Not Going Home Alone

More Secrets

Brooklyn’s POV:

“Never in a million years would I leave you again.” Did those words really just come out of Zach’s mouth? Am I dreaming right now? I lean in to his arms. Nope, definitely not a dream.

“I know you won’t.” He kisses me and there are more sparks than there have ever been. So this is what it feels like to really be in love. With both people equally loving each other. “What are you thinking about?” I ask Zach.

“Just how lucky I am to have you. They say that in a relationship, someone always loves more than the other. I don’t think we have that problem.”

“You felt it too, then?” I don’t have to say anything, he just knows.

“I think Morgan would say that we are ‘totally and completely soul mates’.”

“And that ‘fate has done it again’.” We laugh at how crazy that sounds.

“Yes, she would say that. But maybe she’s right this time.” Zach is completely serious when he says that.

“I wouldn’t doubt it for a minute.”

“Well, I should get home. I have some things to do before my parents come back tomorrow.”

“As often as they’re out here, they should just move out here.” My parents are out here at least once a month, sometimes more.

“I would love that, Zach, but they are only out here because there’s so much to plan. My parents and your parents are really in to this.”

“But once we get married, hopefully they’ll have another reason to come out here all the time.” I love how he’s trying to hide the topic.

“And we’ll deal with that when it happens. Let’s not jump right in to it. We should enjoy being married before we throw kids in to that mix. As of now, we’re in my apartment. It's not that big.”

“If everything works out like I’m planning, there will be plenty of room.” Now I really want to know what he’s planning.

“Do you want to tell me what this plan is?” I have to make him say it.

“All in good time. You really need to be patient. It’s my wedding gift to you and I know you’ll love it.”

“Then let’s move the date up.”

“Not a chance. The plans involve us waiting to get married.” This boy can be so secretive, but I love him.

“Fine, I’ll wait. But I won’t be happy about it.” I fake pout.

“I would expect nothing less.” He closes my car door and I drive off. When I get to my apartment, he’s waiting outside.

“Zach, what are you doing?” How did he even get here this fast?

“I couldn’t wait to see you. It is my birthday.” I open the door and we spend the evening eating pizza and watching movies.

“It’s one in the morning, you should go home. I’m sure your mom is worried sick about you.”

“You are always the smart one.” He kisses me and leaves. A few minutes later he texts me to say that his mom was asleep, not waiting for him. I laugh because this is the life that I will marry in to and I can’t wait.
