

When I woke up the TV was already blaring the news–or at least it sounded like it was. I was nursing a massive headache from the night before. As I was throwing on whatever clothes I could find I kept hearing the name Gregory Pintit. It sounded familiar. I turned to the TV and it was like something out of a Stephen King novel or some shit. The reporter was standing outside a record store downtown with a slew of others and camera crews. The record store was one I tended to frequent and then I realized that I did know Gregory; he worked there.

"Our sources have confirmed that twenty two year old Gregory Pintit was indeed strangled to death with film taken out of the video tapes and cassettes from the store. The body was discovered by a fellow employee and investigators believe this to be the work of the same serial killer that has killed four people thus far. The investigators will be releasing more details pertaining to this case later today."

I shut the TV off. It seemed like people were just dropping like flies these days and it was more than just unsettling to me. It would only be a matter of time before this stupid town dwindled to nothing and the police didn't seem to be getting any damn closer to finding whoever the killer was. I grabbed the rest of my stuff and got out of my apartment. I had to get to work whether I liked it or not or I'd be fired for being late again. I got to the restaurant about twenty minutes later. Becoming a waitress was literally the stupidest idea I ever had, but it paid the bills. The other waitresses were standing by the kitchen gossiping as usual, those hags never did anything useful. I walked by to pick up utensils for the tables and I overheard their conversation

"Yeah, I thought I heard some noise. He just moved out of the complex in the middle of the night with no warning. I thought he was a rather sweet kid, shame to see him go."

"Well it must have been for the best."

"I suppose, but without Danny who's gonna watch my dogs when I'm gone?"

They laughed. Well at least there was something positive about today. I hated that stupid chauvinist fucker and now at least I didn't have to worry about seeing him.