Not Going Home Alone

Never Leaving

Zach’s POV:

As soon as I walked in to Michael’s, everyone jumped out. I should have known Brooklyn would do something for me.

“So, did you really like it, Zach? It wasn’t too childish or lame?” How could she even think that?

“Brooklyn, I love surprises. And besides, I am a big child.” She laughs.

“Yes you are, but I love that about you.” I dip her and kiss her.

“Dang, Zach, save it for the wedding.” Michael yells.

“Shut up. When are you and Selena getting married? Right, in a year.”

“You still have months left.”

“Okay, boys, shut up. Cam and I are getting married first, so it doesn’t even matter.” Morgan says, smiling.

“We're just letting you make all the wedding mistakes.” Morgan widens her eyes, shocked I said that.

“We will not make mistakes! It will be the most perfect wedding you’ve ever seen!” She storms out of the room and Cameron runs after her. He throws me a look, wanting to know why I said anything.

“Early wedding stress. Lay off for good.” Brooklyn warns me. That boy has his hands full with Morgan. I guess he’s figured out what he can and can’t say.

“Brooklyn, I’m glad you aren’t that sensitive.”

“Give it time, Zach. Weddings, especially when it’s with someone so special, are sensitive ground.” I hold her close, hoping I never upset her more than I already have.

“I’ll try to be careful.”

“I know you will. You do have the first dance song picked out, don’t you?”

“I have a few ideas.”

“Zach, it’s going to be here before we know it.”

“Alright, Brooklyn. I have a few ideas, but I think I know the perfect song.” She smiles at that and turns to look at me.

“What is it?”

“A special song.” She raises her eyebrow. “That you will find out at the wedding.”

“Poop on a stick.”

“I do, actually.” She slaps me. Morgan and Cameron come back.

“Is everything okay?” Morgan punches me, harder than I expected from her.

“Now everything is perfect.”

“I do not understand you, girl.”

“Yeah, no one does. You get used to it.” She flashes an innocent smile.

“Well, I hate to leave early, but we have a meeting with a caterer in half an hour.” Cameron takes Morgan's hand.

“And I hate to shove you out, but it’s almost 7. I just want people out of my house after 4 hours.”

“Wow, has it really been that long?”

“You bet it has. I know how to host a party. What up!” He punches the air.

“Brooklyn, these are the people we’re friends with.”

“Believe me, I know. I’ve known for a long time.”

“How will we ever deal with them?” They exchange a look.

“Like this!” They yell at the same time as they tackle us.

“Okay, Morgan and I really have to leave now.” She jumps on Cameron's back and he carries her out.

“And you two really need to leave. My mom will be here in an hour and she expects a clean house. She and my dad are paying for this.”

“Okay, we can take a direct hint.” I grab Brooklyn’s hand and we leave. “I really did love this.”

“Good, that makes me happy.” We walk down the road.

“So, any sign of backing out?”

“Not a chance, Zach. You?”

“Never in a million years would I leave you again.”
