Status: Hope you like it! (:

Dreams Do Come True.

Chapter 6

When we get up to the room Brittany's phone begins to buzz.

"Hello?" She says dragging her finger to unlock it.

"Really? I just got here dad?!"

"Fine!" She says before hanging up.

She turns to me and says, "I have to go that was my dad but call me later okay?"

"Okay. Bye." I say hugging her.

When see leaves i look around my room. There is nothing I find to do so i deside to walk downstairs and see if i can clean anything. When i get downstairs i find Harry laying on my couch watching tv.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Watching tv." He replys not looking up from the tv screen.

"I see but why?" I continue.

"Oh, your mum wants me to make sure you dont have any boys over."

"Okay well you can leave! Im pretty sure i can take care of myself."

"Naw, i would rather stay here. Lou has Elli over and i dont want to intrued." He says finally looking at me, "You dont mind do you. I mean i dont destract you.. do i?"

"No.. Nottall." I say picking up the cup off the coffee table.

I walk into the kitchen and put the cup in the dishwasher and start the machine. Then i put the plate of left over breakfast in the garbage, it has been out all morning. After i wipe off the counters and put the clean dishes away that my mother set on the counter.

"Why are you cleaning?"

I jump a mile. "Harry you scared the hell out of me!" I say holding my chest.

"Sorry love. I heard some noises and i thought id come and see whats going on." He says grinning.

"Yeah, well Iwas just trying to clean up." I say looking around the room, trying to find something to do with my hands.

"Oh okay well your mum will be home around 5 o'clock and she wanted to know if the lads and I could maybe eat diner. She really wants to meet them you know." Harry says walking closer to me.

"Sure thats fine.. As long as you guys dont start making out on our kitchen table." I say looking into his eyes.

"Im not making any promises." Harry say still inching closer.

"Well then im not making any promises that i enjoy you kissing my mother right infront of me" I say as Harry is only inches away from my face.

Finally our noses almost touch. Then he leans in slowly and looks at my lips. Then in my eyes. Then at my lips again. All at once Harry's phone rings. I look down.

"I'm sorry. I have to take this its your mum." He says looking at his phone screen.

"Hello love." Harry says putting the phone up to his ear.

"No, nothing... Oh really. That sounds like fun, the lads will love it. Don't worry." Harry says rubbing his neck.

I clear my throat, looking at him annoyed.

"But listen love i must go. I'll makr sure the lads are ready by the time you come home. Okay love, bye" He says before putting his phone in his pocket.

"Im sorry Kimberly. That was your m-"

"I know who it was Harry! Why did you have to answer the call!" I say stopping him


"No i know why, because this is all a joke to you and this was a mistake!" I say walking out of the back door not even giving Harry a chance to answer.

I walk for about an hour. I just walk, not really knowing my destination. I just keep walking. Finnally i end up at the park. I begin to feel hot tears fill my eyes. I blink them away. How could i have been so stupid. Thats my mothers boyfriend! I look down at my phone and it says its 4:30. I sigh. If im not home by the time my mother gets home for her little 'party' shes having going to have a bitch fit. So i begin walking back. It only takes me half the time to get back home because i know where im going. When i get to my front yard there is two extra cars in my drive way. One was my mothers and the others was probably Harry's bandmates. I walk into the house and my mother rushes over.

"We have been looking all over for you?! Where have you been. Harry said you looked at your phone then just walked out. What happend hunny, id everything okay?" My mother says

"Im fine." I say looking over at Harry. He sees me look then looks away. "But where is everyone going? " I finish looking around.

"Oh. We were going to go bowling! Does that sound like fun!"

"Uhm.. yeah, i guess." I say clearly not excited about the fact that we're going bowling. To put it gentaly, i suck.

"Okay. Well get ready then ill introduce you to the boys!"

I walk up the stairs into my room and get changes and redo my makeup and hair. I walk back downstairs and walk over to my mom.

"Im ready." I say.

"Okay, great. Now everyone this is my daughter, Kimberly!" He says talking to the boys.

"Hi.." I say waving awkwardly.

"Hi Im Niall."

"Hiya, Im Liam."


"Hello, Im Louis!"

"Okay, now can we go. Im starved." Niall says standing up.

"Arent you always Niall?!" Liam says.

When we get to the bowling place we are the only ones there.

"Uh Mom. Where is everyone?" I ask looking around.

"Oh i thought it would be a good idea to rent the whole place out, so know fans could you know.. 'fangirl' Isnt that what you call it whenever you see then on tv?" She replys.

My face turns bright red.

"Ooh, so we got a directioner in the house?!" Louis says poking my stomach.

I look over at Harry and hes talking to my mother, whispering something in her ear which makes her giggle and slap him on the arm playfully. I turn redder from anger. I shouldnt be angry!

"I'll go order the pizza and drinks while you all get the game ready!" Carla says walking up to the counter.

I dont know why my mother picked bowling, we're not 5 anymore.

"So Kimmy, your going down!" Liam says clapping his hands together.

"Your on!" I reply starting the game.

"So whos team am i on?" Niall says putting his shoes on.

"Uhm. i think Niall, me, and Zayn. Then Harry, Louis, and Carla and Kimberly gets to pick which one she would like to be on." Liam says.

"Ill be on my mothers team."

"Okay then its settled. Kimmy your going down. Team Quiff with win!" Zayn says jumping up from his seat.

"Naww, team Curlys going to win. Your teams rubbish." Harry says carring cups and soda.

We begin to play and soon Niall stops and begins to eat signaling its time to for us to eat as well. I lean in to grab my drink and in the process i knock Harry's drink in his lap.

"Oh my god! Im sorry." I say jumping up, dapping a napkin on his pants.

"Its alright love..." Harry says awkwardly.

I just keep dapping. My mother clears her throat. I look up and everyone is look at me and Harry.

"What..?" Harry says looking up also.

My mother clears her throat again. I look back at Harry's pants and my hand. Then i realize I'm dapping his croch.

"Oh, im sorry.." I say awkwardly, pulling my hand away.

My mother gets up and takes Harry to the bathroom to help clean himself up. He doesnt need help! Hes not a little kid. i think to myself.

*Harry's P.O.V*

I bite my pizza and chew. I look over at Carla and she looks back. Man is she hot! Then all of a sudden fizzy drink and ice soak my trousers. I jump up trying to get the coldness away from my manly-hood. Then Kimberly jumps up also.

"Oh my god! Im sorry." Kimberly says dapping my trousers with a napkin.

"Its alright love.." I say awkwardly as Kimberlys hands move around my croch.

She keeps dapping, i kinda like it.. Then Carla clears her throat. Kimberly stops dapping and looks up, i follow her gaze. Everyone is looking up at as.

"What..?" I say.

Carla clears her throat again.

"Oh, im sorry.." Kimberly says pulling away.

Carla stands up and pulls me into a back room. She turns the lights on and i find out its a bathroom.

"Take off your pants." Carla says turning the water on.

"Carla, your daughter is outside the door.." I say smirking.

"No you goober! Im going to clean them!" She says looking at me like im dumb.

I get slightly disappointed and do as told. I stand there awkwardly in my boxers.

*Kimberly's P.O.V*

My mother and Harry return five minutes later and declare its time to go home because it looks like Harry wet himself.

"Harry, i really am sorry." I keep saying the whole ride home.

Finally Harry turns, winks and says it was worth it quietly so only i can hear it. I blush.