and see her and act a friendly around her when things couldn't be more awkward. Louis calls back saying that she'd go. Why would she want to come when she knows how bad the situations are? I groaned and got up off the sofa to get Marie.

"Hi," I said as she opened the door.

"Um, hi Harry," she coughed.

"I know things are awkward, but lets act as if nothing has happened around them," I suggested.

"Probably the best thing," she replied.

"Tell me, why did you say you'd come when things are like this? Not that I don't want you there, I was just wondering," I asked.

"I was going to stay in my room all day but Louis practically forced me," she replied. Oh Louis... I thought.

"Is everything all right?" I asked. I had noticed she was swallowing a lot and had a strange look on her face.

"Oh! Yeah. I think I'll get a drink when I get to Louis'. I've got this weird taste in my mouth," she said.

We arrived at Louis' hotel room and Marie headed straight to get a drink of water. I sat on the sofa. Perrie sat in an arm chair with Zayn at her feet. Louis and Eleanor were on the small sofa and Liam, Danielle and I the other. Marie returned to the room with her water and looked around. There was no space, so I moved up and tapped the seat next to me. She reluctantly took it.

"So what game do you want to play?" Louis asked.

"Just Dance for Kinect looks good..." Danielle announced, peering at the games.

"Dani, you would say that. You're not making me look like a baby penguin trying to fly again," El said, before bursting into a fit of giggles with Dani.

"I like the look of that, too," Marie said distantly.

"We may as well put that on then," I shrugged.

"Wait for me. I need the loo," Marie stated. She got up and left my side. She disappeared into the toilet as Louis put the disc in. The game began.

"Okay! Danielle can thrash Liam first!" Perrie laughed. Danielle jumped up and grabbed Liam's hand. Marie soon returned and sat on the other end of the sofa. While everyone else was watching the game, I took out my phone and started scrolling through mine and Marie's old text messages and reading just how we used to be.

'Harry... You on your way back?'

'Yeah, why? Everything okay?'

'Do you think you could make a quick stop for me?'

'Yeah what do you need?'

'Paracetamol :('

'Aw, I'll stop off at the shop. Why?'

'Mother nature strikes again :( stomach and back hurt'

'Ouch. So glad I'm a boy. How about some chocolate and a nice film, too?'

'Don't rub it in :/ and yeah :) the choccy and film sounds nice :)'

'I'll be home soon :)xxx'

'Thank you Harry :)xxxx'

I soon noticed that I was smiling like an idiot and stopped. Then I scrolled further up the texts and began reading again.

'Heyyyyyyaaaaaa Marrrriiiiaaaaaaa'

'You normal man!'

'Aren't I just? ;)'

'Hm. Agree to disagree.'

'And just as I was standing next to the Pringles thinking.... "Should I get these for Maria?" Now I'm thinking "naaahhh" :p'


'hahaha okay. I'll get the Pringles ;)'

'Yaaay what flavour?'

'Cheese and Onion'

':/ salt and vinegar?'

'Would you like salt and vinegar?'

'I WOULD like the salt and vinegar'

'Then I'll get you the salt and vinegar'

'You are the best'

'I know I am ;)'


'You'd know about that ;)'


'Hahaha okay. See you in five xxx'

"What're you grinning at?" Came Marie's voice, snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh.... Our old texts..." I admitted awkwardly. She took my phone and scrolled through them. She smiled vaguely.

"I miss when things were like that," I whispered in her ear. She looked guiltily down at her lap before sighing and whispering;

"So do I."

"We could always go back?"

"No Harry, we can't. After what happened before and that I'm with Niall now... I couldn't bear to see him hurt."

"But I thought you loved me?" I asked.

"Harry, don't talk to me if that's all you're going to talk about," she hissed. I nodded as my heart strings were torn at.

I returned to the phone and carried on scrolling.

'We're all going out tonight. Going to go to the Funky Buddha. Want to come?'

'Yeah okay, Haz. What time are you going?'

'We'll finish the radio show at about 7. Come and get you at 8?'

'All right :) see you then.'

'Wear something pretty ;)'

'So my normal jeans and jumpers aren't pretty?'

'You know what I mean:p'

'Yeah I do. I'll see you soon :p'

'See you later, Marie.xx'

'Good luck with the radio interview! Xx'

'Thanks! Xxx'

I soon discovered that it was actually causing me pain when I read through all of the texts. I replaced my phone in my pocket and found that Marie has disappeared to the toilet again. Was she ill or something? Nah, she wouldn't have come if she was ill.

