Over Again

Pint and Popcorn

**Harry's POV**

My first and second dates with Eva, I believed, went quite well, although, they were quite time-restricted due to the concerts and interviews, accompanied by my need for sleep. However, I had gotten to know her really quite well and had taken a liking to her. I hoped she felt the same way - she seemed to.

That afternoon, I knew that Marie and Niall were going to watch a few films in Niall's apartment. I also knew that in a matter of days time, Niall was going to Mullingar again to see to some family issues and make the most of completing some charity work while he was there. I had invited Eva to take a walk through New York with me that afternoon. I thought that the more time I spent with Eva, the less I thought about Marie; I found my prediction accurate.

I stood outside the hotel, waiting for Eva. I rubbed my hands together in the crisp air to warm me up as my breath created misty spirals that swirled in front of my face.

"Sorry I'm late, Harry,"came a small voice that was Eva. I turned to face her.

"It's okay," I smiled.

She was dressed in a black jacket with a cream, knitted jumper underneath. She wore light blue skinny jeans and Ugg boots. She still shivered when the cold air hit her. She looked as though she had rushed her make up a little and hadn't brushed her hair.

"You forget to run a brush through those locks?" I grinned. Her hand sprung to her head.

"Oh God!" She squealed. She checked her wrist to see a hair band there. She pulled her hair into her hands and to the side. She stood sorting her hair into a plait before smiling and announcing that she was done. I smiled and locked our fingers together, before stepping down the steps and setting off.

The cool air whipped our faces and made them numb. Several times, Eva shivered.

"Are you cold, love?" I asked.

"Very," she nodded.

"Let's go in here," I indicated a little coffee shop and she nodded. I pulled at her cold little hand and bought her to the door.

Immediately, we were met with warm, scented air and felt relief wash over our bodies. She loosened up a little bit as we made our way to sit down.

"What did you want to buy? I'll pay for it," I stated. She looked up.

"A hot chocolate would be nice," she smiled.

"Coming right up," I winked.

"Thanks," she said, still warming herself up.

I placed the order to the counter and gave my name. I waited about five minutes before my name was called and I collected the drinks.

"Thank you."

I handed her her drink and she blew on it to try and sip it. The happiness that spread on her face when she drank from the mug was incredible. It made her look so pretty.

We spent the afternoon talking and joking, just like our other dates. She was smart, funny, pretty and all sorts. I went as far as to say we were in a proper relationship. By the time we reached the hotel, the sky was darkening.

We stood outside of Eva's room where she permanently lived to work at the hotel.

"Night, Eva," I smiled, pushing a piece of loose hair behind her ear.

"Night, Harry," she winked. She planted a kiss on my cheek, so close to my mouth that it brushed my lips.

I couldn't resist. I leaned in and pressed her against the wall, pressing her lips passionately to mine. My hands wondered her waist. I felt her slip something into my jean pocket, but took no notice at that point in time. I sucked gently on her lip. She gasped in pleasure and opened her mouth. I deepened the kiss and she let out a moan. We both grinned. Her arms were locked around my neck and mine her waist. The kiss was so intimate until -

A gasp. A trip.

**Marie's POV**

Niall and I sat watching 21 Jump Street. We were laughing when Niall decided to grab yet another handful of popcorn.

"Damn! It's all gone!" He exclaimed.

"Who ate all that?" I joked.

"Must've been a ghost," Niall shrugged.

I was curled up to him, enjoying his body heat and even his scent. With a cold day like that day, I was glad to be there rather than outside in the cold.

Playing the keyboard in the concerts really did tire me out. I didn't know how Niall managed to play guitar and sing every single night. Then a thought came to me - it was probably how much he ate and slept where he got all of his energy from.

"I want more popcorn!" Niall groaned.

"Niall, you ate it all!" I giggled.

"Doesn't mean I'm not still hungry," he winked.

"Would you like me to go and get you some?" I offered.

"Oh no, no, no. Not if it's any trouble to you," he waved his hand. I looked up to him and raised an eyebrow, knowing he was joking. "Oh well, if you must..."

