Status: Hope you like it.

It All Started With a Hello

Chapter 1

"Mumma." Olivia heard from behind her. She turned and two children were standing there. One girl and one boy. The girl was holding a blanket, sucking her thumb. Olivia smiled weakly and picked the little girl up. "Jas, I told you. Big girls don’t suck there thumb."

The girl popped her thumb out of her mouth and smiled. Her front two teeth were missing and her lips were perfectly plump. Olivia couldn’t help but laugh. She kissed the girl on the forehead and then set her down.

"Aidan I told you to put your sister to bed. What happened to that?" Olivia said putting her hands on her hips.

"Jasmine wanted to talk to you." The boy said throwing his hands up.

"Jas, you guys have school in the morning. What’s up?" Olivia asked trying to finish the dishes that were left over.

"Mummy. How did you and daddy meet? Chloe said her mummy and daddy met on an airplane." The little girl named Jasmine asked. Olivia sighs. She knew this was going to happen someday. Olivia had a fight with Zayn, her husband, the week before. The fight was pretty heated. Zayn told the children he was going to go to Uncle Niall's for a while. Jasmine didn’t understand but Aidan did. Aidan was the older for the two. He had black hair like his father and Tannish skin. He had Olivia's eye though, a mixture of blues, greens, and brown. The eye color was very rare and beautiful. He took his father’s height standing at almost 5'8. Jasmine on the other hand was her father made over. She had the jet black hair and the tan Arabic skin with clear skin, not a freckle in sight. Jasmine had the dark chocolate eyes and the strong cheekbones. She is only 7 but they stand out. She was a beauty. Both the kids had gained the British accent as they were born in London but Olivia never lost her southern voice. Olivia looked almost opposite from the children. She had blonde hair with tannish skin and the mixed eyes. She had always been small for her age. She stood at 5'6.

"Jas, can we talk about this tomorrow. Your father is picking you up from school and he will have a cow if he finds out you’re not asleep right now." Olivia said finishing the last dish.

"Come on Jas. Time for bed." Aidan said trying to help his mother.

Jasmine stood her ground. "No." She crossed her arms and put the puppy dog face on.

Olivia sighs and gave in. “Okay, but it’s going to be a quick story!" Jasmine's face lit up and she scrambled to the kitchen table and sat down.

"Okay, ready?" Olivia asked. Jasmine nodded in excitement and Aidan sat down.

"Okay... Well it started with a hello."



"Olivia! Come on! We’re not going to get a change to meet them!" Alessandra yelled pulling me.


"Is that Aunty Ales?!"
"Jas, if you keep talking I'm not going to continue the story!"


"Ales don’t worry! We have time." And with that Alessandra left my side and fan into the crowd of screaming girls. I hated crowds and was only here for my best friend. I watched as my brown haired friend pushed aside three girls and then sassed them when they gave her dirty looks. I chuckled and then stepped away from the crowd. 'I could really use a cigarette right now.' I thought to myself. I pulled out a pack and run to an empty ally next to the girls. My best friend and I flew all the way to London just so we could see 'One Direction'. To be quite honest I had no clue who they were but patently they are some famous boy band. I lit my ciggerate and sat down on the ground. 'Damn it was cold.' I shut my eyes and tried to block out the sound of girls dying. I stretched my legs out and took another drag of my smoke.


Someone trip over my legs and then smack the concrete ground. My eyes shoot open and I jump up.

"Oh my god are you okay?!" I yell in surprise.

"I'd be better if you didn’t shout!" The man said pulling his hood up again.

"My bad. But you alright?" I ask putting out my cigarettes.

"About lost my hearing but other than that, I’m fine. How are you?" The man asks pulling out smokes himself.

"I know, these girls are CRAZY! I didn’t even know the band One Direction until my friend flew me down here. Told me it was a 'road trip'." I say sitting back down. The man laughs and then took a drag of his smoke.

"Road trip... on a plane?" The man asks laughing.

"She bribed me with cookies! I wasn’t paying attention!" I say trying to stand up for myself.

"Well, yeah. If it’s for cookies!" He says still making fun.

"Fine, Mystery man! Why are you here?" I ask. I regret it the second it comes out because he must live here, he has the accent.

"... Business." He says putting his smoke out.

"Oh wel-" I get cut off by Alessandra calling my name. I turn and wave.

"We have a problem! Zayn Malik is missing! Oh my fucking god, I am legit fangirling up and down these streets! My husband is missing!" Alessandra says seriously. The man chuckles and begins walking out of the ally.

"Hey, wait!" I say running to try to catch up. He turns and I stick out my hand.

"My names Olivia." I say smiling.

"Hello.”He says smiling slyly and then walking away. I lower my hand and my smile grows brighter. This man is something else.


"Okay, bed time!" Olivia says clapping her hands.

"What?! WHAT?! But it just got to the good-" Aidan says but stops and blushes. “I mean for Jassy. You know."

"Yeah mum. Not fair!" Jasmine says getting off the chair.

"I know, I know. I'm a horrid mother. Now bedtime!" Olivia says kissing Jasmines head and then kissing Aidan's cheek. The children stomp off to bed and Olivia sits down at the table. She lets out a sigh and then puts her head in her hands.
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HI, hope you like it i worked VERY hard. (: