Status: only the first chapter. Later chapters will be updated throughout the months ahead


Chapter two

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Chapter 2
I woke up later that night soaked to the bone in cold sweats. I sat up quickly remembering everything up to when I blacked out while she sat in my lap. I took a look of my surroundings and gave myself a look over. I was in my undershirt and briefs, both completely soaked. A closer examination in my closet mirror revealed red claw marks on my chest and back, but thankfully no bite marks on my neck.
“What the hell did she do to me..?” I asked myself. I rubbed my head in confusion and fear. I felt disgusting from the sweat and quickly made my way to the bathroom for a shower. I was lost in thought as soon as the warm water hit me. Questions came to me one by one, one after the other. Why didn’t she kill me instead? Why didn’t she bite me? And why did she put me out of consciousness? However it wasn’t all questions about what happened last night, others were curiosity questions about what she was capable of after thousands of years of experience with herself, like how a predator trains itself to kill more efficiently and more strategically. I wanted to test them, see the full of extent of what she could do with her powers, but I couldn’t decide whether or not to risk my life looking for her. What if she wouldn’t be as merciful as last night and decided I look like a tasty meal? Either way I felt like we would meet once more in time, but how long?
After drying off and switching into a second pair of clothing, I changed my bed sheets and threw the dirty ones in the basement. A note fell out of the bundled up pile of damp blankets. I picked it up off the floor and scanned the outside. It was folded into fours and had a heart drawn on the front. I opened it:
“You’re welcome for saving you last night, and it’s too bad you weren’t away for the show last night, maybe next time it’ll be different. See you soon…”
I journeyed back into my room, standing at the door way and simply observing. I felt that my room had changed in a way. A couple minutes passed by before I saw it.
“What are you looking at?” My mom snuck up behind me. I jumped from her sudden appearance.
“Oh my god, you scared the crap out of me.”
“Is everything alright?”
“Yes, I just had nightmare.”
“Are you going to be alright?”
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“Yes mom. How was work?”
“Quiet, what is on your chest?” She turned me towards her.
“Mom its nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“Did someone attack you?
“No. To be honest I really have no idea what happened last night. I was at a party-.”
“Are you drunk?” She snapped.
“What? No! You can even breathe test me if you want.”
“So you remember nothing at all?”
“No.” She leaned against my doorway and glanced around as well.
“If you say so.” She muttered. I rolled my eyes. She always said those words when she was about to snoop around and look for clues about what actually happened. She was a detective, and a mother, so I can’t get mad at her for doing her job. It was just in her nature to find things. I closed my door and began setting my new sheets. In the process I found the change in my room. Scratch marks were carved into the headboard of my bed, one set of claws looking if hands were planted against it, and another forming a word.
“Hera...?” I mouthed. I sighed, fell onto my newly set bed, and stared at my blank ceiling. I was too tired to really think about how the scratch marks made their way onto the headboard, but the name stuck in my head. Hera was the Queen of Mt. Olympus, and husband to the Greek god Zeus. That didn’t explain to me why it was there though.
Morning came rushing upon me. I was exhausted from last night, that after minutes of lying in bed I simply crashed. It was eleven in the morning when I awoke, and just reaching twelve when I left for the library one more time. A choking fog shrouded the county from the previous storm making the air thick, humid, and warm. No one walked the streets today like on a normal Saturday. After last night, nothing felt the same anymore. My world was rocked by a creature that everyone believes to only be a legend, but as it turns out, she was very real. Despite being alone, I felt as if eyes were planted on me. Maybe it was her watching my every move. The thought gave me chills against the warm air. I stopped at the ally where the event took place and peered down its narrow stretch. The thug still littered the ground with his corpse, and his blood still painted the walls and stained the ground beneath him. I turned away and moved forward. To my fortune I made it to the library safely and in one piece. I still
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wondered why that girl didn’t rip my throat out like she did with the thug, as well as why she claimed me last night as I was subdued by her drug of blood. Still I’d rather be a pet and stay alive than deny it and lose my head. Upon entering the library, I sat down at a computer and began more research, this time strictly on her powers.
“Speed, agility, completely immortal…” I went down the list.
“Why do you use a computer when you can just ask me?” I felt her nails run down the front of my shirt and across my chest.
“Your warmth is simply addicting…” Her hands were frigid against me.
“It just makes me feel alive…” She continued, biting her lip.
“Feeling alive doesn’t always have its perks you know.” I said, looking at her fingers as they trace circles on my chest.
“Yeah, I guess, but I love feeling the warmth and the beat of a heart all to myself, especially after last night… I didn’t want to stop.”
“Well actually, I’m kind of glad that you’re here. I’ve got some questions for you.”
“You were looking for me? How sweet.” She gave me a grin.
“How come you didn’t bite me?” I turned to her.
“I didn’t need yours at the time since I killed that man and took his.”
“So you’re not going to bite me?”
“I never said I wouldn’t.” She whispered into my ear. I felt her fang on my earlobe. The points on her fangs were so sharp that they drew blood. I felt shivers go up my spine.
I moved my head away and asked, “Why me?” I felt her tongue run up my ear and collect the blood. I blushed a bit and turned back to my computer, closing the tabs and logging off.
“You interest me, for a human that is. When I noticed you doing a mass amount of research I actually assumed you were a threat, but now I realize you’re still a squishy human.”
“How could a human even be a threat to you? You can’t die.”

