Status: In Progress



I was cold. So, so cold. I was lying in a rapidly growing puddle of blood : blood which belonged to me. The source of the crimson liquid was my left arm, which had numerous gashes criss-crossing the pale flesh. The most notable of these was a word, carved into my flesh with murderous intent. The word was - useless. I chose this word, as it fitted me perfectly. My mother hated me with a fiery passion. Everything about me seemed to fuel her hatred, from the fact that I was an "emo" in her words to more trivial things, like the fact that I was bad at maths. Over the years, her hatred got to me, and now I feel the same hatred for myself. This hatred built and built, until it culminated in the suicide attempt that you are now witnessing.

Before I document my own death any further, I would like you to know a bit more about me. Other than the fact that I'm depressed and my mother is abusive, which you now know anyway!

My name is Madeleine Bennett, but if you call me anything other than Maddy, I WILL skin you alive.I am 14 years old and live with my mother and brother in a town called Briansville, on the outskirts of Birmingham. England, that is! (A/N this place doesn't actually exist! Birmingham does, but Briansville does not!) I have two awesome best friends. They mean the world to me but ultimately, even they could not save me from myself. They tried to convince me that they care about me, and even though they could be telling the truth, something in my head keeps convincing me that they are lying. Anywho, back onto documenting my impending doom!

I could feel my life slipping away. I could tell I was on my last legs : my breaths were getting shallower and I was having to fight to keep my eyelids open, as they got heavier and heavier. A smile lit up my facial features : my first genuine smile in over 7 years! A single teardrop trickled down my cheek. A tear of joy. I was finally at peace. Soon, I started losing the fight to keep my eyes open, and everything faded to black..................
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HI! Hope this wasn't too bad! I know it's depressing but yeah......................... I know my writing isn't the best so constructive criticism would be appreciated :)