Not Going Home Alone

Foot In My Mouth

Zach’s POV:

I call Brooklyn the minute I get home.

“So, did you have fun spending time with them?”

“Of course I did, Zach. I love your mom. She’s hilarious and amazing.”

“Are we talking about the same woman here?”

“You’re silly.” She’s laughing and I can tell that she’s tired. I’m not surprised. “For the most part, we talked about where people are going to sit.”

“Is there something you want to ask?” I can hear in her voice that she’s holding something back.

“Your mom and I both think you should invite some of your friends from high school. It’s not just your closest friends that get invited to this. What about Jason, or whatever his name was?”

“Jaxon?” I haven’t talked to him since I started the band.

“Yeah, him. He sounds like a nice enough guy.” I don’t know why she’s bringing this up, but I know my mom had everything to do with it.

“He’s busy with his family. Well, I think he has a family by now.”

“You don’t even know what your old friends are up to. You got in a band and dropped all your friends for Cameron and Michael. And Nathan before, well, you know.”

“So what? That’s my business, not yours.” I really want her to drop this. My friends from high school are the two that will be standing behind me.

“I know, I’m just suggesting you invite them.”

“Why don’t you invite your friends?”

“Because I didn’t exactly have that many friends, thank you for asking. Sorry we can’t all be popular.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“No, you didn’t. So what’s your excuse?” I’m silent for a minute. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’ll talk to you later, Zach.” She hangs up.

“Brooklyn, wait.” Mom is walking by when I say that.

"What's wrong?"

“I said something that I shouldn’t have. Like I always do.”

“Do you wanna talk about it?” She walks in and sits on my bed. I’m really going to miss this when I move out.

“She told me to invite friends from school. I told her I didn’t want to and asked why she didn’t invite people. Apparently she didn’t have friends growing up.”

“You had no idea, did you?”

“No, mom, I didn’t.”

“Don’t you think it’s weird that she never mentioned any other friends?”

“I just figured she didn’t talk to them much. I barely talk about any of my other friends.”

“But you do talk about them some. You told her all about your life and she told you about hers. When she doesn’t mention something, you don’t bring it up.”

“I am so unprepared for this.”

“You are very prepared, it’s just going to take you a while. You need to adjust to this and I promise you will. Trust me, your father is still learning how to avoid mistakes.”

“Don’t I know that. You two couldn’t argue any louder if you had megaphones.” She smiles and I know I’m not going to like what she says next.

“Arguing is rough, but it’s after that makes it all worth it.”

“Mom! I don’t want to hear that!”

“You’ll figure it out sooner or later.” She walks out of my room laughing. It is definitely time to move out of here. May can’t get her fast enough.