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“You’d actually be surprised how powerful your race is in numbers. Both of my brothers were taken from me because of your kind.” She sneered.
“How is that even possible? Your kind is immune to all types of vampire bane and you’re immortal. What could possibly kill you?”
“My one brother, Ares, after he split up from my other brother and I thousands of years ago, he tried living in a small town on the island of Crete. When the townspeople found out what he really was, they captured him in his sleep and buried him alive.”
“How did they manage that?”
“When you have a whole town with hundreds of people gang up on you, it’s too much for us to even handle.”
“That will do it guess. What about your other brother?”
“My last brother, Jonas and I were doing good living in the Mediterranean, but when a VA in the Czech Republic recognized us, he alerted all the agents in the country and sent us running for America. We thought we were clear until we made it to the docks of New York where the boat we were on was set to flames in order to distract us. The VA agents’ boarder the boat and performed a ceremony that had the ability to end our lived… Jonas threw me into the water to make it look like he was the only one on board of my kind, then I just went on with my life. It’s what he would have wanted.” I actually saw tears welding up in her eyes, but she fought them back before any could descend her pale cheeks.
“What are VA agents?”
“They’re called Vampire Assassins; they’ve killed off the other assassins and my kind was the last one left. Now I’m the only one that’s alive I believe.
“Their name sounds corny” I stated.
“I’m glad you feel sorry for me.” She shook her head and sat down on the chair next to me.
“Sometimes I wonder if your kind has any feelings for anything other than yourselves.” She scorned. I turned away and wiped my face with my palms.
“Where are your brothers and sisters?” She suddenly asked.
“I’m an only child.” I answered.
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“What about your parents?”
“I only have my mother.”
“What about your father?”
“Does getting bitten hurt?” I asked.
“Is he dead?” She kept on topic.
“I feel like it hurts.”
“Don’t change the subject. Your father?”
“He’s dead to me, sucked into a life of drugs and begging, and he’s nothing but a shithead to me and my mother.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. I assume you take after your mother more.” She joked.
“Not like I had a chance to take after my dad. Definitely the best way for me live is without him.” I got up and began walking away.
“It doesn’t hurt much.” She answered. I stopped and looked at her.
“Getting bitten, it doesn’t hurt that bad.”
“I saw you tear out that man’s throat.”
“I was bent on killing him since he threatened you.” I gave her a strange look.
“What was the point of saving me?” I questioned
“Like I said, I was hoping to be friends.” She swiveled around to face me.
“So you can drink my blood regularly without almost decapitating me?” She gave me a nod.
“Any more questions for me sweetie?” She smirked. I had many more for her. I was curious on everything about her, however, I was utterly terrified of her. It was impossible to ignore the fact that in any moment she could simply tear me to shreds in a flash, but to have a real vampire at my exposal was tantalizingly extraordinary. With her help I could easily ace this project and whatever history lessons I have left.
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“Why are your names based off the Greek gods?”
“We lived with the Greeks for the majority of our lives mainly cause they praised us as gods, believing we were Hera and Ares, the queen of Olympus and the God of war. Jonas named himself of a local villager. We weren’t in any huge cities though, just a town of the coast.”
“Did they ever find out you weren’t really gods and goddesses?”
“Yes, we had to destroy the town so no one could set out word of our kind. After that we agreed it was too dangerous to stay together, and sadly Ares decided he would sail to the island of Crete and attempt to live, and then well, you know the rest.” Her voice hushed whenever she would talk about her brother’s deaths.
“You have thousands of years under your belt huh..?” I looked down.
“Yeah, thousands of years without any family. It isn’t a happy life living with the familiar we call sorrow for eternity. It makes me wish I could just die along with you humans.” She admitted. I looked into her eyes. The sorrow she mentioned was easily visible within them as she mourned her brothers for the rest of time.
“I really am sorry about your family. I don’t want you to think I’m heartless like most of my kind.” Her smile grew as she wiped away a tear. I learned that day that even vampires have feelings of sadness and love.