Over Again

Over Again

**Marie's POV**

James was three months old and I'd never been happier. I had agreed to move back down to London and move back in with Harry. When I told Danny, he couldn't have been happier for me, the sweetheart. We still kept in touch.

The night before the wedding, Harry and I were curled up on the sofa. James was staying with Louis and Eleanor so that I could get a good nights sleep before the wedding, and so that in the morning, I could focus on getting myself ready rather than the baby. I could tell that Harry missed James and that he wanted to know how he was doing, but it felt as though he wanted to tell me something, but just kept holding back. He kept throwing me worried glances but I had no idea what. I wanted him to tell me before he left to stay with Zayn for that night.

"Harry, are you alright? You seem really worried about something," I asked, meeting his eyes.

"I'm fine," he answered...a little too quickly.

"You're hiding something... I can tell," I told him sternly. Worry turned to fear. I raised an eyebrow and he sighed.

"I need to tell you something," he admitted. "But I'm scared to in case it ruins everything. I'm scared if losing you again. But I don't want to start this marriage off on a lie."

"Oh, Harry, what have you done now?" I sat up so that my head was no longer in his lap and I curled my knees up to my chest, expecting an explanation. Harry looked almost tearful.

He took a deep breath and then began. "You know when you left and we didn't know where you were?" I nodded my head. "We had to go to Australia to carry on with the tour..."

"So we're talking... What.... Seven months ago now?" I asked. What could've been so bad that I had to know about it seven months after it had happened? Harry nodded.

"We all agreed that when we got back to the UK, when we were doing all of the signings and promoting we would look for you. But when we landed in Australia, I was feeling like complete shit. I thought I'd lost you forever. I sneaked out of the hotel and went to a stripper club and got bladdered. I ended going back to the hotel..." He took a deep breath. I could tell from the pained a expression that he didn't want to tell me and that he was scared. "...with a stripper. I slept with her."

My jaw dropped and I gasped.

"That's not the end," he admitted.

"What else?" I asked, shaking. Why was I reacting in this way? Why was I so effected by this? We weren't together at the time... Maybe it was because he'd said they were going to look for me. Maybe it was because I really do love him and knowing that had happened when I was in the situation I was.

"We moved onto Europe a few weeks later. I got a phone call. It was her. How she got my number, I don't know. I think I must've given it to her when.... On that night... But she called. She told me that she was pregnant with my baby. Was. She told me that she aborted it and that she hoped I didn't mind."

"You got her pregnant?" I stood up shaking. Harry stood too, making to take my hands but I fell back.

"I regret it so much!"

"She aborted it and you don't even seem to care!"

"I do care! I locked myself in a hotel for a week and refused to come out and talk to anyone! I was on the verge of a mental break down!" He shouted back, clearly hurt.

"Harry, tonight's the night before our wedding! You had to bring it up now? Why did you even come to find me anyway? Why did you not just walk away when you saw it was me? You have millions of girls wishing they were in my position and obviously you have voluntary strippers who would be willing to give you the dirty work. Why come back for me?" I let loose. I couldn't take it anymore. It was just more pain. I was fed up of the feeling.

"Because I love you," he whispered, walking forward to take my hands.

"But why tonight? Of all nights? Why tell me now?"

"I didn't want to start off our marriage on a lie."

"You couldn't have told me before you presented me that ring?" I had tears forming in my eyes.

"I love you and I wanted everything to be perfect as quickly as possible," he explained.

"Why do I keep coming back to you, Harry?" I whispered, looking at a patch of flooring to my left. I could tell in the change in his breathing pattern that he was hurt. "Why do I keep coming back to you when all I ever seem to do is get hurt?"

Harry slipped his hand under my chin and moved my head so my eyes locked on his. "Because you love me, too."

"I can't keep doing this," I held back tears as I dropped his hands and made my way to the stairs.

"What do you mean?" Harry called after me, scurrying into the hallway an running over to the stairs.

"Just go to Zayn's," I was still fighting tears, although I wasn't sure how long I could hold out.

"Will you still come to the wedding?" He asked desperately.

I turned around with a tear running down my cheek. I met his fearful eyes. "Goodnight, Harry." I kissed his cheek and patted his arm before turning around and walking upstairs, into the bedroom and shutting the door. Minutes later I heard the front door shut and the car in the drive way have its engine ignited. I stood up and walked to the widow. I looked hard through the dark night. As Harry pulled out of the drive, and into the beam of the street lamp, I just saw him wipe what looked as if it could have been a tear from his cheek. He took a steadying breath before driving down the road. I watched with tears running down my cheeks until his headlights disappeared from the street. One he'd gone I turned around and collapsed on the bed, sobbing. I looked up at the wardrobe and saw the beautiful white wedding dress hanging there in its packet. I shook my head. What was I supposed to do? Was I still going to marry him? My life was painful.


