Status: Hope you like it! (:

Dreams Do Come True.

Chapter 12

My phone buzzes again and i look at it.

"Its my mom." I say looking up at Harry.

"Well you need to answer it, she'll think somethings up if you dont."

"Hello?" I say ask i slide my screen to unlock it.

"WHAT IS THIS ABOUT?" Carla screams into the phone.

"What do you mean?" I ask hoping its something else but the article.


"You know what i mean Kimberly! Whats going on with you and Harry?! Let me talk to him!" She screams.

I had the phone to Harry and watch his face.

"Hi love." He says into the reciever.

"No, you know that." He says, "I promise."

"Okay, dont get worried, just have fun. Ill see you soon." He hangs up the phone and gives it back to me.

"so.. what did she say? I ask after a while just standing in silence.

"So.. uhm.. She's coming home in like a the plane tickets once she saw the article " He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"'i thought she wasnt coming back until like 2 weeks?" I ask confused.

"She doesnt trust us being together..." Harry says looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"what are we going to do?" I ask concerned.

"Love, i dont know.. I really have no clue." He says sitting in a chair.

"Well. We need to think of something. I mean we cant just keep 'this' from everyone." I say meaning our relastionship.

"I know. Just let me think okay?" Harry says walking out of the house and getting into his car.

I stand in the middle of the room alone. 'What am i going to do.' I think to myself. My mother is coming home. Her boyfriend is cheating on her, with me. Its perfectly normal. I can just end it with me and Harry. My mother and him could be happy and i couls just live alone with a bunch of cats. I dont even like cats..

A couple hours pass and Harry still isnt back. Ive called and left messages but still havent heard from him. I deside me needs his space and i go to bed.


I regret walking out of the door but i needed to think. I left Kimberly alone and i promised her mum i wouldnt. I just drive, i dont know how long for i left my phone in my jacket that i forgot to put on when i left the house and my car clock isnt right. The boys changed it one day, pulling a prank to think i was going to be late for an interview. Turned out Zayn was the one late, like always. I laugh at the memory. I finally pull into a gas station and get out of my car. I take the sunglasses out of the car and put them on incase anyone is a directioner even though its dark. I walk into the store and look at the clock on the wall, it reads 11:54. I sigh, Kimberly must be worried sick. I go up to the clerk and tell him 20 on pump 2. She pays little attention to my face and im greatful. I lean on the counter suddenly realizing how tired I am. As i do so my eyes catch a picture of me and Kimberly. This time we are definitly kissing. How do they get these picture!?

"God Dammit!" I say out loud.

"Excuse me?" The clerk asks.

"Give me that please." I say pointing to the magizine.

She grabs the magizine and looks at the picture then gives it to me.

"Oh. My. God. THATS YOU!" She screams holding her hand over her mouth.

"Yes. now please, dont scream." I say annoyed.

I flip through the magizine to the article that belongs to the picture.

"Here. " I say giving her 20 dollars and leave the stop and get in my car. I dont even get gas.


I get waken up by Harry shaking me.

"What? " I say looking at the alarm clock next to the bed. "Harry its 12 at night."

"Read this!" Harry says shoving a magizine in my face.

I take it and turn on the lamp next to the bed. It says:

Yes Directioners, we got the scoop! An insider told 'Well Love Gossip' that Kimberly and Harry are a thing! Kevin, 18, said that he saw them together mutliply times! He went over to hangout and Kimberly was all over Harry. You couldnt pull them apart! The question is now, Who is Carla Glass really, and why did they say she was going out with Harry? "Harry's a nice dude, but he was kinda skechy when i met him, like he was hiding something you know?" Kevin continued, "Didnt talk much, kept to himself. Wouldnt keep his hands off Kimberly either, like he owned her. It was kinda creepy. I feel bad for Carla." Maybe we need to speak with Harry and get this straightend out. Did he cheat on Carla for a younger verion?

I look up at Harry and worry was the only thing i could see on his face.

"I think we need to tell the boys." I say.

All Harry could do was nod his head.

"Well we cant call them at 12 at night so why dont you guy lay down." I say scooping over to Harry has room.

He doesnt even change, just kind of lays down on the bed. He finally falls asleep and i can hear his breathing slow down and his little snores once in a while. I try to get sleep but cant, just thinking of what my mother is going to say about this.

I must have fallen asleep because i wake up at 9 am. Harry is already out of bed and i get out also. I want down the stairs and find him in the kitchen talking to someone. I walk in the room and see the boys all talking.

"Hi.." I say quietly.

"Hi Kimmy!" Niall says with a grin on his face.

"Haha, Hi Niall."

"Im so happy for you! I KNEW IT!" Louis says throwing his hands up.

"So, you told them?" I ask Harry.

"Yeah, sorry love. I had to get it off my chest." He says grabbing my waist and pulling me on his lap.

"Wheres Zayn?" I ask looking around the table.

"I dont really know. " Liam says, " I called him and left a message. But i never got a reply."

"Hes probably at Brittany's" I say smiling. I want them to be happy.

"Yeah. Most likely. He really fancy's her. Dont know why." Niall says rubbing his head thinking about the memory about the first time they met.

"Shes a nice girl." Louis says.

"Her heads as hard as a fucking rock!" Niall says.

"Hey! What did i say about saying that word Niall! " Liam says frowning.

I giggle, and Harry puts his chin on my shoulder. The door opens and i jump off Harry's lap.

"Im here." Some one yells from the other room. "Where is everyone?"

"In here." I yell to the person.

A figure appears in the door way and I freeze. Carla walks in right to Harry. Harry stands throws his arms out for a hug but gets different. My mother puts her hands around his neck and kisses him on the lips. Harrys eyes widen and his arms stay out. Everyone looks at me and i look away. Walking out the room acting like i have a phone call, but i secretly wipe away the tears that are overflowing in my eyes.

"Kimmy! Wait you forgot to say hi to me! Come in here!" Carla yells.

I turn and look in the mirror, waving my hands infront of my eyes trying to dry the tears. Once satififed i walk back in the room, fake smile pastered on my face.

"Hi mom! I missed you so much." I say hugging her.

"I missed you too hunny! Did you have fun with the guys while i was gone." She asks as i back away after the hug.

"Yeah, it was fun, to back it has to end." I say.

"Nonsense! Lets all go out tonight. Sound like fun?" My mother asks the room full of people.

They aggree.

"Okay, uhm how to dinner?" She asks. "We will go at like 5:30? Everyone be ready. Now im going to unpack."

After she leaves the room They boys all look at me and Harry.

"So... either she doesnt know, or doesnt care..." Niall says.

"She doesnt know.." Harry says.

After a while the boys go home for a while before coming back over to go to dinner. Harry and my mother talk in the bedroom and Harry explains the article and how its a lie. What a lie, its totally true. I think to myself. She didnt see the latest one with kevin which is good. After a day of unpacking its 5:30 and the boys arrive. The all get into two cars and drive to dinner.