Status: Hope you like it! (:

Dreams Do Come True.

Chapter 13


Throught out the whole dinner my mother is all over Harry, its quite discusting if you ask me. Harry looks over every so often and gives me the im-sorry look and i have to forgive him. He has a control over me, its kinda of sad. I should be angry that he hasnt told her but i guess i have no room to talk i kept it from her also. After dinner the boys annouce that they have to get up early and they have to leave. They give Harry a simpathetic look and then look at me, I nod showing ill be okay. Liam whispers something in Harry's ear and then pats him on the back. Harry looks him in the eyes and nods. I look over at my mom and my heart sinks. She looks so happy to be by Harry again, and i came inbetween them.

"Okay well guys i think its time to get home. Im kinda tired." She says winking at Harry.

I look at Harry and he smiles then looks away. I laugh to myself knowing how Harry is going to try to subside my mother by something stupid like a 'tummy ache' or his penis isnt working properly tonight. Thats Harry for you. When we walk out the resteraunt there is poparazzi everywhere. They are shouting Harry's name then my mothers, then finally mine.

"Harry, Carla, Kimberly , lets get a picture of all you together!" One shouts.

"Carla, smile big, Harry look!" Others shout.

Finally one gets to the front and asks the question that everyone is asking: " Harry who are you going to choose? Is it true you and Kimberly are messing around?! Harry!"

"No comment!" Harry shouts back.

My mother stops in her tracks, "Well accualy why dont we tell then the truth..? Not like were hiding everything.."

She walks over to the man that yelled the question and began talking, while everyone was shooting pictures. "It is very very, VERY false that my boyfriend is going out with my 16 year old daughter! He was just helping her out of the crowd like i will be doing now!" She says and then grabs my arm and makes a B line to Harry's car.

I look at Harry with tears in my eyes. I cant lie anymore. This needs to come out. Before i could say anything, my mother runs over to Harry and kisses him like her life depended on it. Harry kisses back, almost as if he wanted more. I look away and get in the car. I close the door as a single tear rolls down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away not wanting anyone to see. They pull away and look into each others eyes. They say something to each other then walk over to the car. For the rest of the car ride Harry doesnt look back, nor at my mother. He just keeps his eyes on the road.

When we get home my mother is blabbing like nothing happend, Harry trying to act like everything okay, and me having a breakdown silently. I go straight up to my room and get under the covers. I want to block life out, no fame, no regualar life, nothing. Just me and my thoughts. I lay there for a while just thinking but then drift to sleep.

When i wake up i still feel the pain of when my mother kisses Harry. I rub my eyes and get out of bed. After i do my streching i walk down the stairs. No one is up. I deside its a good time to grab a shower and think about what im going to do today. Hopefully Harry and I can sneak off and go somewhere. I smile to myself thinking out how i act around him. Almost like a little school girl getting her first real bestfriend. After my shower i pick up my phone and call Brittany, but she doesnt answer. Then i remember her and zayn were suppose to have a day together. I go back downstairs clean and refreshed and find my mom.

"Hey mom."

"Oh, Hi hunny. Did you happen to see Harry this morning?" She asks looking up from her paper.

"No..? Hes not here?" I ask sitting down.

"No, This morning her must have had something to do. No big deal."

"Okay, well i think im going to go to the mall or something, bye." I say picking up my coat and leaving the house. "

I dont know to do, or where to go but i just leave. I dont even have a car, i just walk. The mall is only 2 blocks away. Then my phone buzzes.

"Hello?" I answer the number un-none.

"Hi! Whatcha doin?"

"Hi..? How is this?" I ask confused as i walk down the street.

"Louis! Duhh! I got your number from Harry a while bakc. All the boys have it.."

"Oh.. Haha i dont have any of your numbers, but nothing walking. " I say as i step over dog poop.

"Well im bored. What street are you on? Ill pick you up and we can go do something."

"Uhm.. are you sure? You wanna hangout with me, haha. Okay im on street 254th east. "

"Yes Im sure! Ill be there in like 3 minutes, im already driving around."

"Okay." I say before i hang up.

I stop walking and just stand there, like a loner. Finally Louis black car pulls up and he opens the door.

"Your chariot awaits my darling." He says smiling.

"Get in the car goof." I say giggling.

After we get in the car and Louis begins to drive i ask where were going.

"I dont know, but Niall wanted to come.." He says as Niall popped out of the backseat under a blanket.

"Oh my god, Niall you scared the shit out of me!" I say hitting him in the arm.

"Oyy! Im just trying to have some fun!" Niall saws in the middle of his giggle fit.

"So boys, where are we going?" I ask.

"I was thinking along the lines of hanging out with my good friend." Louis says smiling.

"Who?!" I ask getting excited.

"Oh, just uhm..." Niall begins but stop, pretending like he sees something on his nail that is more important then this conversation.

"Tell me!" I yell looking at Louis then Niall.

"Oh yeah.. Ed Sheeran.." Niall says grinning widely.

"You have to be kidding me! OH MY GOD ! I LOVE HIM!" I say fangirling.

We drive to an apartment and get out. The building is huge. We step inside and are greeted by 'ginger jesus'. He is just as beautiful in the pictures and magazines. We hangout for hour, just talking and laughing. Taking pictures with funny picture editor and making videos of us being silly. We upload them on the internet and laugh at the comments that pour in. At 4:00 my mother calls and i have to go home. Louis takes me home while Niall stays with Ed. When Louis pulls into the driveway i get out and say goodbye. I get inside and my mom is on the couch watching tv.

"Hi. Is Harry here?" I ask trying to not sound worried. Harry usual talks to me everyday.

"Uhm, yeah, you just missed him. " Carla says not looking up from the tv.

I walk up to my room and take my phone out of my pocket. I dial Harrys number and wait.

"Hello?" Harry answers.

"Hi, its Kimberly. Carla said i missed you, you where just here. I just wanted to say hi. And i miss you."

"Oh, yeah sorry i couldnt stay longer." He sounds distant, almost as though hes not in this world.

"So, what happend this morning, i missed you... again."

"Yeah, i uhm had to uhm.. er. go over Liams." he says.

"Harry, are you okay? You sound.. not like yourself.." I ask sitting down on the bed.

I hear him sigh, then, " Kimberly, uhm, i did something really bad.. And i am so sorry."

"What ?" I say scared. What is he going to say. Why is he sorry?

"Kimberly.." He begins but stops, catching his breathe almost, " Kimberly, i... i.. uhm.. Kimberly.."

"Harry what is it?!' I say getting worked up.

"Kimberly.. i slept with your mum..." He says.

The words stay in the air. At first i thought i didnt hear correct, then it sinks in. Harry slept with my mom. He told me he loved me, but then went behind my back. He did what i did to my mother. My body feels like it cant go on. My hannds begin shaking and my eyes burn with hot tears forming inside them.

"Oh..." I say trying to steady my voice.

"Kimberly, im so sorry..." Harry says, his voice shaky. He sounds like hes crying. "You dont desirve this."

"I.. i ... i uhm, er, have to go." I say, my voice breaking down as i say the word 'go'. I hang up the phone and stand there. Tears run down my face. I cant control myself. I just cry, dont make any sound, just silent tears rolling out. I cry for what seems like hour, just standing there. A couple times i sniffle, making the slightest noise.