Not Going Home Alone

The New Mr. and Mrs. Quiseng

Brooklyn’s POV:

This is the day that Morgan and Cameron finally get married. It’s been tough getting ready, but we may have pulled off the second most amazing wedding to ever go down in history. Of course Zach and I will have the best.

“Anna, Bridget, get ready. Selena and I will follow you two.”

“Why are we at the end again? I thought sisters always took first.” Anna has quite the attitude and it could cause her trouble with the way Morgan has been.

“Because these are my best friends. I never got to know you two, otherwise, Anna, you would be at the front."

“Anna and I don’t buy it.” Bridget yells out.

“Fine, we’re going by age then. Now shut up!” Morgan yells at them.

“Morgan, they’ll be your family soon. Calm down.” She does not need to upset them right now.

“I’m sorry, I just want everything to be absolutely perfect. You know I love Cameron so much.”

“Yeah, we do.” The four of us answer. Music starts and her dad leads her down the aisle. She has the perfect dress, for her style. It’s poofy with multiple rhinestones around it. Everything goes perfectly and their vows bring everyone to tears. We get to the reception and they enter as Mr. and Mrs. Quiseng, which I’m sure made her day.

“Alright, it’s time for their first dance.” The chorus of Ho Hey starts to play, then it switches right in to DoIt2Me.

“Our song.” She says through her tears. “Thank you, Cameron.” He dips her and kisses her just as the song ends. It really was a perfect wedding.

“May I have this dance?” Zach is standing by me as I wipe away tears. My best friend just married my fiance's best friend.

“Yes you may.” We dance to Amy. “Zach, our best friends have grown up. Look at them.” They are sitting and laughing. They really couldn’t be any happier.

“Be happy for them that they found their happy ending.”

“I am, it’s just weird. I remember when I first met her, the crazy blonde that she is. There’s no way I ever saw this happening. Her laughing and dancing with Cameron, me laughing and dancing with you.” This is reality, but it feels like a dream.

“Didn’t you say that this has always been your dream? I thought you always wanted to marry me.” He looks confused so I have to hurry and explain.

“Yes, it’s been my dream since we met, even before that, but I never imagined it would be this amazing. I don’t think anyone ever has.”

“I have. Since I met you, I knew we would be together. Do you know how often I fantasized about us getting married?” He tells me all the time.

“Only as much as I did.”

“Probably more, Brooklyn. It got to the point where Michael told me to give up on you.” He actually said that? “That was the night that I asked you out. One year ago today.” He kisses me and fireworks shoot off. No, really, they do. That’s what Morgan wanted for the end of the night.

“I’m glad you asked me out, Zach.”

“So am I. Who knows where we would be if I hadn’t.”

“Our friends really just got married. And now they’re going to move in together.” It just hasn’t sunk in that the girl who never had a boyfriend, my best friend, just got married.

“Brooklyn, we’re next.” I take Zach’s hand and walk to the limo.