The next morning, there came a huge knock at the front door. I wasn't in any of my wedding attire and I hadn't done any of my make up or hair. I opened the door to reveal a smiling Eleanor. When she saw me, however, her face dropped into a state of horror.

"Why aren't you getting ready for the wedding? You're still in your pyjamas!" She flustered. She was in her silk, knee length brides maids dress that would match Danielle and Perrie, with her heels matching the colour of the dress. Her hair was curled and pinned up in some places. Her make up had been lightly done. She looked beautiful.

"I don't think I'm going..." I sighed, walking away from the door and letting her in.

"Oh come on," she said, shutting the door and walking into the living room after me. "Everyone gets wedding butterflies but this is just ridiculous!"

"Eleanor, you don't understand," I whispered.

"Tell me."

I met her eyes and felt tears welling up in my own. She swept across the room and hugged me.

"He told me about the stripper last night... About the baby that was aborted... He told me everything... I just keep getting hurt whenever I'm with him... I can't take it anymore!" I sobbed into her arms.

"He loves you so much... It breaks his heart whenever he hurts you. He never wanted to. You should've heard how worried Louis was when Harry found out about the baby. He wouldn't talk to anyone, he wouldn't eat... He was distraught.... And not just because his baby had been aborted, it was because he knew when you found out you'd be devastated."

"I can't take it. The things I feel for him are just going to get me hurt!" I wept.

"Are the things you feel for him love?" He asked. I nodded into her shoulder.

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him?" She pressed.

"I honestly can't imagine myself with anyone else."

"Do you want a happy family with James?"

"Yes," I gasped.

"Well... You love him... He loves you.... You can't imagine yourself with anyone else... How about you get that dress on?" I lifted my head off her shoulder and she gave me a reassuring smile. I gave a steadying laugh and wiped the tears from my eyes.

We ran upstairs for me to shower, have my hair and makeup done and slip on that beautiful dress.

**Harry's POV**

I sat on the steps of the church. The guests were becoming rowdy, wondering why the bride hadn't arrived. She was almost an hour late. I knew she wasn't coming. I could feel it in my gut.

The previous night, I had arrived at Zayn and Perrie's house. I had tried to cover up the fact I had been crying. They asked me what was wrong and what happened, but I lied to them and I told them I was fine.

Marie's face when I told her about the baby and the stripper floated eerily around my head as I pressed my face to my palms. I couldn't believe I had told her. I knew it needed doing, and I knew the reaction, but I never thought that she just wouldn't turn up to the wedding, even if she was the most hurt she'd ever been.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up with hope written across my face. It was Danielle.

"Hi Dani," I sighed. I crossed my arms over my knees and I rested my chin on them. I looked out over the car park. I felt her sit down next to me.

"You don't think she's coming, do you?" She asked softly.

"I know she's not coming," I sighed again. "I just can't face those in there." I jolted my head to the window that showed the impatient guests.

"You don't know she's not coming," she said tenderly.

"Do you know about the stripper?" I asked, looking at her. She nodded her head sympathetically. "How would you react if you found out Liam had done that? Especially the night before your wedding."

"I'd be peeved, I can't lie, but I love him. I wouldn't ditch the wedding," she comforted. I gave a saddened chuckle.

"But this is Marie. She's a handful and a stressful girl to keep hold of and love, but she's so worth it."

"Then I bet she thinks that you're worth it."

"This is Marie," I repeated. "She's not one to give up, but when she's had enough or gets hurt too many times, she'll walk out."

"Do you think she's had enough?"

"She told me she couldn't take it anymore..." A tear escaped my eye and I wiped it away with a finger before Dani could see.

"But she still lo-"

"How do you know?" I snapped, tears threatening to well and drip down my cheeks. "Has she told you lately? Has she told you since last night? Is loving me because of James enough for her to want to marry me and spend the rest of her life with me?"

"Love is love. It's a beautiful and powerful thing. It comes with pain. It comes with heartache. It's all worth if in the end," she said finally, patting my shoulder, kissing my cheek and sorting her dress before re entering the church.

A minute later while my hands were burying my face, I felt another figure sit next to me. I didn't respond out of annoyance until I felt a hand fist a lock of curls on my head. I looked up and smiled, seeing Louis holding my baby who was stretching out for me to hold him.

"Daaa du," he gargled, in his attempt to call me Dad.

"Hello little man," I smiled, taking him from Louis and cuddling him close to me.

"Where do you think she is?" Louis asked.

