Not Going Home Alone

Morgan Loses It

Zach’s POV:

“Zach, come on. The stupid green tuxes are in.” Cameron yells at me.

“Are you really going through with this?” He bought them as a joke, to make Morgan mad, but now it looks like he is sticking with it. Those two are the worst to each other.

“Yes, I am. They are here and need to be picked up. I get married in a month, man. Am I doing the right thing? Oh, this is too much to think about.”

“Breathe, Cameron. Go do whatever and I’ll get the tuxes. What’s the best man for?”

“Thanks, dude. I don’t know what I would do without you. I have a huge list of stuff from my mom and a huge list from Morgan. Let me tell you, if you wait until the last minute….”

“I’ll end up like you?”

“Exactly, and you don’t want to end up like me.”

“When’s the last time you slept?” He just looks tired. He counts on his fingers and looks at his calendar.

“Looks like sometime last month.”

“Dude! Go take a nap. Give me your lists and I’ll work on it.”

“I really don’t know what I would do without you, Zach. I love Morgan, but this planning is a huge pain.” I start to walk out of his room, but before I leave, he’s already started snoring. I hope Morgan can handle that jackhammer sound.

“Hi, Zach.” I turn expecting Brooklyn to be there.

“Alison? What are you doing here? Where’s Ariel?” I do not want to deal with them right now. I can’t handle these girls without punching them.

“She’s locked up in prison because of you. Orange is not her color.”

“And why aren’t you with her?” They both committed the same crime and should be rotting in that cell like the idiot friends they are.

“Good behavior and ditziness. I’m not that stupid, Zach. Trust me when I say this isn’t over. Ariel will get out and she will ruin you. Then I’ll ruin her.” This girl is completely evil.

“Good luck with that, because nothing is breaking me and Brooklyn up ever again. We’re getting married in a few months, but right now, I’m helping a friend.” I walk off, leaving her with her mouth wide open. “Close your mouth before a bug flies in.” I end up at Michael’s Craft Store, part of Morgan’s list.

“Zach, what are you doing here?” I turn, ready to smack Alison.

“Brooklyn, hi! Probably a similar reason you’re here. I’m working on Cameron’s lists for the wedding because he’s freaking out.”

“You should see Morgan. Honestly, I’m glad to be out of there. Her mom, Cameron’s mom, and Cameron's sisters are trying to keep her from ripping off the wedding planner’s head.” I laugh at the image.

“Is it that bad?”

“She didn’t get anything she asked for. She’s demanding a refund and then made these lists. She was almost to tears from the stress when I left.”

“Does she know what stress does?” She never shuts up about the pimples and weight she gains from being stressed out.

“Oh, she’s well aware. We have beauty products and a trainer lined up.”

“Cameron hasn’t slept since last month and almost regretted the wedding. I told him to sleep.”

“We’re amazing friends.”

“Yes, we are, but we’re an even better couple.”

“You couldn’t be more right.” I kiss her and we continue our shopping.