I had a go on Just Dance and was sorely defeated by Eleanor... So much for her not being able to dance. Not only could I not dance, but I wasn't really focusing on the game. I didn't want to play. I just wanted to curl up under a cover and sleep it all away. No doubt I'd probably dream of Maria, though, which would ruin it all, because she was constantly on my mind, even in my sleep. I was just losing the plot.

Before we knew it, it was dark outside and we had all grown tired. Louis had ordered a pizza and everyone was curled up on a chair or the floor. Marie was in the corner of the room, doing something on her phone. I wondered if she had been reading through our old texts but I guessed not. We sat eating pizza and watching movies. By the time ten o clock had come, I saw that Marie had fallen asleep on the floor with her head on her arm, her phone in her other hand and half a slice of pizza on a plate near her head. I nudged Louis in the ribs while he was cuddling Eleanor. I pointed out the sleeping Marie and he smirked.

I stood up and scooped up Marie in my arms.

"I'm going to take her to her room," I whispered to Zayn as I passed so they knew where I was going if they hadn't already guessed.

I carefully and silently as I could tiptoed down all of the corridors to get to Marie's room. I saw her card poking out of her pocket and pulled it out. I swiped it through the door and carried her through her suite and onto her bed, tucking her in. I soon realised that we had left her shoes in Louis' suite.

"Harry?" Her rough voice sounded.

"Sssshhh. You fell asleep. You're back at your suite now. Go to sleep."

With a faint yawn she turned over and seemed to fall into an instant sleep. I smiled and left her room card on her table.

"Harry?" Her voice was faintly heard through the door that stood ajar.

"Yes?" I said as I appeared back at her bedroom door.

"Stay here tonight. With me."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Just one night."

I paused and looked at her tired shape. She was faintly smiling.

"Just so that you won't feel like you're hurting Niall, and I won't feel guilty, I'll stay next to you until you fall asleep."

"Then where will you go?"

"I'll stay. I'll just go on the sofa. It's comfortable enough," I shrugged. She nodded, then lay back down. I quickly texted Louis to say that I was going back toy suite because I was tired. He gave the immediate reply of;

'All right. Sleep well, mate :)'

I lay next to Marie on top of the cover and put my arm protectively around her. I closed my eyes and could almost taste the elation of being able to do that every night and just stay happy like that with her. I opened my eyes to her steady breathing and peaceful beauty. She was asleep. I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Goodnight, beautiful," and I softly kissed her cheek.

I stood and walked into the living area and lay down on the sofa. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes with thoughts running around in my head. I fell into an uneasy sleep that consisted of the turning and twisting all night.

I was relieved to be awoken by a text from Louis. I stretched out my arms and legs and made a small groan as I woke up. I reached over to the coffee table and picked up my phone. A text from Louis lit up the screen.

'You okay, mate? Everyone else went back to their rooms last night. El's still asleep. Can you come and help me tidy up? It looks like a bombs hit in here :/'

I stood up and wondered over to Marie's room. She was still asleep. As beautiful as ever. I sighed and replied to Louis' text.

'Give me half an hour. I've only just woken up.'

I crept out of Marie's room and tip toed as quickly as I could to my own. I made my way to my wardrobe and pulled out a shirt and a pair of jeans. I jumped in the shower and brushed my teeth, pulled on my clothes and shoes before running my fingers through my hair and flipping it. I grabbed my phone and room card and made my way to Louis' room jut before the half an hour had passed.

I knocked at his door and he smirked at me when he opened it. I looked at him inquisitively as he let me pass him into his room. He started to pick up a lot of rubbish and kept flashing me smirks.

"Something wrong?" I finally asked.

He grinned as he took some plates into the kitchen. I followed him and stared at him.

"You still like Marie, don't you, Harry?" He grinned.

"What are you talking about, Lou?" I asked, trying to cover up what I really felt.

"You," he said, pointing to me. "Still like," he formed a heart shape with him hands on his chest. "Marie!" He took out his phone and showed his lock screen which was a picture of us boys and all the girls. He pointed out Marie. I lightly shoved him.

"Didn't need you to spell that out for me," I grinned.

"But it's true though. You still love her."

"What makes you think that?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

"The way you look at her, the way you act... Maybe even the way you took her back to her room and then didn't come back. You apparently went to your room," he shrugged, mimicking my actions by also crossing his arms in front of him and leaning against the counter.

"I went back to my room!"

"Niall said he knocked at your door on the way back to his room but there was no answer," Louis pointed at me in success.

"I was asleep," I covered, giving the obvious answer.

"Oh all right then. How come it took you half an hour to get here then?"

