Not Going Home Alone

Happy Surprises

Brooklyn’s POV:

Morgan and I are staring at two castles. They aren’t the biggest thing ever, but it’s perfect.

“Thank you, Zach. I love it so much.” Morgan grabs Cameron’s hand and runs inside of hers. He stops her at the door and carries her in. Zach and I go to our castle and he does the same.

“I have to carry you over the threshold, Mrs. Porter. It's a wedding tradition.” I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. This really is the best day ever.

“You actually listened to me.”

“Of course I did. I’m not your average guy.”

“No, you aren’t.” I laugh because of how true that is. None of us are average, but that’s okay. Morgan runs in to my castle.

“Can you believe they did this?”

“No, I can’t.” We keep smiling and screaming. Our dreams have finally come true.

“What about Michael, Brent, and Dillon? They were part of the layout, too.”

“Did you have to cut down many trees for this?” Morgan asks at the same time I ask about the other guys. Of course she would care about the environment at a time like this.

“Brooklyn, they will be here when they get married. Mikey’s castle is in the layout stage. It will begin being built soon.” I know what soon means, so it could be a while. “Brent and Dillon have to wait until they get engaged and married. Who knows when that will be, but it will happen.” Zach explains everything to me.

“Morgan, I know you so well that we didn’t cut down any trees. There was already a dead space here where trees didn’t grow in. I make sure of this stuff for you.”

“Aww, Cameron, thank you. You are the best.” They leave to go home and start packing.

“When can we move in, Zach?”

“Whenever you want to.”

“Well, we can’t let Morgan and Cameron beat us, can we?”

“No, we cannot.” We race to the car. Some people don’t change with the married life. Zach and I are those people, but so are Cameron and Morgan. We are all big children.

*A few months later*

*Zach’s POV*

“Zach, do you remember what happened last week?”

“Yeah, Cameron’s going to have his hands full in about 8 months.” That poor fool. I feel bad for him.

“Well, guess what I just found out.”

“I have no idea.” If they’re having twins, I’m not helping out.

“So will you. Zach, I’m pregnant.”

“Holy crap! Really?” I hug her. This is the best news in the world.

“Yes, Zach, really. I guess this baby wants to be best friends with a Quiseng.”

“Then it’s going to be just like me.”

“And if their baby is more like Morgan then our baby is more like me.”

“If their baby is more like Morgan, I wish them the best of luck.” She laughs

“Zach, I love you.”

“I love you, too, Brooklyn.” She and I will be the most awkward parents in the world and this baby better get used to it.

♠ ♠ ♠
The castles are actually our dream. Like, the whole little world.