Not Going Home Alone

Brooklyn's Message

Zach’s POV:

It’s been a week since Brooklyn’s gone missing. I’m in Washington, hoping she was just homesick.

“Hello, Zach. How are you doing?”

“Mr. and Mrs. Reeder, do you know where Brooklyn is?” I hate to start out with that, but I need to know she’s safe.

“No, we actually haven’t heard from her in about a week. Is something wrong, Zach?” Mrs. Reeder is freaking out.

“Yes, actually, something is very wrong. Morgan and I have no clue where she is. No one has heard from her for a week, but I know that something isn’t right. There are these idiot girls and I’m pretty sure they have something to do with this. One of them wants to date me, and she is doing anything she can to get me.”

“Do you have any idea where she could be?”

“No, I don’t. I’m looking everywhere hoping for a clue.”

“We’re sorry, Zach. We hope you find her soon.” Mr. Reeder is the only who can speak right now.

“So do I. I’ll call you as soon as I find her.” I run, trying to find her. “Brooklyn, where are you?”

*Brooklyn’s POV*

“How are you? Actually, I don’t care how you are. Here’s your food.” Alison shoves a tray of mush in front of me.

“Don’t I at least get one phone call? Can I tell someone that I’m safe?”

“You can text 3 people, but Ariel or I will read over it to make sure you don’t say anything you shouldn't.”

“I have no clue where I am!”

“You are still in California.” Because that helps me out so much.

“Can I get un-handcuffed and have my phone?”

“No, Alison will type for you.” Ariel comes to the door. “I can’t believe you’re even letting her communicate with people. Idiot.” Ariel leaves again.

“You don’t have to put up with that.” I have to win this girl over so I can get out of here.

“Again, yes I do.” She takes my phone. “Who do you want me to text?”

“Zach, Morgan, and one of my parents.” She finds them and sends a quick message. “What did you tell them?”

“That you are fine, but want nothing to do with them anymore.” I can't believe she would say that.

“Can I send one message please? To make sure they get the point.” I have a plan, but it requires them to think a lot. I'm not sure that's something they can do, but I have to try.

“Whatever.” She tosses me my phone. Heat Might Increase Witch Knowledge. She reads over it. “What the heck does that mean?”

“It means that as time goes on, I move on. Trust me, they’ll get it.” Really it means, help me I was kidnapped. I’m just hoping Morgan and Zach are smart enough to figure it out on their own.

“You people are weird. I can’t wait for Ariel and Zach to start dating so I can have Brent.” She walks back upstairs. Now all I can do is wait.