"Had to change, shower, brush my teeth and sort my hair," I shrugged.

"That took half an hour?"

"In my defence, you woke me up with your text," I said truthfully.

"You can tell me if you were in Marie's suite. It's okay," he smiled.

"Louis," I sighed, turning to the sink and turning on the tap.

"Harry," he joked. "Right, we're out of tea. I'll be back in a bit. I'm going to the hotel shop."

"Right, see you in a bit," I said as he walked out of the door.

I began washing and rinsing plates and glasses, drying them and putting them away. My phone buzzed which told me I had a text.


'There was a reason I asked you to stay around last night. I need to tell you something. Meet me back here?'

I thought for a second and finished rinsing. Louis had left his room card on the table. After a seconds thought, I grabbed it and tore over to Marie's suite. I hammered on the door.

"Marie, quick, Louis will be back from the shop in a few minutes!" I urged.

"Come in, then," she ushered me in and shut the door. "How come you left?"

"Louis texted. What do you need?"

"Harry, I wanted to tell you but I wasn't sure. Now I am sure. There can't be any other explanation...."

"Marie, what are you talking about?"

She looked into my eyes as if she was scared and upset, all in one.

"I'm pregnant!" She whispered in fear. My eyes widened and my hands jumped to my hair and ran worriedly through it.

"How did this happen?" I stammered.

"When we were drunk? Don't you remember?"

"Of course I remember, I couldn't forget! I used... But I used protection..."

"Is it possible it could have broken?"

"Maybe... How do you know anyway?"

"Because of the metallic taste in my mouth, my increasing need to pee more often, and today, I woke up and I was as sick as a dog!"

"Are you sure you're pregnant?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life!"

"Marie, I'm so sorry! I've ruined your life!"

"No, you haven't. This is just as much my fault. Look, get back to Louis before he sees you're gone."

"Shit, I forgot about that. Text me later, okay?"

"Right, okay. Get going, quick!"

She shunned me to the door and I tore back through the corridors to Louis' suite. I unlocked the door and flew through the room, slamming the card on the table where it had been minutes before. I wiped down the sides quickly and sorted out the sofa to make it appear that I had actually been doing something while Louis was gone. Louis walked through the door and put a bag in the kitchen. He appeared in the doorway and leant against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest. He smirked once again. I looked up at him and sighed.

"Okay, what now?"

"I've never seen you run so fast," he grinned, falling back into the kitchen. My heart suddenly skipped a beat and my face flushed a pink colour.

"Louis?" I said, scrambling over the sofa. "Louis!"

"Yeah?" He sniggered. Turning to face me after he switched on the kettle.

"What do you mean you've never seen me run so fast?"

"I saw you running towards the suite,"
he smiled down, examining his hands.

"When?" I asked.

"Not five minutes ago!"

"You sure it was me?"

"Well, there's not many boys with hair like yours, wearing those clothes," he pointed out.

I paused and looked down at my shoes, leaning against the counter. I looked back up at him as saw something different. Almost sympathy in his eyes.

"You were with Marie, weren't you?"

"So what if I was, Louis?" I exasperated. Louis took a pair of mugs out and prepared some tea for us both.

"Because no matter how much you deny it, I know that you still love Marie. And the sad thing is that you know you can't have her because she's with Niall and happy." He passed me my cup and I took it, realising what he said was true.

"Okay, yes I was with Marie. And I stayed in her suite last night because she asked me to but I stayed on the sofa," I admitted.

"Why did she want you to stay the night?" He asked.

"To tell me something in the morning," I spilled, immediately regretting the action.

"What did she want to tell you?" he said, suddenly stern.

"Nothing," I hid, badly.

"Harry, she's told you something! What has she told you?" He pressed.

"Harry," he almost glared at me and sipped his tea. He was actually looking quite intimidating. "Tell me. Now."

I looked him in the eye and keeled. The realisation of what had happened had sunk in and I had a heavy weight fall on my chest. My eyes widened and I stared at the floor at Louis feet.

"Marie's pregnant," I whispered. I cleared my throat and spoke up a bit. Tears started forming in my yes and I choked them back and bit my lip. I dragged my eyes up to Louis and said;

"And I'm the father."

His eyes widened in horror and his mug fell and smashed to the floor. His fists clenched at his sides in a mixture of fear and fury. I looked back up at him as a tear escaped my eye and trickled down my cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so to update and sorry it's so long. I hope you like it! The drama's started and it will carry on! Thank you for reading and subscribing and for those of you who commented. I love you all, cupcakes! Thank yooooouuuu xx