The City


I always dreamed of twirling and singing on a stage in New York City. I dreamed I would be in the spot light looking out at the crowd planted in Madison Square Garden. I would sing my songs I’ve wrote at age 15 about losing love and gaining some, but so far I got a little coffee shop in downtown. I’ve gone to this same exact coffee café for years. Ever since I’ve been a little girl I sung every Friday night on the little makeshift stage in the corner of the Onclave. My name is Eva Moore. My father, William, was my role model. He also had to same dream that I too dream about every night. He wanted to be a singer but at age 45 he died in a terrible accident. That left my mother and my older brother to raise me. We lived upstairs from the Onclave in a little apartment. I remember every night I heard the wonderful music that would soak through the walls and floors.
Every Friday I would scurry down the stairs and onto the stage. I was never scared; I knew the people would love me if they gave me a change. And when they did, they would. I was the full package. I had the looks, the voice, and the personality. Paul, the owner of the café, would let me and my brother work there for extra cash. It was the best times of my life but soon ended. My mother had discovered cancer in her blood. We moved closer to my aunt and uncle in London for the late night runs to the hospital for my mother. At age 60 my mother died leaving me and my brother alone. We didn’t blame her or my father for leaving, we knew it was time for them to go, but we missed them each and every day. My brother soon found the right girl, right timing and moved on with his life while I get a studio apartment in central London.
My brother and I were almost identical. Sometimes we would be assumed twins but my brother is 4 years older than me. We both had my father’s pale completion and freckles but mother’s blue eyes. We had light blonde hair like my father and stood tall and proud like he always had. My brother and I would get together almost every Friday and sing for each other but soon that ended when Danny moved back to Ohio.
Now, it’s just me and my cat, Pewdi, living in a crappy apartment building with a job that pays only so much. I am a waitress at a little café that reminds me of home. I don’t have my Ph.D. or anything fancy; I am still chasing my dream, if my father taught me anything it that you never give up.
I throw my keys in the bowl next to the front down and kick off my shoes. Pewdi, my ginger cat, runs over to my legs and entwines his body threw them. I look down and laugh. I pick up the large cat and kiss it on the nose. As the feline meows I gently set him down and walk over to the bedroom. I have only one hour to make it down to work and I still need to stop at the post office. I throw on my skinny jeans and plain white V-neck shirt and boots. I grab my coat and scurry out the door. I look out of the glass windows and sigh.
“Shit.” I say under my breath as I see the rain beating on the ground. I open the door and run out into the wet spring air and grab a cab.
“3654 Grove Ave. Please” The man nods and begins driving. I pull out my phone and look at the twitter app. I scroll down my mentions and see Gavin has tweeted me.
‘Hope to see you tonight! You are going to rock the house; I have a present for you! See you soon Love. Xx’
I favorite the tweet and lock my phone. Gavin has been with me since we first moved here. Soon after I met him he asked me out. We had a good time and after a couple more dates we are official dating. I was happy to have someone in my life, as all of the people I loved left me I needed company. Gavin was a good man. He always was there for me and he supported me on my dreams. All in all I think I love him.
The cab stops at the little café on the corner and Gavin is waiting outside with an umbrella. I blush at his cute remark and pay the driver.
“Thank you.” I say as I hand the man his money. I open the door and hug Gavin. He kisses me on the lips and when I pull away I look up at the gorgeous man. He has beautiful blue eyes with light brown hair. He is tone and tan with a soothing Australian accent. He said he moved here when we were a teenager with his family and it’s just not something you lose.
“There is an opening right now, I’m sure Mark won’t mind if you aren’t on the floor at exactly 12. Remember love, your fabulously wonderful.” Gavin says holding my waist. “And then you can get your gift. I made Mark give you your break the same time he gives mine so you can open it.” I squeal in excitement, I have always loved surprises.
“Now, get in there.” He says opening the door. I wave at Mark and then take my coat off. I watch as the latest act finishes their song and look in the crowd. The same as always, hipster coffee drinkers with thick rim glasses and beanies, my kind of people. I finish the scan and get on the stage as the lead singer walks off. I look over at Gavin and he gives me the thumbs up. I mimic and then grab the stool in the corner and the guitar that is always there. I clear my throat and strum a G cord. I grab the capo and put it on the first fret then strum again. Better. I strum a D cord, then a C and then an Em. I open my mouth and bellow out the words.
Happy days, that left us on the floor,
And you breathe me
Until you're not feeling sure.
Everything will brighten up,
If we got to Brighton I’ll take you along the pier.
As I finish the first verse a man in a tan suit walks in and sits down in the back. He doesn’t order coffee or anything else. He just sits there.
I finish the song strong and then get a round of claps. I blush and thank everyone for listening and then get off the stage.
“And another night of your beautiful voice,” Mark says handing me an apron, “How are you not known yet?” I laugh and tie the apron around my waist. I shrug and jump over the counter. Gavin is making an espresso and I laugh as he sprays the coffee all over as he tries to put hot foam on it.
“Excuse me.” I turn and see the man with the tan suit on the other side of the counter.
“Oh, Hi. How can I help you?” I say getting ready to write down his order.
“I was wondering, you were phenomenal, do you have a record deal yet? Or are you sighed with anyone?” I look up at this man and am in awe.
“No. I don’t?” I ask questionably. I put the pencil down and look back at Gavin. He is still in his own world cleaning the white coffee cups.
“Well, do you think we can talk, privately?” I nod and tell him to give me a second. I go in the back to find Mark. When I do I basically trample over him.
“Can I take a like 10 minute early break? Pretty Please!” I say giving Mark the puppy dog eyes. Mark puts the box he was holding down and gives me a puzzled look.
“First Gav wants me to change your break, and now you want to change it again? What’s this about?”
I look at him with huge eyes and jump up and down, “There is a man out there and he asked if I had a RECORD DEAL! So that means he wants me! ME! Oh, please!”
Mark looks at me unsure then gives in. “Fine! But make it quick.” I hug him then run back out. As I get to the front of the counter I slow down.
“Sure we can talk.” I jump back over the counter and get down at a table in the back. “So.”
“I’m going to jump right to the chase, my name is Timothy Hutter and I am a partner in Atlantic Records. My boss, Steven, sent me here to this… café, to scout out talent like you. When you sang that sound by Ed Sheeran it was wonderful. I learned a little about you by that man over there, Geoff I think it was.” He points over to Gavin. “He called me a while back but my secretary finally got back to him.” I look back at Timothy. He looks legit, so I try to stay calm.
“Well what do you know about me?”
Timothy laughs and takes out a folder from his bag. He flips to a picture of me and then reads down the list.
“Well, your name is Eva Moore, your 20 years old. You can sing, but you can’t dance. You have one brother in Ohio named Daniel. He has one kid. Uhm, you work here… and you have no family.” I was taken back when Timothy threw the truth at me. “Anything I’m missing?” He asks putting his manila folder away. I shake my head and lean back.
“Okay. Well, I think we should make an appointment and go on from there.” Timothy says standing up.
“Wait, you just say me perform. What more do you want?” I ask standing up.
Timothy laughs, “Babe, you still have to impress Steven.” I watch as he walks out of the café and into the rain. I look back at Gavin and he’s smiling.
“Like your gift?” He asks walking over to me. I hug me and kiss his cheek.
“I love it, I love you. You are perfect!”