Status: Ongoing

So, Dante is telling the Truth

CIRCLE III: West Avenue

There was a sudden heavy burden in my heart.
Cerberus! Pummeled me to the ground and they spoke to me consecutively
“Here I rip the escaping glutton apart.”

Oh! The glutton screamed and easily dismembered.
After Cerberus spat him, then he formed back to his original form.
Glutton: This is far opposite from the indulgence I had as I can remember!

The gluttons were purged with hailstones and clay.
Here they live with the gluttonous creations of the maker.
Damned souls and condemned with Cerberus to play.

A sinner climbed up the crater full of dirty snow.
I recognize that face! Surprised and shocked
It was the king of rock and roll!

Elvis: “Food was always on my mind.
Oh sweet Caroline! Please God help me to endure this tribulation.”
Elvis to me: “Please! When you get back, pray for the souls in the grind.”

Me to Elvis: “This is a request that I shall endeavor.”
Suddenly, the hound dog smacked him back to the crater
Cerberus: "I will make sure that he’ll stay here today, tomorrow, and forever."

Dante: “You see, even the renowned people are here.
More you will see and the inevitable judgment is a reality."
Me to Dante: “That reality and all of these are what I fear.”

Here lies the portal to the next world.
Hoarders and wasters are in that area.
Avarice and prodigality are what they have learned.