Not Going Home Alone

Zach and Brooklyn Porter

Brooklyn’s POV:

“Oh my gosh! This is it, Morgan, I’m getting married today!” I can't believe this is really happening. After everything Zach and I have been through, here I am.

“I know you are. Can you believe these days actually happened? After all the dreaming and hoping we did, it’s finally here.”

“Yes it is.” Morgan and Selena are finishing my hair when Brent comes in.

“You know I hate this, right?” Nothing can ruin this day, not even his joking.

“I know you love it and that makes me very happy.”

“You’re one evil girl.” He starts to tackle hug me when Morgan jumps in front of me.

“I just got her hair up. If you move one piece of it, there won’t be a Brent Schnieders anymore. Got it?” He nods. “Good.”

“Calm down, girl.”

"No, your wedding has to be perfect. Do you want your hair out of place forever?"

“Good point.” We stand up and get ready. My dad walks me down the aisle. Zach grins as soon as I start walking and when I get there, he takes my hands.

Zach’s POV:

“You look amazing.” I whisper. She is stunning. It’s like the first time I saw her all over again.

“Thanks.” She whispers back. I don’t hear half of what’s going on.

“Say your dang vows.” Vic punches me.

“Brooklyn, I wrote this so many times. There just aren’t words to express what I want to say and how you make me feel.” She’s tearing up and I wipe them away. “When I first saw you, 2 years ago, I knew you were the girl I wanted to marry. Cameron and Michael were supportive, but we all knew how impossible it would be. Then you kept showing up at concerts and that smile is enough to give any guy hope. We went through many problems throughout the year we were together, but now here we are and we couldn’t be happier.”

“Zach, how can I top that? Okay, when you walked over to me at the concert where we met, my heart skipped a beat.” I remember the look she had. “I couldn’t believe that you came up to me. I knew from that moment, I had to go to as many concerts as I could. Mostly because I loved your music, but because I was now in love with you and had to be with you. I remember spending hours imagining what this day would be like and now it’s here. I never once imagined it could be this special, or that it would ever happen, but here we are. I love you, Zach Porter.” We say our I do’s.

“I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Porter. You may now kiss the bride.” Finally, the moment I’ve been waiting for all day. I kiss her like never before. We head off to the reception.

“Finally, I get to know what first dance you picked.” I look at Cameron, who turns the music on. It starts playing and I look at her.

“Brooklyn, I just wanna dance with somebody who loves me.”

“It’s your version!”

“I know you said you loved it and wanted it to be our first dance, so here it is. Don’t think we didn’t read the tweets between you and Morgan. We so did.” I kiss her and everything is perfect. Now there’s one surprise left that I know she’ll love.
