Not Going Home Alone

Their Return

Zach’s POV:

“Alright, what do you want to talk about?” Brooklyn and I are sitting on the beach. For October, it’s pretty nice out.

“We’re getting married in a few months, so where are we going to live?”

"I guess we could stay in your apartment until we have enough money for a house.” Cameron and I are planning something special for her and Morgan, but I can’t let her in on it at all.

“That’s probably the best choice. What are Morgan and Cameron doing?”

“The exact same thing.”

“Will you guys be able to handle that?” She is smiling and I know she's thinking how crazy it will be.

“It’s like we already live with you as much as we’re over there.”

“That is very true, but I don’t mind it at all.” The waves crash around us and I get an idea. “Don’t even think about it, Zachary Porter.” I pick her up to throw her in.

“Yeah, Zach, don’t think about it.” I know those voices.

“Ariel? Alison?” Why are they out of prison?

“You say it like you don’t recognize us.”

“I don’t, without you being in ugly orange jumpsuits.” Brooklyn says.

“Shut up! If it weren’t for your friends, that ring would be on my finger! And it still will be!” She lunges for Brooklyn and two officers tackle her.

“We’re watching you two. Don’t think we don’t have secret spies.” Alison yells. “Don’t touch her hair! Do you know how much work goes in to that?” That girl couldn't be more of a follower.

“Zach? I thought we were done with them.”

“So did I. Don’t worry, they won’t hurt us.”

“You better be right.” I have no idea if I am or not. I just want to believe that those girls will never be seen again.

“Are you really Zach from Allstar Weekend?”

“That would be me.” Great, another fan. Can't people just leave us alone right now?

“I am a huge fan of you!”

“Awesome. Look, I’m with my fiancé right now. I would appreciate if we could just be alone right now.”

“Whatever.” I see her go over to her friends. “He’s in a bad mood today.” They walk off.

“Must be nice to be popular.” Brooklyn says.

“It’s not all that great. Now, where was I?” I throw her in the ocean.

“Zach! I told you not to do that!” I go to help her out and she pulls me in. We spend the afternoon splashing and laughing. This is how life is supposed to be. No one bothers us; it’s just me and Brooklyn.

“Well, I’m meeting with your mom in a few hours, so I better go get ready.”

“Have fun with that.” I feel bad that she has to spend a whole night with my mom.

“I will, Zach. It’s planning our wedding. That’s something that I’ve wanted to do for about 3 years.”

“Alright, you go get ready. Keep it sane for me.”

“I’ll try. I can always throw the “it’s my wedding stay out of it” act and make them back off.”

“Don’t scare them away.”

"I'll do my best. For us."
