Not Going Home Alone


Brooklyn’s POV:

Morgan bangs on the door at 11.

“You have to try this dress on now. Meet me at the shop in 5.” Thank goodness it’s right across the street. I run over there and see her and Cameron laughing.

“So you two are okay?”

“Yup!” She smiles. “We’re both just under a lot of stress. And we’re having lime green tuxes.” She cringes on the last part. Cameron walks off to find the guys.

“I told you everything would be fine.”

“Marriage is about compromise.”

“You hate the idea, don’t you?”

“So much. It’s going to kill me, but we agreed on the colors.” I feel arms wrap around me and turn to see Zach. We kiss.

“Good morning, sunshine.” I smile at him.

“Are we doing wedding planning after this?” He asks me.

“Actually, I did some last night. We have to talk about bridesmaids and groomsmen. It’s going to be off.”

“Plan later, dress now. Some of us are getting married in a few months.” Morgan yells at us.

“You two picked a date?"

"Yes we did and we’ll send out invitations later. Now try this thing on, maid of honor.” Morgan shoves the dress in my arms and pushes me in to a dressing room. It fits perfectly and when I walk out she squeals.

“Alright, can I ask something while everyone is here?” I have to do this now so we can plan it out soon.

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Morgan, I already know you’d love to be maid of honor.”

“Hecks yeah!”

“Selena, you, of course, will be a bridesmaid.”

“That sounds awesome.” She grins and leans in to Michael.

“I’m assuming Vic is best man?” I look at Zach.

“As far as I know.”

“That makes Cameron and Michael groomsmen.” Morgan was right when she said this was difficult. It’s simple stuff, but I have to make sure it all works. We walk out of the store.

“That leaves Brent and Dillon. Brent, we’ve become really good friends, and you can so no, but will you be a bridesmaid?”

“Do I have to wear a dress?” I laugh at the image.

“No, you will not wear a dress.”

“Then call me a bridesmaid.”

“Awesome. That makes Dillon the other groomsmen. It’s still off by one, but I can deal with that.”

“So. Can. I.” Zach kisses me between each word. He and I go to my apartment. I don’t know where the others went, but I don’t care right now.

“How about colors?” I ask him.

“Well, I want blue and yellow. Do you want any other colors?”

“Can we have green, too, Zach?”

“Of course we can. You know, a light blue tux for the guys would look really pretty with a yellow dress for the girls.”

“How do we get the green in there?”

“Green sash on your dress?”

“Zach, you are a genius.”

“I already knew that.”

“What should the date be?” I don’t want anything too soon, but I don’t want to wait forever. March 4, the day we met the guys, has already been taken by Cameron and Morgan.

“April 12. Our first date.”

“That sounds perfect, Zach.” I can’t believe he remembers it. That just proves the fact that he’s perfect.

♠ ♠ ♠
The title tells you what I think of this chapter haha