"Niall Horan," I laughed. "You are a special child."

"That's why you love me!" He winked, wrapping one arm tightly around me and tickling me, and ruffling up my hair with the other. I laughed until my rib cages hurt.

"Niall! Niall! Stop!" I laughed hysterically. "Yes, that is why I love you!"

"Well, I love you, too, madam," he joked, releasing me and kissing my forehead.

"Good to hear it. Right, if I have to get the popcorn from the hotel gift shop thing, you have to pay for it," I poked his ribs and he nodded his head.

"Okay, but bring back a pint as well," he said.

"All right."

He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and handed me the money he had had converted from pounds to dollars. I stood up and slid my feet into my vans with my black skinny jeans and reddish colour zip up hoodie. My hair was braided to the side in a messy fishtail plait. Niall stood and slid his arms tightly around me and leaned down to kiss my lips softly.

"See you in a bit," he smiled.

"I'll miss ya!" I winked, he smiled at the floor and back up to me.

"I'll miss you, too," he nodded. I blew him a kiss and walked out of the hotel room.

I ran through all of the steps to the hotel gift shop which had a small corner of the shop that had everyday essentials like bread, milk and butter. There was a little shelf that had a tub of popcorn on it. I picked it up off of the shelf and made my way to the fridge. I suddenly had a little problem - I was under age to drink in America. Crap. Good one, Niall. I took a chance and picked up a pack of four beers from the fridge. I made my way to the counter.

"Do you have any ID, miss?" Asked the man at the counter.

"I'm sorry, no, I don't. I've left my passport up in my room," I said apologetically.

"Oh, it's all right. I'll let you off. You seem of age," he smiled.

"Thanks, sir," I smiled. Relief!

He put everything into a bag and passed it over the counter to me with my change.

"Thank you," I said as I left.

I stuffed the change in my pocket and started skipping up the stairs. I was looking forward to continue my night with Niall, but I was also looking forward to a nice, long, good nights sleep.

I was about half way up the stairs when I saw two figures entwined and breathing heavily.

"In public like that? I seriously hope Niall and I don't look like that," I hissed to myself while I continued to climb the stairs. I made it to where the people were - a little flat corridor part where several doors to rooms were - and gasped and tripped slightly. The bag slipped right out of my hands and onto the floor. The couple broke apart.

Harry turned and saw me. I flushed a bright red and scrambled to collect all of my things that had fallen. A slightly agitated voice said;

"Night, Harry," and opened and shut their door.

"Marie?" Harry asked.

"Hi," I squeaked, turning even redder.

"Want some help?" He offered, leaning down to pick up the popcorn as I stuffed the rest into the slightly torn bag.


"You okay?"

"Who was that?" I asked. I never thought that Harry kissing another girl would effect me so much - especially now that I was with Niall and so happy with him.

"Um... A girl..."

"Seems like more than just a girl."

"Okay, so I've been on a few dates with her," he admitted.

"You don't need to feel guilty," I announced, not making eye contact and standing back up.

"No, I don't feel guilty," he covered.

"Good," I said. "What's that in your pocket?"

"What's what?" He puzzled. He delved his hands into his pockets and pulled out something. He looked towards that girls room and back at the thing in his hand.

"I think it's Eva's room card..."

"Eva's her name then?"


We walked up a few stairs to the net flat part.

"Marie..." Harry said, slowly.

"Yeah?" I said, part turning to him.

He leaned over and kissed the side of my mouth. It wasn't quite a kiss on the lips or a peck on the cheek. It was in between.

"What was that for?" I stepped back, stunned. Regretfully, I didn't mind what he did.

"I've missed you," he said, looking to the ground.

"So what gives you the right to do that?" I started to raise my voice but realised what I was doing, so tried to calm myself.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have," he sighed, as we continued to walk.

"Too right you shouldn't have!"

We reached our floor and I walked over to Niall's door.

"Bye," I said, sort of coldly and walked into Niall's room.
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Hope you like! Please comment! Sorry it took me a while to update. Thanks for reading, subscribing and commenting! And those few recs mean a lot :) thanks cupcakes! Xx