Not Going Home Alone


Zach’s POV:

I stay at Brooklyn’s until 5.

“Well, that’s a good start on the planning. We still have a while.”

“Yeah, we do. Oh, before you go, here’s your costume. Try it on and see if I need to fix anything before Friday.” That would barely give her a week to change something. I try it on and the button flies off the pants.

“Brooklyn, I think the pants are too tight.” She walks in and falls down laughing.

“Alright, I can fix that. I’ll just make you some elastic pants.”

“Make me feel fat, why don’t you.”

“That is my only goal in life.” She’s still laughing and I can’t help but join. “I’m really glad you finally told me the truth about Alison and Ariel, Zach."

“So am I, Brooklyn. It got us to where we are now.”

“With me almost dying.”

“I wouldn’t have let it get that far. I never gave up hope and I never will if anything bad happens with us. We’ve overcome so much." She leaves and I finish changing.

“When can I talk to your mom about the wedding?”

“Call her and I’m sure she’ll be fine with anytime.”

“Zach, we are really doing this.”

“Yeah, we are. Do you regret it yet?” I’m hoping I know her answer, but there could be a driving cow.

“Absolutely not! I love you with all of my heart and I always will.”

“That’s exactly what I was hoping you would say. Well, mom wants me home for dinner, so I better get going.”

“We need to discuss living situations soon.”

“We’ll do it soon."

“No, Zach, normal soon. I don’t want your soon.”

“Okay, we’ll talk about it later this week.”

“Tomorrow, Zach.”

“I’ll be over right after church.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry, am I already being a bridezilla?”

“No, you are just perfect.”

“You can tell me if I get to be too much.” I don’t think I’ll have a problem with that.

“I will let you know. Now, I really have to go. We’ll talk tomorrow, I promise.”

“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Zach, you’re late.” The first thing my mom says to me when I walk in the door.

“Sorry, I was planning with Brooklyn, and then she wanted me to try on a costume for Halloween. Mikey’s having a party.”

“Oh, you were planning? Well, tell me the details.” I think I have a new excuse.

“You’ll find out later. Brooklyn’s really excited to plan with you.” Mom smiles.

“She is such a sweet girl.” Vic runs down stairs.

“Costumes? I know I heard that word! What’d you decide on?”

“She actually took your idea, Vic.”

“That’s awesome!” He does a victory lap around the house.

“What was his idea? Is it a sweet, romantic, timeless couple? You two are Romeo and Juliet, aren’t you?” Sometimes I think my mom and Morgan are related. I don’t know how Brooklyn will be able to plan with them both having ideas.

“Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein.”

“Oh, well, that sounds lovely.” Mom fakes a smile and sets places for dinner. “Tell your father to come down for dinner and tell your brother to stop running around the house.”

“DINNER!” I yell and dad and Vic come running in. Mom gives me a look that says if I were young enough, she would ground me. “Sorry mom.”

“No you aren’t, Zach.”
