Not Going Home Alone


Brooklyn’s POV:

The perfect night ends. I can’t stop looking at my ring, which is sparkling.

“Alright, time for my surprise for you. Though, I doubt it will beat this.”

“I’m sure it will be perfect.” It’s more of a joke than anything, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“I’ve been working on this for the few hours I had. I worked on it a little last week, but I didn’t have much time.” He holds me close, afraid I’ll leave again. I go to the closet where I’m hiding it. He looks for a minute.

“What is it?”

“Our Halloween costumes, dummy. Frankenstein and Frankenstein’s bride, which, in a way, I kind of am now.” He pulls me close.

“It’s perfect. And Vic will be so happy you took his idea.”

“Hey, if it makes the brother-in-law happy.”

“When are you going to tell Morgan?” He looks at the ring.

“Tonight, when you leave.” He stands up. “You don’t have to go yet. We have so much to talk about.”

“Be patient, we have forever.”

“Zach, that is so sweet.”

“I will see you later, fiancé.”

“Bye, Zach. Go tell your family. Oh my gosh, we have to go to Washington!” He pulls out tickets.

“That is already taken care of. I’ll send these to your parents and they will be down here next week."

“You cannot be more perfect, Zach.”

“I think I can.”

“Well of course you do, your self-esteem is definitely not at a high.” He is always so down on himself.

“That helped me so much, Brooklyn.”

“You’re welcome.” I kiss him and he leaves. Morgan runs over.

“What did he think of the costumes?”

“He loved them.”

“Okay, you’re not grinning from that and I know that grin. Show me the ring already.” Not 10 seconds in here and she knows I’m engaged. This girl has radar for this stuff.

“You should see it shine.” She grabs my hand.

“Dang girl! When that boy said he was saving money, I think he was saving it all for this.” I look at it.

“Maybe he was, but hey, I’m not gonna complain.”

“Yeah, you better not. It looks like you and Zach will have some major planning to do. Let me tell you, it’s not all fun. Trying to agree on everything, figure out who’s going where, and all of that stuff. The smallest thing can send you in to a huge argument.” I get the feeling she’s talking from personal experience now.

“Do you wanna talk about it?”

“No, we’ll be fine.” She breaks down as soon as she says it. “I just don’t know why he got so mad over the bridesmaids dresses. I was having his sisters try them on and he wanted to see them. When he saw Anna, he told me to pick a new design and left.”

“That doesn’t sound like Cameron.”

“I know! I don’t get why he acted that way. It’s our wedding, but shouldn’t I get to pick the dresses that my bridesmaids will wear?”

“Yes, you should.”

“I’m sorry. You don’t want to hear all of this on such a happy day for you.” She gets up to leave.

“You and Cam will be fine.”

“I sure hope so.”