"Probably still at home. I've told Danielle this, she's not coming," I sighed as James tugged at another lock of hair and poked my cheek. I pulled him out from my chest and lay him down in my arms, cradling him. He resorted to playing with his fists in the air in front of him.

"I think she's probably with El," Lou stated.

"What makes you think that?"

"Eleanor isn't here yet, and she was supposed to be collecting Marie," he shrugged.

"El could be on her way... Marie won't come. I'm not sitting here waiting for her. I'm sitting her because I can't face the crowd."

James had started to struggle and didn't like the little black jacket he wore. I sat him up and took it off him.

"Here," I sighed to Louis, outstretching James and his jacket for him to take. "Take him in. He'll get cold."

Louis stood with James in his arms and patted my shoulder. I watched through the window as he reentered the hall and my mum fussed over the baby. Anne Cox... A grandmother... Honestly, I don't think mum was expecting to become a nan so soon, but when she saw James, you could practically see her heart just melt.

I buried my head in my lap again with my forehead resting on my arms. I had really screwed up this time. She wouldn't forgive me.

First ending it with her because of all the hate and pressure my fans were giving us.

Then Thalia.

Then Taylor.

Then the fan with an eager mouth.

Then Eva who turned out to be a whore.

Then getting her pregnant because I hadn't thought to use protection.

Now this. The stripper and the aborted baby.

I was ashamed of myself. I didn't want to look at myself in any reflective surface. I had hurt her too many times and she was slipping through my fingers like grains of sand. And you know the few grains that just get trapped between your fingers? Memories. Noting but memories of her...

I heard the cars passing on the street and driving through the car park. I thought of all those lucky people who didn't have the problems I had. I thought of the people who did have their own problems. I felt their pain. The car doors opening and closing... Every force and impact behind each slam of a car door had a different reason... Anger, rushing, eagerness... The footsteps of people's shoes on worn ground also had their own stories. Slow plods of people who didn't want to have to do what they were doing or who didn't want to go home. Steady paces for those who could calmly walk to work or wherever they were going. The nearest footsteps that could be heard probably on the other side of the car park sounded rushed and shoes caught on different bumps in the road.

I took my head out of my lap and looked up to the sky, taking a deep breath. I wiped away my tears that had just begun to well and fall and stood up, sorting my suit. I shook my curls and turned around, ready to climb up the steps and to face the crowd. I'd have to tell them that my bride was not coming and that there was now no wedding. They had waited long enough, after an hour or so. I composed myself and began to make my way up the steps.

"Harry!" A desperate cry sounded. I whirled around, scanning the car park.

And there she was. Marie.

She slowed and came to a halt in the middle of the car park, hitching up the skirt of her dress. Her chest rose and fell after running across in heels, trying to catch up with me. The dress shaped her frame perfectly and her height was increased by the heels. Her make up and hair was touched up perfectly with a little veil and wedding tiara sitting ontop of her head. She was stunning.

It took me a few seconds to realise what was going on. When I did, I ran over to her with me arms spread wide. She began running again, too. She jumped into my arms and I picked her up spinning her around. I hugged her and held her tightly to me, another tear escaping me, only I'm sure that one was more of happiness and relief. I felt a droplet drip onto my neck as she nestled her face into me.

"I was convinced you weren't coming!" I whispered into her ear.

"So was I," she whispered, sounding as if she was on the verge of crying again.

"Then..." I pulled my face away from her, still holding her up, and looked confusedly into her eyes. "Then what are you doing here?"

"To marry the one that I love," she said slowly, her hands resting on either side of my face. A smile spreading across her face. I felt a dimpled grin stretch across my mouth that spread from ear to ear. I lifted her higher and gave her a loving kiss that I hoped told her just how much I loved and trusted her, and how much I hoped she felt the same way.

When I pulled away and hugged her tightly once again, I saw Eleanor smiling at us with her hands clasped in a praying position over her mouth. She looked as if she was about to cry from happiness and the 'romantic' moment. I signalled for her to get in the church with a smile and she nodded and complied running in.

I placed Marie on the floor, looking into her beautiful glittering eyes.

"You look beautiful... And I love you,"I smiled happily with a small laugh. An adorable pink blush spread on her cheeks.

I entwined our hands and she hitched up the skirt of her gown. We ran into the church laughing and smiling, knowing that we could live happily together. Knowing this was our perfect chance to fall in love and start it all over again.
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Thank you for all the reads, subscriptions, comments and recommendations! It means so much!
Sorry to the Narie shippers :( but I had to stick to my original idea and let Marry... Well, Marry!
Please leave a comment on what you think :)
You cupcakes have been amazing! :) thank you xx

P.S... Now this is finished, I will, soon, be updating 'When Does This Love Become An Obsession?' (Another Harry fanfic)