

"So man, have you seen the news lately?" Gregory asked him.

"Yeah, but I ain't scared or nothin' if that's what you're wondering." Danny took a long drag of his cigarette. They were standing outside of a convenience store waiting for Gregory's girlfriend to come out. She had been Gregory's girl since high school, but ever since then Danny would fuck her on the weekends.

"Yeah, but they killed that freak Charles the other day ya' know," Gregory said. Danny gave his words a bit a thought as if he didn't even know who Charles was.

"I think I used to pound on that kid back in high school, hell I even used to pound on you a bit I think back when you were a fresh man." He took another drag. Danny wasn't even very good friends with Gregory now, but when you're as big as a dick as he you take whatever 'friends' you can get. He lived in a fantasy world where he still thought he was the grade A jock of the school and every one loved him.

"I remember that," he said, reminiscent of the beatings he would get from Danny even though he was only a year younger than him.

"Damn, how long does it take your bitch to get a couple beers huh?" he said getting irritated at how much time he was wasting standing outside a store instead of drinking.

"Look man, don't call her a bitch. Okay?"

"Well look here man," Danny said sarcastically and stomped out his cigarette. "Don't tell me what to do."

"Just because you were all that in high school doesn't mean you have to act like such a douche bag now, Danny," Gregory shot back defensively.

"Then to hell with you. I don't need you anyway." He had had enough of this petty bickering. He didn't need friends. He didn't need anyone and his short temper sure wasn't helping. He started walking towards the parking lot and headed for his car.

"Fine then! Me and Hanna will have fun without you," Gregory yelled in Danny's direction.

"Well I fuck her on the weekends anyway!" he yelled back even louder than Gregory before he got in his car and sped off. "Fuck all of them," he said under his breath as he gripped the steering wheel. He had thought about moving before. Getting the hell out of there, but he didn't have the money or the means to do so. He thought it would be best to go home at this point and just call it a night. He rounded the corner and got on the street that led to his apartment when he thought he spotted a figure he recognized leaning against a street lamp. She must have lived around there. He pulled over and rolled down the window. The girl looked up. "It's Liv, right?" he asked. Danny thought he had seem her at a party he went to only about a week ago. The same party a girl had gotten murdered at.

"Yeah, and? What do you want?" she shot back angrily. She didn't take to kindly to creeps talking to her, especially ones like Danny.

"Oh nothin' i was just crusin'. Wanna hop in?" he asked slyly. Liv wasn't the most attractive girl, but she would have to do. He could still look for a fun night now that his plans to get wasted were ruined.

"Hell no! Fuck off loser," she spat and started to walk off. He made a disgruntled face and rolled up the window. It would just have to be another useless Friday night, but all he wanted to do was get the hell out of there. Away from all these losers and a possible serial killer